Jiang Futian sighed indelibly, "If I can sleep with Yanjia Lan for one night, I don't know how soulless it will be." "

Zhang Kong said lightly: "The difficulty is not small, although the saint of Miaoluan will eventually commit to one person, but not only Junjie, the most important thing is to pay attention to a fate, too ethereal." "

Jiang Futian thought for a while: "Also, the people who have been committed to the Holy Lady of Miaoluan in the past generations, although they are all handsome for a while, they are not the strongest handsome of that generation, but, what is this fate?"

Someone sighed, with regret in his tone: "I have long heard that she has a unique appearance, the Eastern Wilderness is difficult to find, and there are good deeds who list her among the top ten peerless beauties in the Eastern Wilderness, and she is a peerless beauty, but unfortunately born in this sect, she is destined to be a pearl of dirt." "

Miaoluan, the reputation is really bad, otherwise they would not be in the Holy City Camp Wind and Moon Land, their cultivation is related to this.

However, the abundant and peerless smoke blue, but there is no trace of wind and dust, bright and cold, like the body of ice jade, looking dusty and holy.

This is a very strong contrast, many people speculate that she is a peerless stunner, should be made of spring water, but the real situation is ice muscle jade bone.

The colorful light is dotted, the smoke blue is independent on the jade boat, the green silk is flying, the white clothes are fluttering, and it does not eat the world's fireworks, like a fairy in the moon, more holy than the holy women of the holy land.

Ying Zheng's face is strange, isn't this the same as the routine of Qinglou hooking the fence to create Hua Kui?

In a land of wind and moon, create a holy and flawless peerless beauty and arouse people's desires.

It's just that the land of the green building seduces the rich son, and Miaoyuan seduces the heart of Junjie for a while.

And such a saint is not something that cannot be seen and touched, and in the end she will commit to one person.

Although they can't stay together, being able to spend a night with such a saint is also very attractive to Junjie.

He felt that Miaoluan had grasped people's hearts, and was originally a huge force with a bad reputation, but creating such a goddess and saint was completely using people's psychology.

Because, their cultivation is ultimately the dust of the jade lotus, and it is impossible to be clear and dusty for life, and they will eventually fall into the land of wind and moon.

This is nothing more attractive, more moving, to create a noble and elegant, not a woman who does not belong to the world, just to be more attractive.

"What a means. "

Ying Zheng sighed.

"What good means?"

Jiang Futian turned his head.

Huan Zheng smiled slightly: "What you can't get is the best, create a fairy with the end of the sky, and then satisfy some people, there is a chance to knock her down to the dust, as you said, most of the disciples of the Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Family will also be fished." "

Jiang Futian smiled: "I am the holy land holy son who was fished, but most of the holy land or the children of the ancient family who were fished are voluntary, you just want me..."

Before the words fell, Jiang Futian was suddenly stunned, and he was stunned: "Does the smoke fairy see our side?"

Zhang Kongpan patted Jiang Futian's shoulder: "You read it right. "

Jiang Futian became excited: "Could it be that I am the one who can spend the night with the smoke fairy?"

"Jiang Shengzi, Zhang Shengzi, the slave family Yanjia Lan, can you come in?"

The light boat landed, and not long after, there was a sound of smoke blue outside, clear and elegant.

"Absolutely. "

Yanjia Blue floated alone, light and leisurely, she sat down lightly with a natural body fragrance, like a blue musk.

She was full of witty words, just a few cups down, and she blended in, so that several people did not feel abrupt at all.

"This is the brother who threatens to kill Yu Qianhua, the slave family is curious, what kind of force can cultivate such a young handsome brother as Yu Qianhua?"

Yan Jia Lan raised a glass to Ying Zheng.

Huan Qianxian's eyes looked at her coldly, her beautiful eyes bloomed with cold light, as if she saw a threatening little beast, her teeth grinned, but Yanjia Blue didn't care, and looked at Ying Zheng with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Futian and Zhang Kongpan also became curious, not long after they met, the most taboo thing was to exchange shallow and deep, so the three of them drank and clinked glasses, and the two did not ask such questions, and Ying Zheng did not mention it.

But just because they don't ask, doesn't mean they're not curious.

What is Junjie, Junjie is not more than fifty years old, but a genius who can make a name for himself in the younger generation.

Jiang Futian, Zhang Kongpan, or Yu Qianhua are all close to fifty years old, and only then have they stepped on the second step of Sendai and become powerful, which is already the top existence of the young generation.

And they can see that the bone age of Ying Zheng is only about thirty years old, but he can kill half a step and be as powerful as killing a dog.

Among the hundreds of knights of the Yuhua God Dynasty, seven or eight half-step powers, and they all besieged Yingzheng together, but they were all killed by Yingzheng at leisure.

There is no doubt that Ying Zheng is also that kind of demon genius, and his information has appeared on the desks of major forces.

He offended Yu Qianhua and is a person who must be killed by the Feather God Dynasty, but he is not afraid that there are many forces in the Feather God Dynasty, and there is no shortage of people who want to make friends with the government.

Huan Zheng raised his wine glass and clinked his glass with Yanjia Blue, and said indifferently: "I'm afraid that you don't know if I say it, it's just a nameless person." "

Huan Zheng sighed in his heart, tears welled up in his face, and was ashamed to say it, he had been in the forbidden land for more than twenty years, but he didn't even know the name of the burly man.

However, he had some guesses in his heart about the identity of the burly man, most likely a Dacheng Holy Body and the Lord of the Forbidden Land.

Huan Zheng didn't answer, Yan Jialan didn't care, and smiled gently: "When I came, I saw Yu Qianhua's car, and I should have arrived in the Holy City not long after me." "

Saying that, she slowly got up and saluted: "Slave family, night moon and piano song, Jiang Shengzi, Zhang Shengzi, brother Huan, please also appreciate your face." "

Not long after Yanjia Lan left, the drunken immortal gate was full of brilliance, and many masters accompanied by a treasure dragon descended from the sky, and in front of the treasure was nine dragons and beasts pulling the treasure.

The strength of these nine dragon beasts was amazing, exuding a huge momentum, and they were actually nine half-step power-level exotic beasts.

The two women were in front of the carriage, their sleeves spreading out like ribbons, flat in the air.

These two beautiful women turned out to be not weak, all of them were strong people in the realm of the dragon, and after the ribbon was laid, the two beautiful women turned around and respectfully said: "Shizi, the drunken immortal has arrived." "

Zhang Kongpan sneered: "It's such a big pomp, I don't know, I thought it was the Feather God Pilgrim Emperor coming." "

Yu Qianhua's voice came out from inside: "Zhang Kongpan, if the God Pilgrim Emperor is light, I am afraid that you will kneel to greet you." "

"I dare to kneel, does the Feather God Pilgrim Emperor dare to take it?" said Zhang Kongpan with a sneer.

"Verbal battles are useless. "

The two women opened the bamboo curtain, and an extraordinary man stepped forward.

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