Before falling into a coma, the young man Yingzheng saw countless iron cables across the sky in a trance, like a fierce and fierce dragon, and the masters of the Feather God Dynasty were smashed down like dumplings in the water, and suffered heavy casualties.

"I don't know if Ji Chengkong survived. "

A thought flashed.


"I'm still alive?"

The young man quickly got up, but saw a burly man covered in golden hair standing next to him with his hands in his hands, looking at him indifferently.

"You... You just..."

Seeing the chains wrapped around the burly man, the young man still didn't understand that this big man was the existence of the fierce world.

"You were captured by the Feather God Dynasty and sacrificed?"

The burly man's eyes fell on the young man Yingzheng.

"Senior, you know?"

The burly big man sneered: "The hope of the Feather God Dynasty trying to breed immortals, wishful thinking, who can hide it?"

"Thank you seniors for saving me. The young man said solemnly.


The burly man dragged the chains and walked into the abyss, and his voice came from afar: "It's not that I saved you, it's that you were lucky and didn't die when I went crazy." "

A beam of light fell into the young man's eyebrows, and one after another clear Dao maps evolved, which turned out to be a holy law tailored for the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, which was incomparably suitable for the Desolate Ancient Holy Body.

"You and I are both Desolate Ancient Sacred Bodies, and when we meet, we have a fate, and you can use the resources in the forbidden land at will. "

The young man bowed and said, "Thank you, senior!"

"Holy Body Holy Law, First Emperor Sutra, which one should I cultivate?"

The young man fell into deep thought.


The young man looked up and saw a huge golden peng bird soaring into the sky, the golden peng bird was too big, spreading its wings for more than a thousand zhang, and the whole body of tens of millions of golden feathers all bloomed with divine brilliance.


A beast roar sounded, and the mountains in the Desolate Forbidden Land trembled.

On a mountain peak, a demon beast appeared, as huge as a mountain, with an extremely terrifying sense of oppression, surrounded by a lot of black fog, a huge body looming, the shape is like a unicorn, but there are nine huge snake heads, which look particularly hideous.

Not long after, the young man saw more than a dozen strange beasts that dominated the world, all of them were terrifying, some swallowed demon clouds, covered the sky, and their bodies were as big as mountains.

Some of the whole body gods are brilliant and dazzling, surpassing the blazing sun in the sky, and all of them are extremely strange.

"No wonder the people of the Feather God Dynasty are afraid of this desolate forbidden land to death......... I am on the sacred mountain, with the deterrence of seniors, there should be no danger. "

The Forbidden Land is very large, but the core area is nine sacred mountains, compared to the majestic mountains in the Forbidden Land, the sacred mountains are very small, but not more than a thousand meters high.

At a glance, there are almost all kinds of demon gods and divine beasts everywhere, but there is not a single demon beast or divine beast on the holy mountain.

Obviously, the nine sacred mountains were a realm in the forbidden land, and that alien beast that dominated the world did not dare to set foot on it.

The dry bones on the sacred mountain are proof that there are humanoid, animal-shaped, humanoid.

"A lot of herbs. "

The young man Huan Zheng only walked a few steps, and found herbs all over the ground, a herb shimmering with green light, like a jadeite carved, almost can not be called grass, about to grow into a green tree, two meters tall, the grass heart is like a green dragon sticking out its tongue, the brilliance is a little.

Three meters away from this herb, a jade lotus plant is even more brilliant, and the nine lotus seeds in the huge lotus canopy are as big as chicken eggs, crystal clear, green as jade, and you can smell the refreshing fragrance from a long distance.

"A spring pool. "

Nine sacred mountains are connected together, surrounding into a huge abyss, black hole hole, it is difficult to see the end.

The majestic and majestic sacred mountain is quiet, lush and lush.

In the center of the flat mountain, there is a two-meter-square spring pool, gurgling and overflowing with a little crystal brilliance, like a gathering of divine liquid.

Around the two-meter-square spring pond are eleven small trees, all more than half a meter high, shining green, like carved jadeite, shining and verdant. They resemble pine trees, with clusters of needle-like leaves, like green jade divine pith, grinding out, shining brightly.

Although the eleven small trees are very low, their branches are covered with old bark, strong and powerful, winding and stretching, like dragons. They seem to have grown for hundreds of thousands of years and have existed for endless years, giving people an extremely ancient and strange feeling, not like plants, but like living fossils.

At the top of each small tree bears a brilliant golden fruit, which can be as big as a dragon's eye, crystal clear, like it is cast in gold, which is extraordinary.

The emerald-like turquoise tree bears such golden fruits, and the two look very dazzling and fragrant, which makes people intoxicated.

"Just practice here. "

The young man sat down, pondered in his heart, and thought about the previous question again.

Reason told him that he should practice the holy law that was incomparably in line with the Holy Body, but a voice in the underworld told him to let him cultivate the First Emperor Sutra.

"People don't go crazy and fool young people! Just cultivate the First Emperor Sutra!"

The young man Yingzheng made up his mind ruthlessly.

"Although the Desolate Ancient Body is powerful, it requires too many resources. "

That burly man was suspected to be the Great Cheng Holy Body, and what was passed on to the young man was not only the Holy Law of the Holy Body, but also all the information related to the Desolate Ancient Holy Land.

The Desolate Ancient Saint Body is undoubtedly an ancient and superb physique, definitely one of the most powerful physiques, and there are only a few physiques in the world that can be compared to the Desolate Ancient Holy Body.

The reason why it is called an ancient physique is because there was a period when nine generations of characters appeared one after another, one generation ended, one generation rose, and passed down from generation to generation, everyone is a holy body, invincible in heaven and earth, shaking the ancient and shining, and can fight the emperor.

Because this era is called the Age of the Desolate, it is known as the Ancient Eucharist.

However, although the Holy Body can fight the Great Emperor, it is still not a Great Emperor, and the inheritance of the Holy Body can be traced back to the mythical era, but the time is too long, and there are not many records about the Holy Body in the mythical era.

In the Desolate Age, the Eucharist could not preach the Emperor, which has to be said to be a pity, but it is doubtful that the Holy Body could preach in the early mythological era.

Although the Holy Body of the Desolate Ages can no longer be preached, the Holy Body is the physique of heaven and earth, and Dacheng is invincible to the world.

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