"What the hell!"

Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes, but saw a pair of eyes less than a foot away from him, staring straight at him, and suddenly his heart jumped, and he almost slapped out.

When he lifted his palm, he found that the owner of these eyes was Xun Cheng.

"Breakthrough?" Xun Xun's tone was sour.

"Hmm. "

Zhang Sanfeng slowly got up and nodded, chuckling, "Xun Cheng, are you jealous of me?"

Xun Cheng snorted coldly, "How can I be jealous of a junior!"

Zhang Sanfeng said leisurely: "Xun Cheng, don't be mistaken, I am older than you, according to my age, I am your senior." "

Xun Cheng was stunned and shouted, "I... I am a sage! You have to respect me!"

"I'm older than you! I'm a senior!"

"I'm Qin Shiren!"

"I'm older than you! I'm a senior!"

"I am the sons of you!"

"I'm older than you! I'm a senior!"

"Taoism absorbs a lot of Confucian theories is my theory!"

"I'm older than you! I'm a senior!"

"Can we not say age?"

"Well, my strength is stronger than yours, and the master is a teacher. "

Xun Chong burst into tears, hanging his head and walking to the side, weak strength and no human rights.

"Congratulations. "

Xiang Yu nodded slightly to Zhang Sanfeng, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Director. "

Zhang Sanfeng was a little flattered, and Xiang Yu didn't have much expression on his face all day long, let alone a smile.

Yue Mulong, Cao Changsheng and the others had unconcealed envy in their eyes, returning to the Void Realm, and they didn't know when they would be able to step in.

"Director, what should I do next?" asked Yue Buqun softly.

Xiang Yu said, "I'll talk about it when I see Haotian." "


Xiang Yu stepped out and stepped into the Nine Heavenly Gate and came to the South Heavenly Gate.

"Stop coming!"

The Growth Heavenly King snorted.

"Shut up!"

Wang Lingguan drank lowly, a smile appeared on his face, quickly greeted him, and bowed: "Great Emperor, Great Tianzun is waiting for you." "

Xiang Yu's face was expressionless, and he stepped into the South Heavenly Gate, entered the Heavenly Court, and walked towards the Lingxiao Hall.

"Wang Lingguan, which great emperor is this?"

Only after Xiang Yu left did the Growth Heavenly King ask in a low voice.

Wang Lingguan snorted coldly: "It is the Ziwei Emperor who killed the Buddha Dharma Body and defeated the Sun Emperor and the Taiyin Star Lord alone." "

"It turned out to be this great emperor. "

The Growth Heavenly King was a little afraid, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Thank you, it's good that you drank and scolded in time, otherwise I am afraid that I will offend the Ziwei Emperor." "

As an immortal god who guards the South Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Court portal, the status of the Growth Heavenly King in the Heavenly Court is neither high nor low, no matter what kind of emperor or emperor, it is definitely not something he can offend.

Marshal Ma, the guard of the Southern Heavenly Gate, suddenly said: "This Ziwei Emperor was just canonized back then, and he was closed for a hundred years, and I heard that he was seriously injured because of the Battle Sun Emperor and the Taiyin Star Lord?"

Wang Lingguan looked at him in surprise: "Lonely, the Emperor Ziwei was seriously injured by the Immortal Flying Knife. "

All the guards of the South Heavenly Gate gasped in unison, their faces were full of shock, and a flush appeared on Marshal Zhao's face as black as iron stone: "Is that the flying knife that the golden immortals cannot escape as soon as the flying knife comes out?

The words of these guards were all listened to by Xiang Yu, and at this time, he had already stepped into the Lingxiao Hall.

The solemn, majestic Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor sat on the treasure table, his eyes were slightly closed, and his figure was the same as ordinary people, but when he looked up at the sky, he would inexplicably feel that his figure was as tall as the sky.


Xiang Yu looked directly at the Jade Emperor, and his footsteps were clear.

The Jade Emperor under the crown slowly opened his eyes, his strong aura locked on Xiang Yu, and he was straight to the point: "Ziwei, what are you doing here from outside the domain?"

For the words of the Jade Emperor, Xiang Yu was not surprised, the strong breath of the Jade Emperor brushed him like a breeze:

"You can't say. "

By saying this, he admitted that he was an outsider, but the purpose of coming here could not be to inform the Jade Emperor.

"What kind of world is it outside the domain?"

The Jade Emperor's face was flat: "What is the difference with the Four Realms?"

"Far greater than the Four Realms. "

"But how much stronger is there someone than Xuan?

Xiang Yu did not speak.

If you don't speak, you just don't want to speak.

The atmosphere of Lingxiao Hall gradually solidified, and it was about to explode.

Suddenly, all the powerful beings in the four realms felt a palpitating fluctuation coming, and the Jade Emperor, Rulai, actually felt the excitement of the will of the Heavenly Dao, the throbbing of the Heavenly Dao, and couldn't help but be surprised.

At this moment, the ancient existence of the Four Realms, who did not know how much latent cultivation, was awakened, and a wave of powerful divine consciousness swept through the void, sweeping around, looking for the source that caused the will of the Heavenly Dao to change drastically.

Emperor Gou Chen's eyes lit up, looking into the void, his body trembled slightly at this time, and he lost his voice: "Impossible? Isn't he already dead? Impossible! Impossible! How could he still be alive?"

Yao Chi, the queen mother and mother felt in her heart, and Gou Chen the Great looked in one direction, her face was white, and there was no graceful and luxurious atmosphere:

"No way! He's dead! Absolutely impossible to live!"

Heavenly Pillar, this is the highest mountain of the Human Dao, and the Human Dao legend says that if you climb the Heavenly Pillar, you can ascend to the Immortal Realm.

And many immortal gods set up the cave mansion in the Heavenly Pillar.

On this day, the Heavenly Pillar shook violently, and a huge head broke open and rose, shaking the galaxy.

Countless immortal gods soared into the air, stunned to see their cave mansion destroyed.

This is an old turtle, old and terrifying, and the breath is so powerful that it makes the hearts of countless immortal gods who set up the cave mansion on the heavenly pillar palpitate.

This heavenly pillar has existed for I don't know how many years, and it is not clear to the immortal gods for a long time, but no one knows that this heavenly pillar actually exists on an old turtle, and they are all stunned.

This old turtle ignored these immortal gods, his eyes exploded, he was angry and bullfighting, and said angrily: "You guy, I'm sleeping... Sleeping...... Huh? How long have I been asleep? I've been asleep for so long, just to avoid you, why do you guys have to be resurrected?

Saying that, in the stunned gaze of the immortal gods, his limbs moved, and the broken heavenly pillar on his back disappeared in an instant.

Diwei became more and more mighty, fearful, surrendering, and supreme majesty.

"The soul returns! The soul returns!"

This voice became louder and louder, louder and more deafening.

Between heaven and earth, a huge phantom figure slowly emerged.

Seeing this phantom, the Jade Emperor's pupils shrank sharply.

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