The body was shattered, the blood was drenched, and it was so miserable, the onlookers felt that the Xian Xian had failed to cross the calamity, but no matter how miserable she was, she had been standing for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, despite the suffering, Huan Yixian still broke through, a figure stood in the barren star field, although it was miserable, but at this time, all the cultivators felt a great oppression, that aura was too terrifying, strong and strong, like a burning fire.

Preaching success.

A great emperor is born!

But those who care know that this is not the end, but the beginning.

Even if he is amazing, he will still fall into short-term weakness.

And the forbidden zone supreme will not give up this opportunity.

Slaughter a great emperor!

The Taichu Ancient Mine, Shangtian, Immortal Tomb, Divine Ruin, Immortal Mountain, Reincarnation Sea, these "five three zero" life forbidden places that do not know how many years have existed, no one knows how many years they have existed, and no one knows how many living supremes are inside.

Some people speculate that since ancient times, dozens of emperors and emperors, half of the supremes have killed themselves.

In the Big Dipper Star Domain, his eyes swept over the six forbidden lands, and each forbidden place was filled with fog all year round, and the naked eye and divine thoughts could not see through.

Many quasi-emperors, great saints, saint kings, and saints also looked at the forbidden land, almost shivering in unison, reaching their realm, they could see through the fog, in the forbidden land, there were no less than ten pairs of cold, indifferent, without a trace of emotion, without seven emotions and six desires of eyes looking at Huan Zheng, looking at Huan Yixian.

This kind of look is to regard everything in heaven and earth as a dog, and it also contains the ultimate greed.

This is the look of blood food.

Heaven and earth seemed to calm down, almost dead silence, Jiang Futian, Di Wuliang and others all understood that this was the calm before the storm.


The earth where the Immortal Mountain was located shook wildly, the fog suddenly dispersed, and the mighty aura swept across the world, the Big Dipper, the Big Dipper Star Domain, and spread towards the surrounding star fields.

"Ying Zheng, your time of death has come."

Shi Huang's voice was extremely indifferent, without a little wave, but the murderous intent in it was surging, as if he was saying a fact.

"Have the guts to take it."

Ying Zheng has a majestic body that is difficult to match, and his momentum and momentum are comparable to Shi Huang.


A cold snort sounded in the Immortal Tomb.

This is a mysterious ancient land, according to legend, there are immortals buried here, and how many heroes have gone deep into it in ancient times are like mud cows entering the sea, and there has always been no entry or exit.

This place has large hills, stone monuments, and is extremely tall, suspected to be one of the most dangerous Jedi in ancient times. On weekdays, it is desolate, and everyone listens to the movement, the huge grave is dead silent, and there are no creatures. But now, in the central area, there is a rushing light that tickles the sky!

A supreme figure walked out of the shroud of clear light, unable to see his true form, the blood qi crown was peerless, and the overflow of such a wisp made the nearby great desolation shattered!

This is not at all like an existence that has paid a huge price and is now about to decay, he is still powerful and has an invincible momentum in this human world.

Just exuding a wisp of qi made all living beings and many cultivators tremble in a radius of millions of miles!

Even if the Supreme is born, even if the qi machine is covered up, everything is restrained, and it still makes people feel like a supreme god has returned, derived from instinctive fear.

He took one step, and a fairy light avenue automatically appeared in nine days and ten lands, although the imperial qi was restrained and not released, but it still made all the creatures in the entire southern region panic, and the people in the nearby area involuntarily kowtowed.

In addition to the fact that the Quasi-Emperor could barely resist this kind of qi machine, even the Great Sage felt a chill in his spine and trembled.

He looked at the Big Dipper Star Domain, his eyes were as deep as Wang Yang's condensation, unfathomable. Take a closer look at the universe and the stars inside, the heavens collapse, and the heavens and the earth are born!

"If the Great Formation Holy Body of the Desolate Forbidden Land comes forward, I will still be afraid of one or two later, you a Holy Body that has not yet completed the Holy Body, you still dare to make a big fuss here, arrogant."

The Supreme Words that came out of Xianling were full of mockery and disdain.

They used to be great emperors, and they became supremes with a slash, and their combat power was far inferior to that of the great emperor, but they were far stronger than the quasi-emperor Nine Heavens.

In their opinion, if the Holy Body of Victory has not been accomplished, they dare to stop them and seek death.

The next moment, the heavens rumbled and shook, a beam of light rushed up, and another supreme appeared, even more brutal, and said concisely: "Come up and take death!" "

"Three Supremes have appeared! Can the Eucharist really be beaten? "

"History records that a Dacheng Eucharist is at most comparable to a supreme one, and now the Holy Body does not have a Dacheng, how..." The person who spoke let out a long sigh:

No one will have a heart for the Supreme, almost everyone's heart is for the Supreme, but even if the Tianjiao make a move, it is far from being the opponent of the Supreme.

"If the Eucharist is defeated..."

Panic spreads.

"I hope the Great Emperor recovers as soon as possible." Someone kneels religiously in prayer.

The damage caused by the Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavenly Tribulation was too great, and in order to survive the Heavenly Tribulation, Huan Yixian exhausted everything, and now she is extremely weak and is trying her best to recover.

It should be said that there are few great emperors, and the ancient emperor will be as weak as the Ying Xian after surviving the Heavenly Tribulation.

They did not suffer the Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavenly Tribulation.

"Tianxuan Shending."

Jiang Futian stood at the highest point of the Tianxuan Holy Land and gently called for the imperial soldiers of the Tianxuan Holy Land.

In the Great Yan Holy Land, Zhang Kongpan summoned the great disciple to instruct him, and passed on the position of Holy Lord to him under the witness of all the elders and Elder Taishang.

Zhongzhou, the second human body asked softly: "Elder Zhu, my friendship with Ying Zheng has not reached this point." "

Elder Zeu said in a deep voice, "No. "

"Am I stupid then?"


"Life is rare and stupid once, Elder Zeu, please do something, turn back to my divine throne to engrave the second human world of the wise god and martial arts, how."

"No, I will engrave the world's first fool and the second human world"

Second Human Room: "........."


The fog around the stone emperor dispersed, revealing the true face of this supreme, full of ten zhang tall, with a glance of eyebrows, half open and half closed, holding a halberd more than ten years long, also an imperial soldier.

Suddenly, it was like the birth of a fierce beast, and a terrifying aura surged forward.

Outside the domain, many small stars directly exploded and turned into powder, all of which were destroyed under this fluctuation.

"Shi Huang! An ancient emperor in the primeval era, originally a Holy Spirit, got rid of the shackles of the stone fetus, truly sublimated to the extreme, and finally became enlightened. "

Some people shuddered, remembering the origin of the stone emperor recorded in the ancient books, that halberd was born with him from the stone fetus, named Tianhuang, also known as the stone emperor halberd!

Ten thousand years of life exhausted, self-slashed, entered the Immortal Mountain, and became the Lord of the Immortal Mountain. _

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