Ying Zheng can resist the divine power of the Extreme Dao Imperial Soldiers, but it does not mean that they can resist the power of the Imperial Soldiers.

Ying Zheng trembled again, trembling, and a kind of fluctuation that stepped through the three realms and six realms and destroyed all things rushed out like a tidal wave.

The screams rang out, and three more saints and a saint king turned into powder.

Under the divine power of the Extreme Dao, you are peerless Tianjiao, and you are also vulnerable to great magical powers, like a chicken and a dog, you will be beaten to pieces in an instant, and there is nothing left.


Ying Zheng spread generally, shaking the feathered god map at will, like a large world undulating, destroying all living beings, all living beings disappeared, the world returned to the original point, and the attack power was terrifying to suffocate.

"Run! Come on! "

Wen Changqing roared, he was extremely fast, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

But the power of the Feather God Map was faster, roaring like a void, that void vibrate, spilled blood from the sky, and stained the heavenly dome.

A corpse fell, smashing a 10,000-meter-high mountain peak.

A quasi-emperor died so silently.

Ying Zheng's face was ancient, shaking gently, and the people of the Feather God Dynasty died but all the feathered yang were killed, and they could only let out unwilling and frightened screams, and their lives returned to Huangquan.

"Yu Qingyang, where do you want to go?"

Ying Zheng stepped out in one step, reached out into the void with one hand, and grabbed Yu Qingyang.

One hand pressed on his back, as if he carried the weight of a world, and it was difficult to walk in half a step.

Yu Qingyang's face was extremely distorted, and he gritted his teeth: "If you want to kill, you have to kill casually!" "

Huan Zheng said leisurely: "I think back then, I was caught by you to trap, and you were so powerful that you were desperate. "

Yu Qingyang snorted coldly, "If I had known today, I would have killed you by then!" "

One of the three people who presided over the sacrifice back then was Yu Qingyang, and now he is really remorseful when he thinks about it, and he can't wait to travel back in time and space to kill Yu Zheng.


Ying Zheng turned to leave, and the body of the Yuqing Yang who remained in place burned, not only the body, soul, but also the origin were all burning.

It was just like when Ying Zheng witnessed the death of those people.

The death was miserable.

The wailing lasted for more than a minute before Yuqingyang died completely.

The onlookers were shocked in their hearts, Ying Zheng was already known as the strongest person in the world, that is, those Tianjiao thought that they were not his opponents, and now they had won the Extreme Dao Emperor Army, which was even more feared.

An Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier, ordinary people have no way to imagine, almost omnipotent.

Any hero who is big enough to be covered by it is covered below, there is only one way to die, not even a worm, and there is no way to fight back.

Many holy lords were desperate, their faces became ugly, and they muttered, "If the Holy Body is dedicated to protecting the ruthless..."

If the Holy Body is a little ruthless, killing Tianjiao, who can compete with ruthless people, will be foolproof.

Everyone was silent.

In the past, although the forces with imperial soldiers were afraid of winning the government, they were not afraid, because they knew how strong the imperial soldiers were to recover.

Now that he knows the words of the Imperial Army, the recovery of the imperial soldiers is just his toy, and their final means of counterbalancing the Victory Campaign have also failed.

After sealing the Feather God Diagram, Ying Zheng's expression was flat, and he slowly stretched out his hands.

"I'd rather see what secrets are in this ancestral temple."


The mighty qi and blood rushed up, turning into a big hand that covered the sky, and the big hand grabbed the sky towards the ancestral temple, there was a streamer between the five fingers, and the starlight lingered, containing infinite strength,


A frightened and angry old voice sounded.

Two Daoist children rushed out of the ancestral temple, a man and a woman, both no more than twelve or twelve years old, cute, delicate, the voice was like an old man and an old woman, the cultivation was not high, just a saint, looked up at Ying Zheng, and angrily reprimanded: "Daring!" This is the sleeping place of the Feather Emperor! An dares to be presumptuous! "

Huan Zheng froze and looked at the two Daoists with a frown.

Could it be that the Feather Emperor also became a red dust fairy?

"This... This...... This..."

Someone snorted, his teeth chattered, and cold sweat ran down his forehead: "I... I..."

"Oh, what the hell are you trying to say?"

His friend hurriedly said.

"There is a painting circulating in my ancestors that shows the Feather Emperor and his two Daoists, and the two Daoists are exactly the same as these two."

"I felt the breath of the Great Emperor in everything in them." Someone said in a trembling voice.


"Dao Dong of the Feather Emperor?!" Everyone was stunned.

"The Feather Emperor... Still alive? He was in... Where? "A lot of people are hairy.

"The Feather Emperor is immortal, and naturally lives forever in the world, and you disturb his slumber." The two Daotongs said indifferently.

"Quickly retreat, disturb the emperor's sleep, no one can afford it."

A man and a woman, two Daoist children, both eleven or twelve years old, vermilion lips and teeth, beautiful and full of aura, seemingly young but a little old.

"Se Li Guiping."

Huan Zheng chuckled, and the giant palm continued to press horizontally.

He did not believe that the Feather Emperor could achieve the Red Dust Immortal.

If every person who preaches the Dao is a Tianjiao among Tianjiao, then those who can achieve the Red Dust Immortal belong to Tianjiao among the Great Emperors.

Emperor Venerable, the lord of the Heavenly Court in the mythical era, the master of Chengxianding, one of the nine Heavenly Venerables, lived the second life against the sky, gave up all the laws and ways in his previous life, preached the Dao again, proclaimed himself Emperor Venerable, established the Heavenly Court, was the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the universe was respected, ghosts and gods worshiped together, and the emperors in the Heavenly Court coexisted.

The immortal emperor, the supreme god of all the ancient races, is proud of the universe, looks down on the heavens, and the ancient and modern demons despair for it, and is respected by all ages.

Dozens of emperors and emperors throughout the ages, no emperor and emperor can compare with their brilliance.

Ying Zheng explored many secrets, knowing that dozens of emperors and emperors of Wangu, some of them sat down, some of them slashed themselves into the forbidden area, and there were a few uncertainties, but he was sure that the only emperors and emperors who had gone to achieve the Red Dust Immortal were emperors and immortal emperors.

The achievements of the two are also worthy of their brilliance.

The Feather Emperor is not among them.

It has been more than 60,000 years since the Feather Emperor became a Dao, and if he had not achieved the Red Dust Immortal, he would not have been alive.


The formation of the ancestral temple emitted an overwhelmed wail, and the void spread and stirred like a ripple.

The intertwined lines of divine light visible to the naked eye appeared, trembling.


A deafening sound sounded, and the ancestral temple with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was crumbling, and it seemed that it would collapse and shatter in the next moment.

The giant palm of Optimus pressed down fiercely, and its five fingers were stretched, like a sword piercing the sky, inserted into the ground, grabbed sharply, and lifted.

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