
At this mention, the earth shook violently for a million miles.

All the onlooker monks couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and looked pale as Ying Zheng uprooted the ancestral temple with a brutal and domineering attitude.


The ancestral temple formation divine light flickered faster and faster, and the light became more and more dim.

"The strength of the Holy Body is too strong."

"This is still the Eucharist without a great Cheng."

"I feel that if the Holy Body is Dacheng, it is not a battleable emperor, but can match the Great Emperor."

Countless cultivators looked at this scene in a daze, compared with the leisurely walk of the previous battle, the wind was light and cloudy, and the ancestral temple with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was pulled up and shaken with a giant hand covering the sky, and this shock was much stronger.


"Be bold! Extremely daring! "

"The Great Emperor will not let you go!"

The two Daoist children shivered under the protection of the ancestral temple formation, angry and panicked.


Endless Ruixia gushed out, all kinds of auspicious light, inside a sacred, thousands of Rui Cai, ten thousand divine rainbows, running through the sun, moon and stars.

The essence of the dragon qi of the first ancestral vein of Zhongzhou gathered here, and countless immortal rays of light transpired, spilling between heaven and earth, and the light was bright and colorful.

An ancient temple nestled among the mountains, peaceful and sacred. Some temples resonate with the Chinese New Year's Eve Dao, surrounded by countless chains of order gods, and people can see at a glance that it is the perception of one ancient sage after another.

Some temples spew out divine light, illuminate the sky, and the red refining and purple qi flutter together, without thinking about it, it must be a shocking divine material!

In other ancient halls, there was a sound like chanting, as if someone was chanting supreme Chinese New Year's Eve scriptures, countless ancient characters, densely packed, imprinted in the void, swallowing immeasurable divine brilliance.

People are crazy, it's definitely a shocking scripture!

The most shocking thing is that a stone tire rises and falls in the only hole of the first ancestral vein in Zhongzhou, undulating with Ruixia, fluctuating with the rainbow, and the ancestral vein gushing thin Rui qi, it absorbs Shifang Puhua.

"That... What is it? "

Everyone froze.

Several forbidden areas have extremely cold eyes lit up, breaking through the fog to look at Zhongzhou, communicating with each other:

"Feathering is still alive?"

"This is indeed the breath of feathering."

"Could it be that Feathering also slashed himself?"

Shi Huang sneered: "It is indeed feathering, but there is no need to worry, he has become my close relative, and I don't want to be born in a million years." "


The Forbidden Zone Supreme fell into calm again.

"Hahahaha, the Great Emperor is angry!"

Dao Tong laughed, fox fake tiger power.

In that hole in the eyes, the spouting of the sky, the fairy light is gorgeous, and a stone tire is rising and falling.

Feather the Great!

Everyone was like five thunders hitting the top, seeing such a scene against the sky with their own eyes, the Feather Emperor was still alive? Let the world incomprehensible, you must know that it has been more than 50,000 years since the Feather Emperor sat down.

In the mountains, ancestral temples, magnificent atmosphere, simple nature, or blooming five-colored smoke, or densely imprinted scriptures and ancient yu, sacrifices and Zen singing together, the weather is varied.

These auspicious scenes and Ruixiangs foil the ancient cave even more extraordinary, the stone tire is blurred, about a human shape, like a coiled seat, very rough, but it is not denied that it has become the center of heaven and earth at this time.

"What are you waiting for, why don't you bow down to the Feather Emperor and make reparations to him?" The two Dao Tong said coldly.

"Feather Emperor."

Huan Zheng's eyes moved slightly, and his giant palm tightened.

"Be bold! Daring! The Great Emperor is here, you still dare to be presumptuous! "

Dao Tong's eyes erupted with anger, and Ying Zheng was so disrespectful to the Great Emperor that he almost made him mad.

Ying Zheng calmly said, "Even if you have the protection of the formation, it doesn't mean that you can bark at me all the time. "

Saying that, the giant palm grabbed it sharply.


The ancestral temple formation was broken.


The two Daoists were slapped down like shooting stars, their heads were deeply sunk into their necks, their bodies were like broken porcelain, and their whole bodies trembled with pain.

Just then, a long sigh sounded: "Please stop." "

"Are you really the Feather Emperor?"

Ying Zheng looked at the heaving stone tire and was slightly surprised.

"That's what the world calls me." Shi Fei was silent for a while.

It is no wonder that Wen Changqing and the others would rather die than enter the ancestral temple, and with the protection of the ancestral temple formation, they can resist one or two.

"It turns out that you have refined yourself into the Holy Spirit."

Referring to the supreme secret method of the Holy Spirit, the Feather Emperor went in the opposite direction, slowly transformed his chalky body into a stone fetus, and died out.

Many of them have gone through millions of years, and the few have been nourished by heaven and earth for 7.8 million years, and only a little immortal spiritual knowledge of the past has been preserved, and finally turned into a large and chalky Holy Spirit, which can become an emperor again.

However, this secret method is very risky, and if one is not careful, the spiritual sense will disappear in the vast river of time.

The Immortal Mountain Stone Emperor is a Holy Spirit Emperor.

The Feather Emperor said, "I have lived two lifetimes, and I can't live the third life, so I can only do this way." "

After a pause, he continued: "I know that the Feather God Dynasty has a grudge with you, and now that you have also destroyed the Feather God Dynasty, the grudge has gone at least nine out of ten, if you are willing to let me go, I owe you a favor." "

Although his stone fetus possessed supreme defensive power, the only bit of immortal spiritual sense he had sensed danger in Ying Zheng.


Ying Zheng thought about it and said, they have a big grudge with the Feather God Dynasty, but they have no grudge with the Feather Emperor, and it must be known that the Feather God Dynasty is not a God Dynasty founded by the Feather Emperor.

Moreover, since the feathered earth wants to relive the third life, after tens of millions of years, some means will definitely be prepared.

Ying Zheng doesn't want to fight with an emperor with unknown hole cards.

"Thank you."

A phantom shadow appeared on the stone tire, nodded to Ying Zheng, and the stone fetus broke through the air, disappearing into Beidou along with the two Daoists.

Ying Zheng stepped out in one step, came to Ying Yanhuan's side, picked him up, handed him the Feather God Map, and stepped out again, and he had disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and his voice resounded in heaven and earth:

"The masters of the Feather God Dynasty are all dead, the Feather God is all you can destroy, the Feather God Dynasty is everything, I only need fifty percent, and you will divide the rest yourself."

The world accounts for 50%, and I alone account for 50%.

How domineering.

But no one refuted.

Many monks looked around, where they could still see the shadow of Yingzheng.

The status of Ying Zheng in their hearts has been raised again.

There is so much information about this battle.

The Holy Body is worthy of being the first person in the world, and the combat power is terrible, and the power of one person has destroyed the first force of the Big Dipper, and it is not a bitter battle.

The Holy Body of the Warrior Technique, coupled with the strongest combat power in the world, is even more fearful and fearful.

The news that the Feather Emperor did not die and turned into a stone fetus also exploded many people.

The first force of the Big Dipper was forcefully destroyed and almost uprooted.

Without the emperor of the Feather God Dynasty, without Wen Changqing, the quasi-emperor, without the Great Sage, without the Saint King, the high-end combat power of the Saint, even if the Feather God Dynasty still has a large territory, there are countless masters, countless armies, but they are just castles in the air.

The wall pushed everyone down, as the hegemon of Zhongzhou, I don't know how many people and forces have been offended by the hegemonic behavior, even if there are several forces that have made good friends, they dare not come up at this time.

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