The holy city is a place where storms and clouds meet, and the power of the Eastern Wilderness, the royal family of Zhongzhou, and the giant mane of the Northern Plains are often seen.

Everything here is extremely luxurious and prosperous, and Drunken Immortal Que is known as one of the eight immortal restaurants in the Divine City, suspended in mid-air.

This is a piece of Qionglou jade, brick by brick of the palace, all of which are carved out of jade and magnificent, like a dream.

Surrounded by white mist, this palace is located in the clouds, carved beams and paintings, and the golden splendor seems to have come to the ancient heavenly court.

Several people soared into the air, stepped on the white jade stairs, looked back, the clouds and mist, overlooking the world below, as if they had really landed in the immortal world.

"Dare to ask the heavens, is there an immortal?" Zhang Kongpan sighed with emotion and said casually.

Huan Zheng killed Yu Qianhua's favorite concubine, it is foreseeable that Yu Qianhua will definitely kill him, and few people dare to contact Yu Zheng now, but Zhang Kongpan and Jiang Futian are not among them.

Zhang Kongpan and Yu Qianhua have never dealt with each other, and after the two rose to fame, they went through ten big battles, and Zhang Kongpan won five and lost five.

And Jiang Futian is Yu Qianhua's friend, plus they are also holy places behind them, and they are not in Zhongzhou, so they are not afraid of the Zhongzhou overlord Yuhua God Dynasty.

Therefore, inviting Ying Zheng and his party in full view can be regarded as blocking some puppeteers.

Ying Zheng was stunned, remembering the sporadic memories, the Beidou monk could fly into the sky and smile proudly in the sky, the clouds and mist passed under his feet, and he traveled thousands of miles in an instant, according to the description in his memory, he was already a god.

The immortals of this world are indeed immortal immortals.

And even the Great Emperor cannot live forever.

The white jade avenue, spread forward, like a bridge to the sky, they strolled on it, step by step, many spirit birds and rare beasts, flying in the clouds and mist.

Sixteen young girls flew in the sky between the majestic palaces, landed in the clouds, saluted them respectfully, and led several people forward.

Drunken Immortal Que, very exquisite, retro architecture, as if it has experienced thousands of generations, engraved the mark of time, magnificent without losing a precipitation called Dimeng.

"Your guests, please. "The sixteen young girls are all cultivators who are not weak, but here they can only lead the way and help the guests pour wine and vegetables.

One portal was actually carved with three seal characters 'South Heavenly Gate'.

The four sat down, a few glasses of wine, and the relationship seemed to be much closer.

Jiang Futian's face was slightly red, and he gently patted Huan Zheng's shoulder: "Brother Huan, your one method breaks ten thousand laws, my eyes are very hot, in fact, my Tianxuan Holy Land also has this method, but unfortunately I can't learn it." "

Ying Zheng smiled softly and toasted and drank.

Zhang Kongfang spoke, "Brother Huan seems to have a feud with the Feather God Dynasty?"

Ying Zheng nodded: "The revenge of killing, it's just that I'm lucky and not dead." "

On the side, Huan Yixian, who was silently leaning on Ying Zheng, suddenly said: "I swore that I would destroy the Feather God Dynasty. "

After Ying Zheng was captured by the Yuhua God Dynasty, she lived with an old fortune teller who traveled south and north for a few years, and as she grew up, she was less than ten years old and began to show the peerless grace of the city, and the fortune-telling old man named her Xian Xian.

Originally, the fortune teller wanted her to follow her surname, but she stubbornly wanted the surname "嬴", which was for the sake of Yingxian .

The fortune-telling old man was originally a mortal, and in his old age, when he was ten years old, he died without illness, and died without pain.

Zhang Kongpan glanced at the two and nodded slightly: "The enemy of killing is indeed not shared with the sky." However, I didn't expect that the younger brother and sister who were wanted by the Feather God Dynasty turned out to be such a peerless beauty, and the two talented women can be said to be a match made in heaven. "

Rao is a superior mind, and when Huan Yixian heard this, he inevitably showed a little girl-like shyness, and his white jade-like face turned red, but his gaze towards Ying Zheng was three points shy and seven points soft.

Jiang Futian gave himself, Zhang Kongpan, and Huan Zheng filled the wine, and said: "Although we are enemies with Yu Qianhua, but in fact, we also admire him, the younger generation, he is definitely the top demon, now the top of the young generation is stuck on the second step, whoever steps on the third step, who is the first person of the younger generation, and Yu Qianhua is the one who is most likely to step on the third step." "

"You want to kill Yu Qianhua, we can understand, but the Feather God Dynasty is powerful, you and your younger sisters have only one life, you can't be anxious, it's better to leave the holy city early, the Eastern Wilderness of Noda, the Feather God Dynasty can't find you." "

Jiang Futian, who had only known him for less than half a day, was so persuasive that Huan Zheng sighed a little in his heart, but he would not change his mind, and he raised his glass and said softly: "Does Brother Jiang look at me like a fool?"

Jiang Futian stared at Huan Zheng and shook his head, "Of course it's not a fool. "

Huan Zheng said with a smile: "Since I am not a fool, of course I will not die in vain." "

"Drink, drink. "

Zhang Kongpan raised his glass and smiled: "Brother Huan actually made up his mind, naturally he has his own ideas..."

"The descendants of Myo-an are here. "

There was a noisy sound outside the window, Jiang Futian and Jiang Futian's eyes lit up in vain, as a man, Ying Zheng knew what kind of gaze this was.

At best, it was 'My Fair Lady Gentleman', and at worst, 'LSP', and I couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Jiang, Brother Zhang, who is the descendant of this Miaoluan?"

Jiang Futian glanced at Huan Yixian: "Miaoluan is one of the top ten and ten windy and moon lands in the holy city, Miaoyuan has an ancient heritage, its power is huge, and its fame is naturally extremely large, not much weaker than the holy land." "

The strongest thing about Myo-an is not its own strength, but its network.

It is said that their successive lords, when they were girls, had an inexplicable relationship with some holy sons, and some of those holy sons later became holy lords.

"A disciple of Miaoluan, spend a good night with him, that is called a soul destroyer..."


Zhang Kong patted Jiang Futian heavily and coughed lightly.

Jiang Futian laughed dryly: "There are younger brothers and sisters, and Brother Huan is afraid that he will not be blessed." "

Huan Yixian was expressionless when he heard this, and Huan Zheng inexplicably felt a little chill in his spine.

A jade boat broke through the sky and came to the sky above the great lake, full of clouds, mist, and shimmering colors, ethereal and holy.

Wonderful music bursts, gentle and secluded, floating down, intoxicating, like nine heavenly fairy music, moving people's thoughts, framing people's hearts.

"This generation of saints from Myo-an is here. "

"Yanjia Blue, it must be her. I had already heard that the female disciple of Miaoluan was about to be born, and some disciples of the Desolate Ancient Family had come to the Holy City for her. "

"She is the future Miaoluan master, is she really here, in this case, the disciples of the Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Family are estimated to have to fight openly and secretly again. "

The jade boat was full of colors, and on it stood a young girl, dressed in a snow-white dress, gently fluttering, outlining her perfect body extremely moving.

Such as pearl spitting, dusty, beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, jade bone innate, almost perfect appearance, can not pick out a single flaw.

The body is delicate and slender, like fairy jade carefully carved, the temperament is cold, like snow skin, like frost.

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