"The Holy City... I haven't been here for two hundred years..."

For several months, the four of them walked aimlessly on the land of Beidou, sometimes letting Ying Yanhuan point in one direction at will.

The happiest is of course Ying Yanhuan, since birth, he has not left Miaoluan, and later after meeting Yingzheng, he is in awe, admiration, admiration, and yearning for this father he has never met, but it is far from being as close as to his mother.

In the past few months, the estrangement between him and Ying Zheng has all disappeared.

Yanjia gave him a blank look: "I don't know what kind of soul soup I drank back then, and I went to see you as soon as I came to the Holy City." "

Ying Zheng laughed: "Who made me famous." "

The holy city is still so prosperous, and the city, all day long, there is no time for tranquility.

In this city, you can see mortals without any cultivation, you can also see the holy lords of various holy places, and even saints can occasionally catch a glimpse.

What makes the holy city famous in the world is the source stone, from the cultivation of the monastic path to the power of Sendai, all have a fanatical love of gambling stones, many powers, gathered in the holy city, spent in the gambling stone shop all year round.

The stone born of the source vein is very special, and it is difficult for the monks to see through, whether it is divine thought or divine power, they cannot explore its interior, and only by truly cutting it can they know whether there is a source inside.

One knife to heaven, one knife to hell.

And the center of gambling stones is in the holy city, which is the paradise of gambling stones.

Many forces have set up source stone fangs in the holy city.

"Have you heard, the previous Holy Lord of Miaoluan, and now Elder Taishang Xi Yuxi descended on the source stone fang of Miaoluan, attracting the power that was obsessed with him back then to come and gather at the source stone fang of Miaoluan."

"A thousand years ago, Xi Yuxi was also a peerless beauty in the top ten of the Eastern Wilderness, and now many of the major power holy lords, sect leaders, and elders Taishang have worshipped under her pomegranate skirt, crazy for her, and some for Xi Yuxi will not marry for life, but it is a pity that Xi Yuxi does not know who to have a night with and returns to Miaoluan, and rarely comes out."

There were two four-pole monks discussing as they walked.

Yan Jialan was stunned when he heard this: "Master has been in retreat for more than a hundred years, but I didn't expect to be out of the gate, I want to go to see Master." "

Today's Miaoluan Holy Lord is Yanjia Blue's apprentice, and Yanjia Blue is the previous generation of Saint Lord.

Miaoluan has a stipulation that each holy lord can only reign for a maximum of one thousand years, and when the time limit is up, he will automatically become a Taishang elder, and Yanjia Blue is an exception, who has reigned for only more than two hundred years.

"Go ahead." Ying Zheng nodded gently.

Yanjia Lan has no father or mother, and it was Master Xi Yuxi who raised her, and she is also a master and mother.

Miaoyuan Stone Fang has a long history, the ancient buildings are magnificent and tall, under the sunlight, there is a divine brilliance in the stone gardens of the flow mouth, not monotonous, planted with ancient trees, extremely dense, rushing in, like a primitive place.

Yingzheng and his party entered directly from the small gate of Myo-an, which is a passage that only the door people of Myo-an-an can walk.

The stone workshop in Myoyuan is very calm, this is an unspoken rule, and there will be no noise when someone cuts stones.

Some people like to watch the cut stones, while others like to be condescending and look through the room through the cut stones.

In the Source Stone Forest, at least hundreds of people gathered, and hundreds of eyes stared closely at the two people in the center, both of them were middle-aged, obviously in high positions and with majestic faces.

A slightly emaciated figure, a clear face, a slight elegance, and a wide purple robe.

An extremely majestic figure, like a giant bear standing by man, his eyes were as bright as fire, and the stone cutting knife more than a foot long held a lot in his hand.

Of course, the most striking of the hundreds of people below is a woman, like a moon covering the body, like a fairy turui, the whole person is hazy, not real, but it gives people a feeling of flawlessness.

The curvaceous jade body, slender and colorful, shrouded in barnyards, seems to stand in a broad cold palace, holy and distant, making people feel that they can never be approached.

Just looking at the appearance, I can't see that she is more than a thousand years old, and there is no difference between her and the twenty-eighth girl.

It is no wonder that the descend on Miaoluan actually attracted so many people who were obsessed with her in the past, and all of them are now people in high positions.

Yan Jia Lan smiled and said: "That elegant man is now the Holy Lord Ma Yu of the Jiuxiao Holy Land, and that majestic man is the Holy Lord Wu Qiancheng of the Four Elephants Holy Land, these two people were the two with the worst relationship among the ministers under the master's skirt, and they were hostile everywhere, but I didn't expect that the two were also the first to face each other now." "

Under the Ma Yu stone cutting knife, stone chips flew, purple gods rushed into the sky, and the amazing aura overflowed, shocking everyone, all of them stretched their necks.

This is a watermelon-sized source stone, purple on the surface, and a silver halo flowing inside, which is extremely brilliant.

It emits a trace of silver mist, and the aura is full of spiritual energy, and there is a divine breath, as if it can purify people's body and mind, and cleanse people's soul and body.

"Life fluctuations are so powerful!"

"Could it be that an ancient creature was cut out?"

"The breath in it is very sacred!"

"It seems that Mayu is going to win, at least worth five million yuan."

Ma Yu looked at Wu Qiancheng triumphantly, and Wu Qiancheng snorted coldly: "A proud hammer!" You haven't finished cutting it yet, in case it's a piece of waste in it. "

Saying this, Wu Qiancheng accelerated the speed of cutting stones.

Ma Yu did not argue with him, continued to cut the stone, and the silver brilliance also shone brightly, gradually, revealing the image of the creature inside the silver brilliance.

"Yes... Be...... True dragons..."

The Emperor of Anping Kingdom stammered, his face full of shock.

Anping Kingdom is an ancient country of Zhongzhou, which in the past could not breathe under the oppression of the Feather God Dynasty, but now it is bitter and willing, because the distance is the closest, this time the Feather God Dynasty fell and ate directly.

Elder Taishang of the Red Dust Sect widened his eyes, and his voice was sharp because of surprise: "That's right, it's a real dragon, there really is a real dragon in the world, could it be that there are immortals in the world?" "

When it came to immortals, everyone was boiling, and the Holy Son, Elder Taishang, and the Holy Son were all about to move, and it was difficult to hold themselves.

Divine Origin Xia was restrained and began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon, and the others were all shocked when they finally saw the life forms inside.

"Oh my God, it's really a real dragon!"

"It's too against the sky, how can there be such a creature, this is a juxtaposition with immortals! Is there a fairy in heaven? "

"It's too small, only half a fist big."

"Could it be that the true dragon born in heaven and earth has finally come to life through the hands of Ma Yu?"

No one can calm down, one after another the divine breath stirred, and everyone felt the divine breath.

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