The green vertical pupils burst into cruel, tyrannical eyes.

In the process of its meandering swimming, the impact of the huge body sets off earth waves like ocean waves, and from a hundred meters away, the young man can feel the vibration of the ground.

Vicious, vicious, fierce and threatening, this is the first feeling for Ying Zheng, but he is very calm in his heart and not in a hurry.


The figure of the young man in his vertical pupils got closer and closer, and then the large mouth of the house-sized blood basin opened in vain, and the fishy smelly qi sprayed out.


In the waves of fishy stench, rounds of tiny blades cut through the air, emitting a sharp screeching sound.

In an instant, it was like hundreds of machine guns firing at the same time, and even people cast in steel were cut and crushed in the cutting of thousands of wind blades.


The young man Yingzheng grabbed a thigh-thick tree next to him and uprooted the tree.


The next moment, the young man shook violently, and in the terrifying roar, his muscles violently shook, and the tree that was more than three meters long burst out.


The trees passed through the fishy air waves, and were violently cut by the wind blade, and the thigh-thick trees were cut into free egg thickness in an instant.

Laugh at!

The giant serpent let out a terrified, painful roar, and the spear tree that turned into a spear pierced his throat and penetrated the back of his head to reveal itself.

The head was pierced, the raised head of the giant snake fell with a bang, and the snake's tail violently beat the ground because of severe pain.


The ground shook, and the giant snake's vertical pupils erupted into even more brutal colors, locking the young man into the government.

It's this little bug that makes it so painful.

Its size is too large, and although the tree pierces the head, it is not a fatal injury for it.


Its snake tail jerked, and its huge body catapulted towards the young Yuzheng.

The young man Huan Zheng snorted coldly, his figure dodged the attack of the giant snake in a flash, and at the moment of dodging, he raised his palm and long knife, and the ten-meter knife light exploded, as if to split the space in half.


I only heard the sound of bones cracking, the light of the sword fell, and the huge body of the giant snake broke in response to the sound, and the blood flowed like a spring.


Suffering such fatal injuries, the giant snake let out a terrified roar, and its two bodies bounced, tumbled, and swam its upper body, trying to escape.

"Want to escape?"

The young man jumped up and landed on the head of the giant snake, pulled out the tree spear and plunged it in, so repeatedly inserted more than a dozen times, and inserted the head of the giant snake into a sieve.

The giant snake stopped moving at all.


The young man let out a long breath and jumped down from the head of the giant snake.

The upper body of the giant snake has swam thousands of meters in the process, and this path has been pressed out of a deep ravine, and the ravine is full of the blood of the giant snake.

A piece of meat was cut on the corpse of the giant snake, a fire was built, some seasoning was found in the jungle, and after half an hour, the oily and fragrant snake meat was baked.

"Senior, do you eat snake meat?"

Splitting the roasted snake meat in half, the young man Yingzheng walked to the side of the abyss and shouted loudly.

No response.

The young man Yingzheng shrugged his shoulders and was about to leave, but with a light hand in his hand, the snake meat had disappeared.

There are no years of practice, and twenty years have passed.

This year, Ying Zheng broke through the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and stepped on the first step of the Sendai Realm, which in the outside world is called half-step power.

On this day, Ying Zheng roasted a roast cow, walked to the abyss, threw the roast cow down, and shouted: "Senior! "

In the past twenty years, Ying Zheng has not seen the burly man, but there seems to be a tacit understanding that the roasted meat always has to be divided among him.


A stream of light shot out from the abyss shrouded in black mist and fell on Ying Zheng's wrist.

"Stinky boy, go, don't die outside!

The burly man's voice sounded.

Huan Zheng smiled: "Do you know what I want to do the most?"

There was no response under the abyss.

"Beat you up!"

Saying that, Ying Zheng took off and left the sacred mountain.

It's like running for your life.


The burly man appeared on the sacred mountain, looked at the figure of Ying Zheng leaving, and scolded in a low voice: "Stinky boy, beat me?


The holy city of the Eastern Wilderness Northern Region, the absolute center, in this red land, it is as famous as the Taichu Ancient Mine, and the residents of the Northern Regions hold it as a sacred land.

Late autumn hit, the weather was already cool, and occasionally one or two residual leaves hung tenaciously on the bare branches.

The oasis where the holy city is located is extremely vast, with a radius of tens of thousands of li, and the city gives a lot, compared to other states, the holy state is the calmest.

No matter how bold the rogues were, they did not dare to come to the oasis to loot, because all the major forces were stationed in this state.

The north wind is white and the grass is folding, the season of snow is not far away, and many of the pedestrians seen on the road have already worn animal skin clothes.

The avenue leading to the holy city was very wide, and there were no problem with more than a dozen carriages in parallel, and in addition to the residents of the Northern Regions, monks could be seen flying from the sky from time to time.

Boom rumble!

Hundreds of horses came like a tidal wave, these people were very arrogant, they walked in mid-air, no more than a few meters above the ground, and advanced along the road.

The brute roared, and a violent wind roared, blowing the hair of many people on the road messy, and many people glared angrily.

Some monks wanted to curse and scold angrily, but they were stopped by their companions, who pointed to the banners in front of these hundreds of horses, and the monks who wanted to scold angrily immediately shut up.

After hundreds of horses left, he said dissatisfied: "This is the son of which force, who dares to step on us outside the holy city?"

"Shut up! Don't see the flag?

"It turned out to be from the Feather God Dynasty, the overlord of Zhongzhou, can't afford to provoke, can't provoke, no wonder it's so arrogant. "

"I heard that the Feather God came to the Holy City to capture a person. "

"Such a big battle, just to capture someone?"

"Who knows. "

Huan Zheng looked at the direction where the hundreds of horses left, and muttered: "囡囡, is that you?"

No matter who it is, seeing the Holy City for the first time will be shocking.

The ancient city is extremely majestic, and the walls of the city are like a dragon lying horizontally, endlessly, like cast copper water, shimmering with metallic luster. The magnificent gate tower, up to 100 zhang, is majestic and extremely magnificent, and from afar, the ancient city gives people a suffocating sense of oppression.

The city has never been relocated since written records began, and it is not known how many years it has existed.

The city of God, also its name, is said to have been suspended in the air during the endless years, and only sank to the earth at the beginning of the Desolate Age.

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