
The source stones were all cracked and fell, and when they thought that Ying Zheng was still there, everyone's fearful hearts faded a lot, and their eyes stared closely at the divine source.

Inside was a man in white, sitting with his eyes closed, and his long hair behind his back was bound by silver silk threads.

Although I don't know whether it is life or death, everyone seems to be able to see the peerless demeanor of this man in white, like a red dust fairy, independent in the world, like a son, unparalleled in the world.

"It doesn't look like ancient creatures in ancient times at all."

"I don't see any signs of ancient times in him."

"No, he must be an ancient creature, this divine source was dug up deep in the source vein, and it was formed at least five million years ago."

Everyone speculated that many forces with a long tradition have been recorded in ancient times and even mythological times.

"I remembered that once in a certain era in the primeval era, this style of white clothes was once popular, and the style on his body was no different." The Jade Void Sect lost his voice.

"Which era?"

Elder Taishang of the Great Yan Holy Land hurriedly asked.

The Jade Void Sect Master pondered: "When I was young, I don't know which ancient book I saw it, which era... Which era... I remembered! "

The Jade Void Sect's head was shocked and attracted everyone's attention, only to hear him slowly say: "The beginning of the primeval era! "

Elder Taishang of the Great Yan Holy Land narrowed his eyes slightly and added, "Immortal Emperor period. "

The ancient period is very far away, even the last Emperor Battle Saint Emperor in the primeval era is millions of years away, and the era of the Immortal Emperor may be tens of millions of years away.

And the emperor with the clearest records in the primeval era is precisely the two pioneers and finalists of the primeval era.

The Battle Saint Emperor doesn't need much, not only because he is extremely powerful and his combat power is terrifying, but he is also the closest emperor to this generation among the ancient emperors.

The Immortal Emperor is purely because he is extremely powerful, the emperor of all heavens and realms, respected by all races, and is the most powerful emperor in the primeval era.

"Can't stay."

Xi Yuxi's cold voice sounded.

If the creatures handed down from the primeval era go out alive, they may cause great disasters.

The head of the Jade Void Sect gradually recalled what he had seen when he was young, and it was much smoother: "In the era of the Immortal Emperor, the reason why this style of white clothes was popular was because the Immortal Emperor sat down as the first god general. "

"In the primeval era, there were eight great god generals who followed the Immortal Emperor, each of them was an invincible existence, fighting the invincible hand throughout the universe, suppressing the strongest of the heavens and realms, except for the existence of Dao, no one would be the opponent of these eight great god generals."

The Jade Void Sect Master looked solemn: "Several of the eight great gods will even step out of their own imperial path, the horror is boundless, according to rumors, a few have sat down, and a few have disappeared in their old age." "

Everyone gasped, the eight gods will be so powerful, then how powerful will the one ranked first among the eight god generals be?

The Jade Void Sect continued: "It is recorded that the first god will have the posture of an ancient emperor, and if it were not for the emperor becoming enlightened, dominating the ups and downs of the world, suppressing the ten thousand ways under the world, and ruling the heavens, he might have taken that step. "

"Although the seven gods of the eight gods will be powerful, their brilliance is covered by the Immortal Emperor, but the brilliance of the first god general is not covered by the Immortal Emperor in the slightest."

"Because he is powerful, shining brightly, and his demeanor is supreme, every day is like a firefly compared to him, and in that era he was the first under the Immortal Emperor's throne!"

"It is precisely because the first god will like to wear a white dress, so many people like to imitate the first god will wear a white dress, which is this style."

Everyone froze, this white-clothed creature in the divine source was so powerful that it couldn't even suppress the two great saints who existed one after another, and it was that white-clothed style, could it be that this creature was the first god general?

It is possible that those weak beings will imitate the white clothes of the First God General, but a Great Sage, or even a quasi-emperor-level existence, will definitely not imitate the clothes of another powerful existence.

Even if the other powerful being is the Great Emperor.

If the Jade Void Sect is right, this person is likely to be the First God General.


The stone chips outside the divine source trembled and fell, and the eyelids of the man in white trembled slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

"The saints and below leave immediately! He's going to wake up! "

Elder Taishang of the Great Yan Holy Land changed his complexion.

As soon as the words fell, most of the people left Shifang, leaving only seven people.

Those who left knew very well that this was not a joke, if the ancient creatures inside were really the first god general, then an earth-shaking battle would break out, and the holy city might collapse.

The formation of the Holy City is very strong, but it cannot withstand the battle above the level of the Great Sage.

Take a step back, even if the ancient creature is not the first god general, it is a powerful existence at the level of a great saint or even a quasi-emperor.

"Also ask the political emperor to plunder the formation!"

Elder Taishang of the Great Yan Holy Land arched his hand.

"Uncle Xu is polite, call me Yingzheng."

Inside the window came the sound of a victorious government.

He is Zhang Kongpan's master, and Huan Zheng and Zhang Kongpan are close friends, so Xu Riyue has helped him a lot.

However, Xu Riyue pays attention to the legal system and rules, and when Ying Zheng is weak, he will call Ying Zheng, but after Ying Zheng has the first name in the world, he no longer refuses to call him by his first name.

And be respectful at all times.

This made Ying Zheng quite helpless, emphasizing that it was useless several times.

Xu Riyue flipped his palm and slapped it down, like a heavenly dome flipping, and the Dao lines were dense, as if holding a star falling, extremely heavy.

At the same time, Xi Yuxi and the other six also shot together, wanting to suppress it with the momentum of thunder.


The white-clothed creature's eyes suddenly opened, exuding earth-shattering throbbing and mighty, like an abyss, a punch blasted out, domineering and tragic, as if there was a domineering spirit that suppressed the heavens and swept the end, and the ghosts and gods were easy, like the existence of an invincible hand that had fought all over the heavens and realms for a generation reappeared.


The elder of the Great Yan Holy Land, who bore the brunt of the attack, was directly broken through all the Dao Lines, coughing up blood and flying upside down.

The others were also pale, and with the movement of a landslide, the entire stone fang, and even the entire holy city, quickly shook it, and it seemed that a hundred-magnitude earthquake would erupt in the next moment.

Ying Zheng fell lightly from the window, his left foot paused slightly, and in an instant, all the earth-shattering fluctuations calmed down.

The Jade Void Sect's palm sect turned pale: "It's really the first god general!" "

A collision suppressed the seven of them, plus being dug out of the divine source, and the white clothes on his body, it was almost certain that the first god general of the Immortal Emperor was almost certain.

If he is really the first god general, the first holy body in the world may not be an opponent.

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