Mother Wang's face became solemn: "The existence of covering Xiang Yu's heels is very strong, very strong, stronger than you and me, in order to deduce Xiang Yu's heels, I lost a thousand years of Dao, but it is only one or two..."

The wine bottles that the Jade Emperor put to his mouth were all put down, on the way of deduction, among the four realms, the queen mother Niangniang dared to say the second, and no one dared to call the second, so the Jade Emperor had long asked the queen mother Niangniang to deduce Xiang Yu's heels, and whether the existence of refining Kunpeng into a body was emperor jun.

The latter time is too short and has not yet been deduced, but Xiang Yu's heels have already deduced one or two.

"Xiang Yu is not from this realm!"

"This realm?"

The queen mother nodded: "To be precise, it does not belong to heaven, not the way of earth, not the way of Meru, and not the way of hell." "

"Beyond the four realms, is there really an extraterritorial?"

The Jade Emperor was short of breath, and the Queen Mother understood why the Jade Emperor's mood was so agitated.

Why couldn't the Jade Emperor break through the Golden Immortal to reach a realm that no one had ever reached?

If it takes a hundred steps to reach the end of the Golden Immortal, the Jade Emperor has already walked, even one hundred and one, one hundred and two steps, and Rulai has already reached a hundred steps.

If it weren't for the suppression of the will of the Heavenly Dao that made the Jade Emperor unable to break through, how could Rulai have a chance to compete with the Jade Emperor?

The Jade Emperor knew very well that if he could not break through the Golden Immortal, one day, there would be more and more existences who walked to the Golden Immortal One Hundred Steps, even if he was extremely sublimated and reached the Golden Immortal One Hundred and Five, One Hundred and Eight, or even One Hundred and Nine, but there was still no qualitative gap, and those existences who reached the Golden Immortal One Hundred Steps still had the possibility of challenging him.

First it was Punishment Tian, then Rulai, and now Gou Chen, all of them were existences that had reached the end of the Golden Immortal.

And the Jade Emperor knew very well that there was at least one hand that had the opportunity to reach the end of the Golden Immortal.

If he can go outside the domain, the world without the will of Heaven Dao to break through the realm of the Golden Immortal, then it will be enough to suppress everything steadily, and there is no need to take the steel wire road of challenging the will of Heaven's Dao.

If it wasn't for Di Jun being injured in the battle with the incarnation of the will of Heavenly Dao, with him and Kunpeng, who were not yet at their peak, how could he kill Di Jun.

"The existence of covering Xiang Yu's heels is stronger than you and me, then the probability is to surpass the existence of the Golden Immortal, if we can go outside the domain, you and I have the opportunity to surpass the Golden Immortal, so Xiang Yu will definitely not die." The Jade Emperor said slowly.

The queen mother was slightly sarcastic: "It is worthy of being the Jade Emperor..."

Originally, Xiang Yu was already a person who had to be killed in the Jade Emperor, but now he had become a person who absolutely could not die in the mouth of the Jade Emperor.

What is the difference between this face and the people of the human world.

Gods and demons immortal Buddhas, in addition to the strength is stronger than people, in essence there is no difference from people, they all have seven emotions and six desires, and even in terms of interests, they care more than people, and the fight is more fierce.

Of course, some gods and demons immortal Buddha have lost the slightest seven emotions and six desires, that is because the practice is too forgetful, the whole person is a cultivation machine, dedicated to the avenue.

But even if it is too forgetful, it will not yield in terms of benefits.

In the face of the sarcasm of the queen mother, the Jade Emperor did not mean to be angry, although he and the queen mother were not husband and wife in the substantive sense, but the two were the most staunch allies, the Jade Emperor's scheme, she knew nine out of ten, so for the queen mother, the Jade Emperor rarely concealed it.

Although ridiculed, the queen mother did not forget to get down to business: "You want to get the way to go to the outside domain from Xiang Yu's mouth, but Xiang Yu is not a fool, not to mention that there is a more powerful existence behind him than you and me, if you use tough means, even if you go outside the domain, you may not be able to survive." "

The Jade Emperor pondered: "In this way, we should consider one or two, first explore Xiang Yu's mouth." "

The queen mother changed her tone: "Gou Chen has also reached the end of the golden immortal now, and the Taoguang Yanghui before he left is no longer disguised, if you let him kill the Bull Demon King, he may not go." "

The Jade Emperor shook his head slightly and chuckled: "Queen Mother, although you are the head of the female fairy, after all, there is still less fighting, and Gou Chen will go." "


The queen mother chuckled: "You just decide?"

"Taoguang can raise obscurity, but Gou Chen Taoguang has been raising obscurity for too long, he has lost the slightest edge for a long time, he has forgotten how much time he has for a long time, without the edge, he has the strength to compete with Xuan, but he will always be crushed by me." "

"Millions of years ago, when Ziwei died, Xu was the most suspicious, if he dared to question me, or even fight with Xuan, Xu would still look up at him, now..."

The Jade Emperor smiled lightly, without the slightest hint of mockery, as if he was stating a fact.

"So although he now has the strength to fight with Xin, he will subconsciously seek stability, since this is the case, he will not tear his face with Xin, he will go..."

Mother Wang's eyes flashed: "Even if as you said, Dijun is still alive, he even lost Kunpeng to you, and the Bull Demon King and other demons may not take it to heart..."


The Jade Emperor sighed softly, and there was a trace of fear hidden in the depths of his eyes.


Demon Court, half of the four realms of the demon race are in the demon court, and the demon court is jointly controlled by the seven great saints of the demon race, and after the suppression of the Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong and even after his death, only the six great saints who control the demon court remain.

Six great saints, each of which is a golden immortal cultivator.

In fact, although Sun Wukong was originally an old man, his strength was also upstream among the seven great saints, but after being suppressed, Sun Wukong's strength stagnated, and the great saints who were originally inferior to Sun Wukong surpassed him one after another, breaking through to the golden immortals one by one.

If Sun Wukong was still alive, he was the only one of the seven great saints who was a heavenly immortal.

At this time, in the core area of the demon court, the incomparable figures of the six great shores sat opposite each other, each with different breaths, or majestic, or gloomy, or tyrannical, or hot, or calm, or domineering, the same is to give all the demon races a sense of oppression that cannot breathe.

The Pingtian Great Saint Bull Demon King lightly clasped the throne and spoke indifferently: "Haotian is no longer allowed to us, will it be a battle?"

"Fight!" the Great Sage Demon King of the Sea Covered said sonorously.

"There's nothing to say, fight him upside down!" The Great Saint Yu Tamarin King's eyebrows were full of tyranny and killing intent.

The Great Sage of Moving Mountains nodded slightly: "This time Haotian has made up his mind to get rid of us, brothers, don't take chances, it's better to be broken for jade than to be complete!

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