"Your Majesty!"

When the Nine Babies saw this phantom figure, tears ran rampant, and they knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

That was Di Jun, at this moment, all living beings trembled, and I didn't know how many living beings worshipped them.

The phantom became more and more solid, the breath was majestic, and the brilliance was brilliant, and the phantom stood there, as if even the will of the Heavenly Dao was about to be suppressed, turning into a momentum that made all living beings worship.

The first Heavenly Emperor in heaven and earth is holy, a very noble, powerful emperor's breath pervades you, the upper shock of the nine heavens and ten earths, the lower nine Nether Mansions, all things, you must surrender.

His will rules the heavens and the earth, and the immeasurable divine rule hangs in the sky like a waterfall.

Countless demon races kowtowed in this direction, extremely religious.


Di Jun glanced in the direction of Emperor Gou Chen, and then Emperor Gou Chen let out a panicked scream, which was overwhelmed by a great force, and then his body began to collapse, and it turned into flying ash in the blink of an eye.

An existence that went to the end of the Golden Immortal actually died in the hands of Di Jun in one face.

Di Jun's figure became clearer and clearer, as if he had gone from illusory to display, flesh and blood, facial features, and limbs became clear.

"Your Majesty, you are finally back. "

Some of the surviving demon clans burst into tears, extremely reverent, and looked at Di Jun with admiration.

Di Jun's gaze flowed, sweeping over Xiang Yu's body, sweeping towards Rulai, sweeping towards Wang Mu Niangniang, sweeping towards the Jade Emperor, and then sweeping towards Nine Infants, Bai Ze, and his only remaining son and daughter, Lu Peng and Yaxi.

Bai Ze looked at Di Jun with a complicated face, he had special powers, it could be seen that Di Jun was not alive, nor was he reborn, and the current Di Jun was a special existence.

Di Jun walked towards the Heavenly Court, and all the immortals in the Heavenly Court were terrified, watching a figure that made heaven and earth tremble towards the Heavenly Court, making them unable to breathe.

An ancient being, hardened his head, said in a trembling voice: "Dijun, I didn't fall into the well back then..."

This ancient Golden Immortal power trembled and retreated, and disappeared in an instant.

No immortal god in the Heavenly Court dared to stop him, Di Jun's power was too strong, they had never faced such a powerful power.

As if returning to ancient times, Dijun was inspecting the heaven and earth he ruled, walked through the earthly road, walked through the Meru road, walked through the hell road, came to the heavenly humanity, and stepped on the South Heavenly Gate.

The Way of Meru, the Dao of Hell, the Dao of the World, countless ancient, powerful beings watched Dijun go away.

The armor on the Growth Heavenly King collided, his face trembled, and he watched Di Jun walk into the South Heavenly Gate, for a long time, he only heard a bang, and the Growth Heavenly King sat on the ground with his butt, and the weak gasps of Wang Lingguan and other immortal gods were heard in his ears.

It turned out that he was not the only one who did not dare to make a move.

Lingxiao Temple.

Hao Tian sat on the throne.

Dijun stood at the entrance.

Xiang Yu stood in the middle.

"You're still dead after all, hahahahahaha..."

Haotian looked at Di Jun, and suddenly burst into hearty laughter, and the cause and effect suddenly became all clear.

No wonder the queen mother could not deduce the heel foot behind the control of Kunpeng anyway, it turned out that this heel foot was clearly a dead existence.

It no longer exists, how to deduce?

Di Jun is indeed dead, but he is too strong, and the imprint left on this world is too strong, and even after so many years, it cannot be completely eliminated.

The current Dijun is precisely the imprint of the Dijun between heaven and earth.

This emperor jun hides between heaven and earth, controlling Kunpeng to attract Haotian's attention, so that Haotian's goal has always been Kunpeng.

He wants to turn the dead into a resurrection.

It's a pity that it has always been in vain, and all efforts are flowing water.

Knowing that a hundred years ago, he knew that he could no longer be resurrected, and the imprint that Di Jun left in the heavens and the earth had become weaker and weaker, which also meant that he was about to die.

He couldn't have watched the death of his two bloodline heirs alone, so he sent Kunpeng out.

Soon, his imprint will die completely, and before he really dies, he will be extremely sublimated, end his grudges, and end in glory.

The two biggest enemies, Kunpeng, have long been refined by him.

Haotian is still alive and well.

"Sad! Pathetic!"

Haotian slowly got up, looked at Di Jun, and shook his head: "In ancient times, you had countless generals in the Heavenly Court, and now, you are alone..."

Di Jun shot two divine rays of light, which were extremely amazing: "I can kill you!"

Di Jun's gaze was cold, and suddenly a punch was blasted out, a punch fused ten thousand laws, the void split in vain, shattered into tens of thousands of layers, Di Jun's fist crushed, and tens of thousands of layers were shattered.

"It is worthy of being the first Heavenly Emperor!"

Xiang Yu's heart was awe-inspiring, and this punch showed his superb strength.

On the throne, a domineering aura rose, and Hao Tian's palm fluttered lightly.

Only hearing the booming noise, the entire Lingxiao Hall shook violently, and the divine power fluctuations were limited to the Lingxiao Hall and could not be transmitted.

In order to show that the two did not help each other, Xiang Yu withdrew from the Lingxiao Hall.

For Xiang Yu, this change was beyond his expectations, and this big change was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

If Haotian was killed by the enemy army, it would be an excellent situation, and according to the assessment, the will of the Heavenly Dao would definitely be chaotic to the extent that the will of Daqin would easily invade.

So now he just needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.


The Lingxiao Hall shook more and more, and all the immortal gods in the immortal world could see the nine heavens, and the most magnificent building in the immortal world was crumbling.

Although the Lingxiao Hall is a large hall, in fact, the space inside is extremely wide, at least a million miles long and wide, such a space, although wide, but it cannot accommodate the life and death struggle between Dijun and Haotian.


Not long after, the Lingxiao Hall suddenly exploded, and two figures flew out, standing opposite each other.

A figure laughed loudly, the laughter became louder and louder, shaking the void, and the chest of the immortal gods was dull: "Haotian, after so many years, you still haven't grown!"

Haotian looked at Di Jun coldly.

"Dijun, since you are dead, honestly turn into dust!!"

The Southern Antarctic Immortal Emperor roared, blooming his breath, and killed towards Emperor Jun.

Behind the Immortal Emperor, there was the Eastern Pole Qinghua Emperor, who burst out with a terrifying Golden Immortal Pole Dao power.

Then another golden immortal came to kill and besiege Emperor Jun, it was the Prince of the East.

The Dongyue Great Emperor stepped forward in one step and burst out with maximum power.

Emperor Zhenwu, Queen Mother Niangniang, and finally even Xitian Rulai, Guanyin, Maitreya Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Puxian Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva all killed, plus Shanghaotian, a full thirteen golden immortals killed Emperor Jun.

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