Jiang Futian lowered his hands and looked solemn: "From beginning to end, there is only one law to break ten thousand laws." "

"Where did the strongman come from!"

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, this person was so daring that even Yu Qianhua's concubine did not hesitate to kill.

The Feather God Dynasty is the overlord of Zhongzhou and one of the top forces in the entire Beidou, although Yu Qianhua is not the prince of the Feather God Dynasty, his father is Optimus Prime of the Feather God Dynasty, a great saint.

Yu Qianhua himself is also one of the most outstanding demons of the younger generation, so Yu Qianhua's own status is not inferior to the prince of the Feather God Dynasty, even if the prince of the Feather God Dynasty sees Yu Qianhua, he must treat him with courtesy.

And now, in full view of everyone, Yu Qianhua's favorite concubine was killed.

This is different from the previous ghost-faced woman, the ghost-faced woman's strength is not strong, she killed not an important figure of the Feather God Dynasty, although the Feather God Dynasty is in trouble, but it is only a mustard moss, not a henchman.

"Kill Xuan Ying..."

"Xuan Ying is dead..."

"We're finished..."

"Kill him..."

The Feather God saw Xuan Ying killed in the hundreds of horses, they were all stunned, Xuan Ying had already stepped into the half-step power, where did they think that Xuan Ying would actually die in the blink of an eye.

For now, if they don't kill Ying Zheng to avenge it, they will all be buried.

The shouts of killing shook the sky, and in an instant, hundreds of gods were overwhelming towards the government.

Ying Zheng opened his mouth and roared, like a golden bell roaring melodiously.

The sound of the Dao moved the sky, and the sound wave was heavy, rushing in all directions, and the earth shook, like a dragon turning over.

Fortunately, the holy city is blessed by prohibition, and with the prohibition protection, the battle fluctuations under the Great Sage cannot destroy the holy city with the prohibition protection.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of more than a dozen knights with weaker cultivation exploded with a bang, turning into blood flowers and bursting open.

There were people rushing over from all directions, and Ying Zheng brazenly shot out, his palm turned over, and the rumbling space shattered, like a thunder explosion.

In an instant, I don't know how many palms Ying Zheng struck, but all the people who besieged were covered by palm prints.

Click! Click!

Seven or eight knights were beaten and their bones were broken, their internal organs were shattered, and they were killed instantly.

The gods of victory enveloped him, breaking into the knights, like a tiger entering a flock, and killing on a large scale.


The golden bell that shrouded the government shook endlessly, and in an instant, the shaking spirits of more than a dozen knights were exploded, and the flesh was without wounds, but it was dead.

Ying Zheng's fist is like the most powerful divine weapon, no matter what kind of magical power, what kind of weapon, as long as a punch is blasted out, a palm is slapped, it is turned into powder, unable to resist.

He was like a killing god, killing hundreds of knights who were defeated one after another, blood splattered, and stump limbs and broken arms flying in the sky.

A knight grabbed his neck and shouted, "Don't come here!


Ying Zheng smashed his head with a punch, and the broken bones were splashed all over the place.

Jiang Futian, Zhang Kongpan and other onlookers watched this scene, the means of winning the government seemed simple, but it was very effective, like a meat grinder, and in less than five breaths, hundreds of knights died at his hands.

You know, there are many half-step powerful masters among these knights, but whether it is a half-step power who steps into Sendai or a knight who does not reach Sendai, it is just a move and death in his hands.

If it weren't for the cultivation displayed by Yingzheng as only a half-step power, they would all think that the realm of Yingzheng was not a half-step power.

But in fact, the government has a strength far beyond the power of half a step.


After a few more breaths, only a dozen of the more than three hundred knights were killed by Ying Zheng, and seeing the god-killing Ying Zheng, where did he dare to attack again, he ran away madly.

Ying Zheng's figure flashed, everyone only saw the phantom flashing, and the figure of Ying Zheng appeared in all four directions, and then all the knights who rushed away were killed at the same time, and only one knight survived, and fled for his life without looking back.

He looked at Ying Zheng who was walking towards him, his fisted hands trembled slightly, his nails were pinched white, how many years of hard waiting, how many years of searching, and finally waited for today.

How many days and nights she thought, even got the news that he might die, and even wanted to leave with him.

Now, the government has finally returned.

Ying Zheng reached out and took off her ghostly mask, revealing the peerless grace behind the ghostly mask, the beauty was mesmerizing, and she couldn't pick out a single flaw, the blue silk was like a waterfall, the shell teeth bit the red lips, the eyes were crystalline, and a drop of tears slipped down.

"Don't cry. "

Yingzheng gently wiped the tears from her cheeks and gently held her hand.

Feeling the familiar warmth, she broke into a smile.


Brother Tai Chong Guan was angry and red. It's a good story. "

Jiang Futian came over and said with a smile.

"But brother Tai better go quickly, I'm afraid Yu Qianhua is coming." "

Huan Zheng's gaze fell on Jiang Futian's face, and he nodded slightly: "Thank you Brother Tai, but if I leave, how can I wait for Yu Qianhua?"


"My woman was killed, what are you doing back alive?"

Yu Qianhua, who had just come out of the customs, looked at the kneeling knight below, and his tone was flat: "Why did Xuan Ying die instead of you?"

This knight was trembling and did not dare to say a word.

Yu Qianhua was silent for a few breaths, Yu Qianhua sighed and said softly: "I will not punish you, after all, you are people of the Divine Dynasty." "

The knight bowed his head and retreated.

"Why should the son of the world rise, although Sister Xuanying went, there are still us to accompany the son of the world." "

Behind Yu Qianhua, a woman gently pasted up, she was wearing a light gauze as thin as cicada wings, and her belly pocket and snow-white skin loomed.

Yu Qianhua said leisurely: "You are all my women, I hope you can always accompany me and no one will leave me, Xuan Ying is still too anxious and wants to prove herself, so she left me." "

"You must remember that you are my woman, as long as I am here, no one dares to laugh at you, there is no need to prove yourself. "

Another woman said gently: "The concubine knows, the son of the world is our heaven, and Sister Xuanying just doesn't understand this." "

The woman in light gauze asked, "Did Shizi step on the third step this time?"

Yu Qianhua shook his head slightly and sighed: "It's still a little, it's okay, since it's a little worse, I'll take a trip to avenge Xuan Ying." "

After a pause, Yu Qianhua's tone became grim: "Put this person's head in front of Xuan Ying's grave and pay tribute to her!"

"Ziye, go back and arrange for him to die silently. "

The gentle woman nodded gently: "Shizi, I see." "

She knew that Yu Qianhua was referring to the only knight who survived to report the message.

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