"It is reasonable that you cut me off an avatar, and I swallow your essence blood."

Shi Huang had an extremely cruel smile on his face, and his cold eyes were extremely bloodthirsty.


The black halberd in the black hand of the stone emperor burst out billions of gods, and the most terrifying big crack and the light of extinction burst out, and the anger swept through the six and eight wastes.

The euphorbia crossed the nine heavens and descended from the endless chaotic waterfall.

Countless stars burst directly.


Six divine wheels rose in vain behind Ying Zheng, blooming immortal light divine rules, and the domineering power accompanied the fist.


It was as if there was a world blessed on the fist, and the starry sky in a radius of tens of millions of miles shook violently, as if it was about to be destroyed.


It was like a hanging galaxy exploding, too brilliant, the halberd flew up, and the huge size of the stone emperor kept retreating.

And Ying Zheng's figure did not move, stepping on the words, and killing towards the stone emperor.

"Give me death!"

The black halberd in Shi Huang's hand trembled, and the black light filled several star domains, and the huge halberd blade flashed with a terrifying light, as if it could shatter all obstacles.

Ring the bell!

Ying Zheng squeezed the fist seal in his hand, and the six reincarnation fists seemed to be about to transform and sublimate in his hands, to become the fist of immortals, and the Xingji technique had almost reached the pinnacle under his feet11.

In an instant, the two did not know how many times they collided, the shock wave was extremely violent, dozens of star domains collapsed, the stone emperor roared continuously, the overwhelming momentum rushed into the sky, and one star domain after another was directly shattered in the roar of the stone emperor.

"Death is your end! It is also useless to resist, obediently die under my halberd! "

The earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the universe.

The two deliberately avoided the star domain with living beings, and the star fields that were shattered by the war were all star fields without living beings.

The universe is huge, and the star field with living beings is only one in a billion.

Ying Zheng didn't want to die and injure the innocent, and in the case of these supremes of the Shi Huang, he didn't want them to die innocently, how could they devour the essence of life when they died?

As the great battle continued, Shi Huang's face showed shock, he didn't even suppress Ying Zheng, since an unaccomplished holy body could match him.

"Lord of Immortal Tomb! Dapeng Ancient Emperor! What are you waiting for! You have to wait until the Immortal Champion recovers!" "

The Stone Emperor roared to remind the two supremes.

Although the purpose of the Supreme Self-Killing is the same, the major forbidden lands are actually enemies, and it is not impossible for the Lord of Immortal Tomb and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor to sit and wait for him to die.

Up to now, he no longer has the determination to kill Yingzheng alone.

Swing the world! ".. The hand that came out of the immortal tomb revealed his true face.

He drank loudly, resounding in the sky, his whole body was glowing, the chaotic qi was dispersed, revealing a bronzed face, the sound was like a golden bell, and he was hairy. The Taoist robe is old, and it is really a mythical era

With a hum, the fairy sword across his knees flew up, and a sword came out, and the cosmic galaxy lost its color, opening up the heavens and the earth.

Once his sword, carrying heaven and earth, dispelled darkness and illuminated the way ahead.

Once his sword shocked the universe and reflected people's hearts, but now, his sword has fallen, filled with darkness, chaos, and killing.

Even so, his sword was still so terrifying, a sword cut out, more brilliant than anything, like a touch of darkness that appeared between heaven and earth at the moment of opening the heavens and the earth.

"Gu Tianzun!"

"The Immortal Heavenly Venerable who created the Word Secret, he didn't even die, after such a long time, he is still in the world!"

Someone saw the truth and was shocked beyond words.

The Immortal Tianzun is one of the nine Heavenly Venerables of the mythical era, which is too far away, spanning the mythical era, the primeval era, and the desolate era.

He has gone through Tianzun, ancient emperor, and lived to the current era of the Desolate Ancient Emperor.

Some people are creepy, the immortal emperor capital that opened the primeval era is tens of millions of years ago, so how many years is the Immortal Heavenly Venerable?

How much life essence did he devour?

How many creatures died at his hands?

"Ying Zheng, the three supremes kill you and die well!"

The third supreme revealed his true face, and his voice was sonorous.

He stood tall, his golden hair flew, and he walked out of the dark universe, and suddenly there were billions of golden rays, shining on the entire mythical ancient battlefield.

He seemed to be made of gold, full of a kind of demonic nature, his eyes were fierce, and he held a whip like a divine sword with a total of 28 knots.

The ancient emperor of Dapeng was also an emperor in the primeval era.


The Dapeng Emperor rotated the golden divine whip, crushed the universe, and emitted a terrible whistling sound, hitting the face of Ying Zheng, indifferent and ruthless, and tens of thousands of avenue runes bloomed.

"Hahahaha, good to go! Three emperors, don't let me hide for so long! "

Ying Zheng laughed maniacally, full of ambition and pride that swallowed mountains and rivers.

He raised his fist to kill, and his qi and blood burst violently, ten times more terrifying than the previous qi and blood, the Six Dao Reincarnation Fist, an ancient holy body, was passed down from generation to generation, and the worldly boxing method perfected from generation to generation was completely transformed in his hands.

It's not an exaggeration to call it Immortal Fist.

This is a kind of world-conquering divine technique, which is most suitable for the Holy Body to perform, and the vigorous blood qi like Wang Yang, coupled with the unparalleled physical body, can really be exerted to the extreme realm.

And when this already world-famous divine fist was completely transformed in the hands of Ying Zheng, no one had ever seen the horror that was fully unleashed.

The space around his body expanded endlessly, his power soared, and a fiery feeling filled the heavens and earth, and his figure seemed to quickly rise up, become larger, and fill the universe.

Everything is burning, the void is boiling, and the star field is shattering.

On the fist of Ying Zheng, Shi 323 Emperor, Dapeng Emperor, and Immortal Venerable thoroughly felt what is called a fist that makes heaven and earth tremble, what is called a fist that dominates eternity, and what is called an illusory fist under one punch.

What vast and majestic, eternal immobility, what time turns, in this overbearing punch that subverts people's imagination, it has become an illusion and a fantasy.


are all crushed.


The stone emperor sprayed out against the blood, like a river of blood spilled, some plants on the stars, creatures were spilled on the body by this blood, and they were crushed to death immediately, if they were not crushed to death, they would grow to ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times larger in the blink of an eye.

The halberd flew away, not knowing where to fly into the universe.

"Your Eucharist is complete!"

Shi Huang's eyes were full of disbelief, as well as shame, before he and Ying Zheng fought earth-shattering, you come and go, although I know that I can't kill Ying Zheng alone, but I haven't fallen into the downside.

What made him feel ashamed was that Yingzheng was playing him from beginning to end!

The so-called close match is fake!

How dare he!

I am the Ancient Emperor!

I am Supreme!

How dare you tease me like that!

Shi Huang's eyes were red, trembling, and he roared furiously: "You are dead!" "

He roared and rushed forward again.

No Euphorbia.

Only barehanded. _

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