Shen Zhaori's heart was awe-inspiring, the alarm bell was loud, and the latter came first to meet with a punch.

Only to hear a loud rumble, half of the star field is shaking, his body violently shakes, flying upside down for thousands of miles, his face turned red, until a seven-colored lotus flower appeared above his head to stabilize his body and stop retreating.


Shen Zhaori let out a long breath, took a deep look at Huan Zheng, and retreated without saying a word.

In the other direction, Di Wulian and Tu Qiye came together, although the two had not communicated, they both understood that this time the two were collaborators, and the common goal was to organize the Victory Immortal-Du Tribulation Gong.


Tu Qiye suddenly stopped, looked at Huan Zheng solemnly, and spit out two words heavily in his mouth.

Tu Qiye was the only Tianjiao who had not fought with Ying Zheng, and everything in other people or from the information was far less real than really seeing the real person.

When he really faced Ying Zheng, he could feel the magnificence of the vertical and horizontal and fierce majesty on Ying Zheng's body, and this indescribable sense of oppression made him return to the time when he was young and practiced with his father.

Di Wumei's body exuded an extremely cold aura, as if he wanted to freeze the heavens and the earth, his face did not fluctuate in the slightest, and said indifferently: "Ying Zheng, you want to stop me?" "

Ying Zheng said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense. "

Di Wujian's eyes became more and more cold: "I want to see, after a hundred years, your fist is still not as hard as your mouth!" "


The next moment, there was no unnecessary nonsense, and Ying Zheng stepped out across thousands of miles in one step and directly punched out.

It was like a hundred and ten stars exploding at the same time, and the two of them only felt that the galaxy was reversing, and the terrifying indescribable huge fluctuations surged wildly, whether it was dust, light, and tangible and intangible things in the star were violently distorted and shattered.

A ferocious mess!


Tu Qiye's pupils shrank sharply, only to find that when he moved his hand, Ying Zheng was much more terrifying than he felt, and this surging power made every inch of his muscles and every inch of his soul wail and tremble.

A piece of jade pei suddenly emerged from his forehead, and in the jade pei faintly appeared Di Wei, which was a divine weapon that could almost transform into an imperial soldier in one step, accompanied by Tu Qiye's clang, combined with his will, forming a huge transparent barrier in front of him.


The world is just a stone's throw away.

These two words are the best interpretation of his jade pendant.

Once the barrier is formed, it cannot be destroyed, and even if it is only an inch thick, it is a world away.


Seeing Ying Zheng boxing the two, the anger on Di Wuliang's face flashed, and he shot out a big gun, and the stabbing gun was stabbed.

In an instant, there were countless gun shadows in the galaxy, and countless stars were powdered by the aftermath

The general trend is magnificent, the big piercing the universe, and the trend of killing the government.


In just an instant, Ying Zheng's punch slammed on the invisible barrier, and I saw a black hole-like hole appear on the barrier, and then lightning-like cracks around the black hole spread in all directions.


Tu Qiye, who bore the brunt of it, snorted, a pair of eyes bulged sharply, almost spitting out his eye sockets, and then the seven tips sprayed blood, and the blood snake snake snaked down, extremely terrifying.

Boom rumble!

The stars were directly smashed and shattered by Tu Qiye, and only after directly smashing more than a dozen stars did they stop, their faces were distorted, and they only felt that there was pain everywhere in their bodies.

Looking at Di Wulian again, the divine gun in his hand had been twisted, his right arm was broken, revealing Sensen's white bones, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth, and Qing Yi was stained red with blood.

Ying Zheng didn't look at the two, and pointed out, cutting a ravine hundreds of thousands of miles long in the starry river, the person disappeared, and the voice faintly entered the ears of the two:

"Passer, die!"

Di Wujian's cold face couldn't stop twitching, seeing his appearance, Tu Qiye didn't open his mouth: "Di Wujiang..."

Di Wulian tilted his head to look at him and whispered, "He may have achieved the Holy Body." "

Tu Qiye's eyes widened: "Then why are we..."

The three words "still alive" were not spit out, and he saw that Di Wulian pointed at Beidou.

Tu Qiye is clear.

In the other direction, Nangong Sheng and Zhu Wudao arrived together.

Huan Zheng looked at Nangong Sheng, a man with a bitter face: "Brother Nangong, you and I have drunk twice, I don't want to start with you, it depends on whether Brother Nangong wants to have more of me as a friend." "

Nangong Sheng thought about it and turned to leave.

0 for flowers 0

"I'm not participating."

Ying Zheng looked at Zhu Wudao again.

"Win Zheng."

Zhu Wudao smiled and said, "I have no friendship with you, and I am afraid that I will not be able to let me leave with a word." "

Huan Zheng nodded and said, "Emperor Wuliang, Tu Qiye, and Shen Chaori were all seriously injured by me. "

Zhu Wudao frowned, as if thinking about the truth of this sentence, and after a while, he laughed and turned and retreated:

"Brother Wen, don't forget today's friendship, you owe me a personal favor."

"Thank you, brothers."

Ying Zheng said loudly.


The power of the thunder tribulation shook all over the world, endless thunder light, eighty-one purple night calamities one after another, that is the light of the avenue, turned into purple gas pressure and fell, supreme and great, vast and incomparable.


There are countless phantoms in the Thunder Tribulation fighting with the Immortals, and the Thunder Tribulation continues to fall, cutting through his flesh and skin like a sharp sword, and Shen Yan burns and burns her bones.

"Nine nine eighty-one Heavenly Tribulation, I have only seen it in the Emperor Venerable and the Immortal Emperor." The voice of the Lord of Immortal Tomb sounded, with a slight shock in the cold.

"Strike together! Kill her! "

"Nope! Now can't make a move, when she completes the tribulation, at that time she is already a great emperor, and when she is the weakest, the life essence of a great emperor is enough to compare with billions of trillions of living beings. Another icy voice sounded.

Shi Huang teased slightly: "Pity, pathetic, lamentable." An unfulfilled holy body is constantly rushing for the Demon Immortal Guardian Dao, which is a pity. "

Another supreme voice sounded: "Even if it is not completed, its essence blood is very valuable, at least it can meet the requirements of the three supreme life essences, and it cannot be wasted." "

The so-called strongest people in the world are just a joke in their eyes, and the protection of the road to the end is still a joke after all.

The Supreme of the Life Forbidden Area looked at it coldly, without a trace of emotion, quietly looking at the Immortal Crossing Tribulation, his eyes were cold, slightly undulating, in their opinion, these two people were just their mouths in the end.

They reached a consensus that they must kill Huan Yixian, otherwise they may not have any chance in the future.

If the tribulation is successful, a great emperor who has survived the eighty-one heavenly tribulation will have too terrifying combat power. _

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