It was Yu Qianhua.

The curtain of the car was rolled up, and I saw that there were more than a dozen girls in the car wearing light gauze and belly pockets, and snow-white skin looming dancing, and a few stunning women were either clinging to Yu Qianhua's back, leaning on his arms, or snuggling on his shoulders.

Yu Qianhua gently raised his eyelids, got up and stepped out of the chariot, and the canopy rose and automatically landed on his head.

Hua Gai Yingluo beads, treasure cover Tianhua, each Yingluo bead is refined with a star, hanging down and practicing into Zhou Tian, extremely luxurious.

The canopy fell on the head, even the saints could not hurt Yu Qianhua.

"Yu Qianhua!"

Ying Zheng whispered softly, the wine glass, tables and chairs suddenly cracked and shattered, and the ripples visible to the naked eye stirred in all directions, erupting into a cruel and cold murderous intent.

Huan Qianxian's eyes also froze, and a rich killing intent rose from her body, undisguised.

As soon as the murderous intention of the two was raised, it was sensed by Yu Qianhua, and his gaze turned to fall on Ying Zheng, and then revealed a clear color: "So you, no wonder." "

"It seems that your memory was not erased back then. "

Although more than twenty years have passed, the shadow of the young Yue Zheng can still be clearly seen from the body of Ying Zheng, how smart he is, and the context of things is clear between thoughts.

"A person who harbors a deep hatred for the Divine Dynasty and is a desolate holy land cannot stay, and must die!"

Yu Qianhua's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at the man next to him, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"So has his memory been erased?"

The man beside him was none other than Ji Chengkong, looking at Yue Zheng with shocked eyes, obviously recognizing him.

Yingzheng was not erased from his memory, so Yu Qianhua also began to suspect that Ji Chengkong had not been erased from his memory.

In the past twenty years, the Feather God Dynasty has invested a lot of resources in Ji Chengkong, and now he has stepped into the late stage of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and he is only one step away from completing the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, which is definitely a demon genius.

You must know that Ji Chengkong is different from the children of the big forces, and the children of the big forces have already spent a lot of resources combing their bloodlines when they are still in the belly, and it can be said that they began to cultivate in the mother's belly.

Before being captured by the Feather God Dynasty, Ji Chengkong was just an ordinary person, which means that he only began to cultivate when he was a teenager, and he was already a demon genius after more than twenty years of cultivation to the late stage of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

"Let me come, cut his head. "

Huan Zheng patted the small hand that Huan Yixian held tightly.

"Hmm. "

Ying Yixian nodded obediently, in her heart, Ying Zheng is the most powerful and omnipotent, she believes everything he says.

Yu Qianhua walked on the road paved by the times with his hands in his hands, and said with a smile: "Zhang Kongpan, Jiang Futian, with the people who will be killed by the God Dynasty, do the Great Yan Holy Land and the Tianxuan Holy Land want to tear their faces with the God Dynasty?"

Entering the room where Ying Zheng was, he clapped his hands and signaled, and immediately a master added a divine seat, and Yu Qianhua sat on the divine throne, looking down on everyone.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the owner of this house, and Ying Zheng and the others seemed to have become outsiders and became his foil.

Zhang Kongpan said disdainfully: "Yu Qianhua, don't use that set of the Feather God Dynasty on my head, I don't eat this set, are you qualified to represent the Feather God Dynasty and the Great Yan Holy Land, and the Tianxuan Holy Land tears your face? "

The killing intent in Yu Qianhua's eyes became more and more intense: "Zhang Kongpan, you can eat indiscriminately, and you can't talk indiscriminately." "

Jiang Futian's face was solemn and said: "Brother Huan, there is no one in our generation who is not afraid of Yu Qianhua, the younger generation, the most terrifying, and our strongest opponent, it is definitely him, he is only one step away from stepping into the third step of Sendai to become a king." "

Zhang Kong laughed loudly: "The mouth grows on me, how I say it, you can't care!"

Yu Qianhua was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, the muscles at the corners of his eyes trembled, and the murderous intent almost burst out: "You two are iron-hearted to protect him?"

The masters behind Yu Qianhua stepped forward one by one, imposing and murderous.

Almost at the same moment, in two directions of the holy city, two auras rose up.

That was the master of the Great Yan Holy Land and the Tianxuan Holy Land stationed in the holy city.

As soon as it is triggered, it seems that the next moment the three major forces will fight.

Before Zhang Kongpan and Jiang Futian could speak, Huan Zheng spoke: "This is a matter between me and the Feather God Dynasty, and the two of you should not be involved in it, after all, the two represent not only themselves." "

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Kongpan and Jiang Futian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They and Yu Qianhua are against each other, most of them are because of the problem of face, but when it comes to this part, they have almost not torn their faces, if they take a step back, they will lose the face of the holy place behind them, and they can't retreat if they want to.

But really fighting, the two really can't bear this responsibility.

Just as Ying Zheng said, they represent millions of disciples of the Holy Land.

After all, they have only known each other for a short time, and if they are friends, they are not deep enough to desperately protect their victory.

The words of Ying Zheng are given to them under the steps, and their hearts can't help but feel a little more favorable for Ying Zheng.

Yu Qianhua's gloomy expression suddenly swept away, and he chuckled: "Ying Zheng, you are very bold, I admire you, I don't want to kill you, can the hatred between you and the God Dynasty be resolved?"

Huan Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly: "I can't forget the revenge of killing." "

"But you are not dead, after you survive, the Divine Dynasty still intends to cultivate you. "

Ying Zheng said calmly: "I can survive by myself, not your mercy, if it weren't for my means, I would have been scattered a long time ago." "

He stared at Yu Qianhua calmly and almost deadly: "I personally watched hundreds of people, burned to death, and their souls were scattered, and I will never forget that scene." "

"Ji Chengkong, you are also the one who survived by luck. "

"You, I will kill, Feather God Dynasty, I will destroy!"

Even if Ji Chengkong was stupid, he felt that something was wrong, and frowned and asked, "Shizi, what the hell is going on?"

Yu Qianhua did not answer him: "Ying Zheng, it seems that you are tired of living, how about you are the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body that has not grown up, to my God Dynasty, it is just a jumping beam clown." "

How could he endure the fact that he had killed his woman and rejected his kindness in full view of everyone?

Win Zheng, he will kill!

Since he was born, he has been the most favored person in the Divine Dynasty, and although his father is not the Divine Dynasty Holy Emperor, he is one of the strongest people in the Divine Dynasty, and his status is not lower than that of the prince.

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