The young man Yue Zheng plucked a golden fruit, and the rich fruity fragrance drilled into his internal organs, which immediately made him feel refreshed, and his soul was about to float out of his body.

The golden fruit is sent to the mouth, gently chewed, the sweet taste, the fragrant aroma, turned into a tangible quality, so that his pores throughout the body are instantly relaxed, full of comfort, as if bathed in a spring breeze.

The golden fruit with the size of the dragon's eye, less than a mouthful, was crushed, turned into jade liquid, and slipped down his throat, and the young man felt like he was about to soar in the day, and he actually had the feeling of rising from the ground, fluttering.

"Sensing the wheel of life, there is a source of divine power boiling..."

The young Emperor Sutra rushed to the sea of suffering, and suddenly the light on the sacred mountain burst into a tsunami-like sound, and the bitter sea of the young Zhengzheng burst out of endless divine radiance, golden and brilliant, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

The burly man didn't know when he stepped out of the abyss again, looked at Huan Zheng and whispered to himself: "The qualification is actually so good?"

He himself was one of the nine Eucharists of that year, the Eight-hundred-year Eucharist, and there was no one in the Eucharists of the past who had less time than him.

Moreover, when he was a child, he met the previous generation of Dacheng Holy Body and had the best inheritance and resources, but even so, it took three days to open up the sea of suffering.

And this teenager actually spent less than a quarter of an hour to open up the sea of suffering, which shocked him extremely much.

Although the Eucharist is an ancient and incomparable physique, different Eucharists and different Eucharistic qualifications are also different, from 800-year Eucharistic Attainments such as burly Han to three-thousand-year Eucharistic Attainments.

The young man was silent, sitting there cross-legged, the divine brilliance in the bitter sea bloomed, brilliant, and at this moment the sound of the waves was endless, the golden light was shining, the thunder and lightning were dancing, and the waves were monstrous.

Suddenly, he reached out and took the second golden holy fruit, put it into his mouth, chewed it gently, and the luscious pulp turned into golden energy, and soon rushed to all parts of his body, his skin flashed with golden luster, and a little divine radiance rippled out.

The turbulent golden bitter sea above the sea of thunder and lightning erupted from time to time, intertwined with the monstrous tsunami, making the heaven and earth blazing, the sea and the sky connected, everywhere is brilliant golden light, extremely dazzling.

After half an hour, the golden light slowly dissipated, and in the next instant, the golden light began to bloom again!

The burly man was stunned, his eyes were bright, like two bolts of lightning, especially brilliant: "This kid wants to cultivate the wheel sea together?"


Fountain of Life!

Divine Bridge!

The other side!

Four realms of the sea and the sea

The young man's body bloomed with brilliant brilliance, and the golden energy overflowed his body, making his body shining, like a divine jade carved, and the vigorous breath of life permeated out, shimmering with treasure.

He felt the powerful divine power, the essence of life was boiling, rolling like waves, surging, his internal organs were brilliant, flawless, and his bones were even more brilliant, condensed with divine brilliance, and his skin was radiant and dazzling, not at all like flesh and blood, but like a god worshiped by the world.

The burly big man breathed a slight sigh of relief, and cultivated into a sea of wheels in one breath, it was time to stop.

As soon as this thought emerged, a leisurely sound sounded in the young man's body, and five dragon-like divine smoke rushed up from him.

The five realms of the Dao Palace: the God of the Heart, the God of the Lung, the God of the Liver, the God of the Kidney, and the God of the Spleen.

If people can nourish the gods, they will not die, the five gods will always exist, the spring will stay forever, the five qi will pass, even the heaven and the earth, endless, and can exist in the world forever.

The God of the Heart is cultivated!

The mind is the master of the body, the root of all things, and the great lord of the five internal organs.

This divine treasure, the sun among the gods, uses yang qi as a use, promotes the cycle of life energy, maintains the immortality of the human body, and makes it endless.

The God of the Lungs is cultivated!

This divine treasure is connected to the Shinto of Reiki, covering the internal organs, and the highest position, known as the canopy, called the length of the five organs. The essence of heaven and earth is extremely clear, and the source of heaven and earth is really the most important of the five gods.

This divine hide, conveying the spirit of energy, spreading to the whole body, reaching the fur, warming and nourishing the internal organs, limbs and bones, muscles and knees, the effect is beyond imagination!

The god of is cultivated!

The God of Kidneys is cultivated!

The God of Spleen is cultivated!

This god is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, nourishing the internal organs and hundreds of remains, and is the foundation of the day after tomorrow.

Dao Palace Realm is a great success!

Only then did the young man Huan Zheng open his eyes and slowly get up.

"Finally stopped. "

The burly man almost thought that the young man wanted to storm the Four Extremes Realm in one go.

The Four Extremes Realm can be an elder in many small and medium-sized sects.

If this was placed in the era after the Desolate Age, even if the Desolate Ancient Saint Body had good qualifications, it would not be possible to cultivate so quickly.

In the Desolate Ancient Era, the Desolate Ancient Saint Body was really like the physique favored by the Great Dao, the combat power of the same rank was invincible, and it could receive divine weapons with bare hands, as long as there were enough resources, the cultivation speed was far better than others.

And after the Desolate Ancient Era, the Desolate Ancient Saint Body seems to have become a physique abandoned by the Dao, although the combat power of the same rank is still invincible, but the cultivation resources are hundreds or even thousands of times that of the same realm, and even if the resources are enough, the cultivation speed is not faster than others.

Therefore, after the physique of the Desolate Age, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body will rarely have the power to cultivate.

"The Dao Palace is complete, try your strength..."

The young man took a fruit casually, put it in his mouth, and refused to swallow it a few times.

Eleven trees, each with seven or eight fruits on it, one of which had already been eaten by the young man.

If outsiders see the young man eating this fruit like a snack, I am afraid that he will be jealous of his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidney pain.

You know, each of these fruits is a holy medicine, at least 10,000 years or even 100,000 years of medicinal effects, no matter what forces it is, holy medicine is an incomparable treasure.

The sacred mountain mountain was not disturbed by strange beasts, and when the young Yingzheng came down to the holy mountain, he saw a tongue the size of a house erected in the jungle, and the green pupils were upside down, staring at the young Yingzheng deadly.

The majestic qi and blood in the young man's body had great temptation for this giant snake.


The giant snake swam quickly, and the trees on both sides of the huge body broke and fell.

At this time, the young man Yingzheng also saw the appearance of this giant snake.

More than fifteen feet in length, the body is like a truck, the whole body is dark, the palm-sized scales reflect the metal-like luster, and there are actually heroes on the head the size of the house, as if it is about to turn into a dragon.

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