"Obey the emperor's order!"

Greedy Wolf and the other seven star monarchs responded in unison.

The seven of them are the younger brothers of Emperor Gou Chen, and they also belong to Emperor Gou Chen, who are usually brothers and subordinates at this time.

"Well, go ahead. "

Emperor Gou Chen nodded slightly, closed his eyes slightly, opened his right hand, and a palm-sized picture emerged, gradually becoming larger, and in an instant, it turned into a nine-foot nine-foot diagram suspended behind Gou Chen's head.

There is a divine light lingering on the map, and the Dao looms, and the streamer hangs down to shroud Emperor Gou Chen.

It is a sacred, solemn, solemn breath, the sky shines on thousands of miles, giving people the feeling of the lord of all gods, the lord of the gods.

The divine light in his body flowed like substance, as if the Nine Heavens Galaxy was rushing, and that feeling was like another galaxy was about to emerge.

In the back of his head, the billions of gods and demons in the pantheon map became more and more solidified, and a venerable god and demon statue was about to jump out of the pantheon map.

Finally, a tallest god and demon came out of the pantheon map, stepped into the body of Emperor Gou Chen, and coincided with him.

That phantom figure is thousands of miles tall in the picture, but when it enters the body of Emperor Gou Chen, it does not shrink, but it fits inexplicably, as if Emperor Gou Chen has manifested the heaven and earth of the law, but in fact, there is no change in the size of Emperor Gou Chen.

After this god and demon phantom completely coincided with Emperor Gou Chen, his aura fluctuated violently, and his momentum climbed extremely high, but after an instant, it fell sharply, and after a moment, it began to climb again, so repeatedly, his breath became more and more intense, and it took nine times before his breath slowly calmed down.

Then, in the pantheon map behind his head, a majestic and vast sky city appeared, and the god and demon phantom in the body of Emperor Gou Chen retreated into the pantheon map, sitting on the divine throne of the sky city, and accepting the worship of hundreds of millions of gods and demons.

The worship, chanting, prayer, worship, and kowtowing of billions of gods and demons, how mighty, the sound of the gods vibrates, and they chant the gods of Emperor Gou Chen together.

"Pantheon diagram, finally completed, the last step, finally crossed, Haotian, you can't suppress me." "

The corner of Emperor Gou Chen's mouth outlined a smile, opened his eyes and looked at the Nine Layers of Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor's eyes were faint, and his eyes were inexplicable.

Emperor Gou Chen raised the wine bottle, and immediately a fairy filled the wine, Emperor Gou Chen raised his glass from afar, and said silently: "Drink." "

Drink it all in one fell swoop.

"Gou Chen, Gou Chen. "

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes, but there was a cold light in his eyes, and his face became more and more cold: "Why are there always fools who don't know whether they are dead or alive to challenge Xuan?

As a Great Heavenly Venerable, he has ruled the four realms for hundreds of millions of years, but he has also encountered many challengers, among which the most powerful and tyrannical is the Punishment Heaven.

Sun Wukong's big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace is just a joke, although it has set off a lot of turmoil in the Nine Heavens, but in fact, Sun Wukong did not enter the Lingxiao Hall at all, and was blocked in the Lingxiao Hall.

However, the punishment heaven was hard to enter the Nine Heavens, enter the Lingxiao Hall, fight with the Jade Emperor, and finally die of exhaustion.

As for Rulai, it is the existence that the will of the Heavenly Dao in the underworld has supported and confronted the Jade Emperor, otherwise with the existence of such a majestic talent as the Jade Emperor, how can he watch Rulai rise to contend with himself and divide the authority of the four realms?

And now, Rulai, who was supported by the will of Heaven's Dao, was not willing to succumb to the will of Heaven's Dao, so the dark side was born, coupled with the promotion of the Jade Emperor, Lawlessness came into being.

When the strength is not enough, such as the Jade Emperor, such an existence may obey the destiny of heaven, once the wings are hardened, with their hearts, they will not succumb to people at all, even if this "person" is just the will of heaven.

With their hearts, they did not allow the will of the Heavenly Dao to be above them at all, what they wanted was to be above the will of the Heavenly Dao.

If the one who challenges the authority after coming is the Ziwei Emperor, unlike his brother Gou Chen the Great Taoguang Yanghui, Ziwei the Great is extremely high-profile, Mu Xiu will destroy it in the forest wind, so Ziwei the Great is gone, and the Gou Chen Emperor who Taoguang Yanghui is still alive.

And now, Emperor Gou Chen has taken the last step, the pantheon diagram has been condensed, and there is no need to worry about anything.

"Your Majesty, Nezha will never return. "

Taibai Xingjun walked into the Lingxiao Hall and reported softly.

"Nezha... It seems that this nephew of Xu is going to completely break with Xuan!"

The Jade Emperor sneered.

Taibai Xingjun trembled: "Your Majesty, do you need to summon the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to arrest him?"

"Pass on the will, Li Jing leads a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to capture Yang Jian, Nezha!"

Taibai Xingjun's face froze: "Your Majesty, let Li Jing capture Nezha, father and son cannibalize, I'm afraid Li Jing won't do his best." "

The Jade Emperor fluttered lightly: "This is when Li Jing is tested, it depends on how Li Jing chooses." "

"Obey. "

Feeling the chill in the Jade Emperor's words, Taibai Xingjun trembled and retreated.

A companion monarch is like a companion tiger, not to mention that this monarch is still a great Tianzun who rules the four realms, which makes Taibai Xingjun dare not relax in the slightest.

After Taibai Xingjun left, the Jade Emperor's face suddenly fluctuated, and his figure moved, and he had already arrived at Yaochi.

The graceful and luxurious queen mother was lazy and half lying on the throne, especially the eyebrows were a little vermilion, and the thrilling and beautiful style made the Jade Emperor slightly moved.

The two have the name of husband and wife, but when there is no husband and wife, don't say skin kisses, the Jade Emperor has never even touched his fingers.

Although the Jade Emperor is not obsessed with lust, if he can have a prince's mother Fangze, the Jade Emperor will be very happy.

It's a pity that among the four realms, the queen mother is one of the few immortals that he dares not snub.

This is the head of a female fairy with a beautiful style that makes any male fairy feel up and down, and if you want to conquer such a female fairy, you must be stronger than her and absolutely suppressed.

The Jade Emperor asked himself that there was no such means.

"Here you are. "

The queen mother's red lips opened lightly.

"All stand down. "

The fairies beside the queen mother spoke softly, and the dancing fairies quickly retreated after giving gifts, and only the two fairies beside the queen mother and the mother stayed respectfully.

"How is Xiang Yu's heel?"

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne beside the Queen Mother, and a female fairy immediately poured wine for the Jade Emperor, and then retreated to the side with the wine jug in hand.

"I'm afraid this result is not a good thing for you. The queen mother said.

The Jade Emperor said lightly: "Shu has ruled the four realms for hundreds of millions of years, what can make Xu unbearable? "

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