"Father, is that really a real dragon?"

The little guy sat in Ying Zheng's arms and raised his little head and asked.

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly: "It's not a real dragon, it's just a seed." "

"Is there a real dragon in the world?"

The little one has a strong curiosity.

Huan Zheng thought for a while: "There are dragons, as for real dragons, maybe there is, maybe not, if you have the ability in the future, you can find it yourself." "


The little guy didn't get the answer he wanted, and some little depressed grabbed the little black dog hair in his arms, making the little black dog scream miserably, breaking free from the little guy, running to the corner of the room, and looking at the little guy like a demon king.

Xi Yuxi's light voice sounded: "This is not a real dragon, but a seed with a real dragon form." "

Ma Yu's fingers were dyed silver, gently holding up the true dragon seed, and his whole body was shrouded in a faint, silver light tulle.

Xi Yuxi's words calmed everyone a lot, but they were still very excited, even if they were not real dragons, just real dragon seeds, they were extremely precious things.

The human voice is loud and extremely noisy, although the silver true dragon contained in the divine crystal is very small, less than the size of a baby's fist, but it has an incomparable vitality, and it is swallowing the sun and moon.

The endless aura was induced, and every time it was exhaled, it was like a tidal wave, making everyone present feel like being baptized and full of comfort.

All this is extremely wonderful, and everyone knows that this is an immortal treasure with immeasurable value.

"Wan Pingguo bid five million sources!"

"Red Dust Sect bid six million sources!"

A crowd of excited bidders.

"The Great Yan Holy Land bid 10 million sources!" The Great Yan Holy Body Elder Taishang made a bid and raised the price to an extremely high threshold, and some forces thought about it and gave up.

As for Ma Yu, who cut out the True Dragon Seed, he never thought of taking the True Dragon Seed for himself, and the Jiuxiao Holy Land was not strong in the Holy Land.

True Dragon Seed is the seed of the divine medicine, second only to the Immortal Medicine, extremely rare, even in the primeval era, there is no one that can give the Shouyuan dry up masters a chance to be reborn.

Not to mention the healing effect on cultivators of other ranks, so it was revered as the most precious holy relic in heaven and earth.

Almost every elixir is unique, and it is difficult to find the same second plant, which can also show its preciousness and sacredness.

Each miracle medicine is almost impossible to reproduce, it is the only one, and if it is destroyed, it means that it will be removed from heaven and earth forever.

Ancient god medicine is unique, all can be psychic, when destroyed, they can escape and fly. And even more miraculously, they will sometimes be reborn, condensing themselves, turning into a seed, breaking through the air, and choosing a fairy soil that is more suitable for growth.

The magic medicine also has another name - an immortal medicine, which has the power of living and dying human flesh and bones, and they themselves are almost immortal.

The ancient tree of life on the sacred mountain is a kind of immortal medicine.

Even if he is a great emperor, if he wants to live for the second life, he can't do without the magic medicine.

All Holy Lands have been immortal for hundreds of thousands of years, and cultivating a divine medicine can definitely afford to wait, even if it matures once in thousands of years, it is enough!

Picking the magic medicine every thousands of years, accumulating it several times, the people who are expected to take the road of the great emperor will continue to live, maybe they can pile up a great emperor!

When I thought of this, everyone's eyes turned red.

"What do you want?"

A voice sounded, not through the golden cracking stone, but suppressed all the noisy sounds, and everyone couldn't help but look at the window where the voice came from.

Ma Yu Daxi: "Exchange for a hundred leaves of the ancient tree of life." "

He definitely can't keep the true dragon medicine, and the many forces that come after hearing the news, there are no less than a dozen stronger than the Jiuxiao Holy Land, no matter who he gives offend, he offends others, and giving it to Yuzheng is the best choice for him.

"Deal, you let people take it when you turn back."

Huan Zheng reached out and took the True Dragon Medicine in Ma Yu's hand.

Everyone looked at each other and closed themselves.

Zhenlongshan Divine Medicine has reached the hands of Ying Zheng, whether it is soft or hard.

Who dares to compete with the strongest person in the world?

Find death!

The fate of the Feather God Dynasty is there.

"I've seen the Emperor of Politics."

Everyone bowed and saluted, and some people watching in the attic also walked out of the attic to salute.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "You guys continue." "

Everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts, knowing that Ying Zheng was here, it was like an extra mountain in their hearts, and they were uncomfortable.

Ma Yu looked at Wu Qiancheng, his face full of ridicule: "Wu Qiancheng, I cut out the True Dragon Divine Medicine, no matter what you cut out, you can't compare to me, admit defeat." "

Wu Qiancheng tensed his face: "It's not finished cutting yet, what's the rush, in case I also cut out a miracle." "

Having said that, he was drumming in his heart, and unless he also cut out the magic medicine, he would lose today.

Once he loses, his face is lost.

The stakes were not large, but they were extremely humiliating, and whoever lost flew over the holy city and barked three times.

Wu Qiancheng took a deep breath, and the stone cutting knife in his hand fell.


The stones are about to fall, and the stone chips are flying.

The source stone selected by Wu Qiancheng was very large, more than two meters high.

As the stone chips fall, the outline inside gradually reveals.


A vast force was like a volcanic eruption, directly shaking the onlookers, and Wu Qiancheng, who cut the stone, vomited blood and flew upside down, looking terrified.

The Shifang formation was stimulated, and the gods fell, instantly concentrated in this place, trying to suppress the power that erupted in the source stone and prevent the destruction of Shifang.

The source stone appeared cracks, and the cracks bloomed with divine light, thousands of rays of light, thousands of colors, almost transparent, like the most precious colorful gemstones in the world, very dreamy.

"What's going on, Wu Qiancheng, what did you cut out?"

"Could it be that this time it cut out a terrifying ancient creature?"

Wu Qiancheng did not dare to approach the source stone, coughed up blood and shook his head: "I don't know what I cut, it's too terrifying, I don't have the strength to resist at all." "

Xi Yuxi frowned slightly, raised his hand slightly, and instantly suppressed the light that erupted in the source stone, and the slightly vibrating source stone fang calmed down a lot.

Someone saw the creature in the source stone clearly, and his legs and stomach trembled: "What an ancient creature!" "


The power broke out again, shaking Xi Yuxi back a few steps, and everyone was shocked, Xi Yuxi was a great saint.

This time is not only the power, but also the sweep of the momentum, the power is blazing like the sun is descending, people can't help but tremble, this is the coercion from the soul, like the superior is looking down on the ants.

Elder Taishang of the Great Yan Holy Land, his five fingers were stretched together, and five electric rays shot out and intertwined to form a divine net, enveloping the source stone creatures.


An inexplicable force shattered the divine net, and the elder of the Great Yan Holy Land took four or five steps back, his face was blue and white, and he said aloud in the direction of Ying Zheng: "Please ask the Emperor Zheng to suppress it." "

The two Great Sages were unable to suppress the creatures in the source stone, and it was obvious that there was a terrifying anomaly in the source stone.

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