There is no doubt that the supremes in the Seven Lives Forbidden Zone are either the supremes of the mythical era, or the Taikoo Emperor, or the Terran Emperor and the Holy Spirit Divine Fetus, all of which are amazing.

This level can't self-proclaim in the source, and there is no substance in the sky or on earth that can keep them immortal, because they are too powerful to hold back at all.?

The reason why they survived is because they all have their own immortal methods, of course, there is also a premise, that is, they have slashed themselves!

Withdrew from the imperial throne and fell down that realm, otherwise how could he be self-proclaimed until now.

After some people fall into that realm, they can lie dormant for eternity and never be born, and having the Primordial Life Stone, Immortal Origin, etc. can allow them to seal for a long time.

There are some Terran emperors, some Taikoo Emperors, and others who did not wake up until the Chengxian Road was opened, and were directly born to fight the Immortal Road of the First Life. Of course, such people's physical state will definitely be weak to the lowest point, and before the immortal road is over, they will fall.

And some people, even if they use rare materials such as immortal sources and primordial life stones to proclaim themselves, because the time is too long, or there is one or another problem in the middle, they can't hold on, and they wake up 357 in advance and are about to transform.

Thus, there is dark turmoil??

One sand and one world, one grass and one paradise.

The same is true of living beings, no matter how weak they are, they all contain a great miracle, and they all have the most precious substance in this world in their bodies, that is, life.

There will be many strong people, and relatively few weak people, which is like a treasure, hidden in the body of every living being.

The Supreme awakened halfway, in order to survive, in order to continue immortality, there will be dark turmoil, not limited to Beidou, the eight wastes of the universe are their hunting grounds.

The Ancient Supreme will not let a place dry up, but selectively carry out, preserving some life seeds for those ancient star domains, even if they draw life for a long time, keep themselves immortal, prevent the expansion of rifts, and repair the life wheel.?

Of course, this kind of thing is like the elixir of immortality, the medicinal properties will be sharply reduced after using it once, the same amount will inevitably be useless, and if you need it again next time, you will have to use it ten times a hundredfold!

Therefore, the dark turmoil will become more terrifying every time, and the lives that every supreme needs to devour now are often in the position of billions, and at most tens of billions of living beings have been washed in blood, such as the stone emperor!

But this is not to allow them to live a second life, but only to temporarily resist the invasion of the years and resist aging.

Life is the greatest miracle in the world, but it has also become the greatest source of trouble!

The Supreme of Life unleashed a dark turmoil, and when they encountered a great emperor, they tried their best to retreat, after all, they fell to a realm and did not want to fight hard.

Forbidden zones have existed since mythological times: In fact, there is no such thing as dark turmoil in Swire.

At that time, the ancient emperor and the supreme reached a certain degree of tacit understanding, and whenever the supreme was born, the ancient emperor would divide an area in the universe, allowing the supreme to devour the living beings and continue life.

Although it is essentially the same as the dark turmoil of later generations, there was no talk of dark turmoil at that time.

Most of the ancient emperors of the primeval era would enter the forbidden area with a slash and join the Supreme after the end of the year.

Although the ancient emperor is in the universe and invincible in nine days and ten lands, there will be an old day after all, and the forbidden area is the back road they leave for themselves.

The universe is infinite, in the eyes of the ancient emperor, they are just ants, tens of billions of deaths, hundreds of billions, leaving a way back for themselves, they think it is very reasonable.

In this way, until the end of the primeval period, the supreme of the forbidden area got older and older, and the more life essence needed to be devoured with each birth.

The tacit understanding between the ancient emperor and the supreme was broken until the late primeval period, after the emperor of the taiyin people preached.

In the primeval world, the Terrans are the lowest race, and the Terrans are the most, although the Terrans are weak, but there are a lot of life substances contained in the body.

Therefore, in the area divided by the Ancient Emperor, the creatures that were devoured the most by the Supreme were the Terrans.

As the first emperor of the Terran race, how could the Taiyin Emperor endure it, how could he be in the same league as the Supreme, and after he preached, he brazenly entered the forbidden area and slaughtered the two Supremes.

In the following 10,000 years, slaughtered three supremes, in his late years, the supreme launched the first dark turmoil to surround and kill him, but did not expect that it was a trap set by the Taiyin Emperor, he lived the second life, the combat power returned to its heyday, and slaughtered four supremes in a war.

The other supremes were frightened and hidden.

Therefore, the second emperor of the Taiyin Ren was most regretful that he could not slaughter another supreme and failed to calm the forbidden area.

In the second year of the Taiyin Emperor, no supreme dared to emerge, until it was determined that the Taiyin Emperor died on the Chengxian Road, and the forbidden area supremes appeared one by one.

After the Taiyin Emperor disappeared on the Chengxian Road, the second clearly recorded dark turmoil occurred, affecting an unprecedented extent, and dozens of star domain lives were swallowed up and fell into dead silence.

But what the Supreme didn't expect was that the Sun Saint Emperor tens of thousands of years later was actually born in the Terran race.

With the lesson of the Taiyin Emperor, of course, the supremes will no longer allow the Terrans to give birth to the Ancient Emperor, so the difficulty of the Sun Saint Emperor's preaching is much greater than that of the Taiyin Emperor, and he has suffered countless calamities and interceptions.

But he eventually became emperor, and seemed to inherit the mission of the Taiyin Emperor, and he entered the forbidden area again.

This time, the Supreme escaped quickly, and he only slaughtered one Supreme.

The supremes hid deeper, and the Sun Saint Emperor only slaughtered three supremes in his life.

Similarly, in order to avoid the Sun Saint Emperor setting a trap, tens of thousands of years after the Sun Saint Emperor's death, the Forbidden Zone Supreme dared to emerge, and at the same time launched the third dark turmoil, this time affecting a wider area than the second time.

At the same time, as a retaliation, Yan Luo of the prefecture slaughtered the Sun Pulse Quasi-Emperor and killed countless people of the Sun Clan, in order to refine the Sun blood, causing the Sun Vein to weaken and almost be exterminated.

The last ancient emperor at the end of the primeval period was the Fighting Saint Emperor, although he was an ancient race, he was not used to the behavior of the supreme, and after preaching, he smashed a stick into it, and he directly smashed two supremes to death with combat power.

The Fighting Saint Emperor is the last glory of the ancient race, the Desolate Ancient Period, the rise of the Terran race, the Fuxi Emperor, the Nuwa Emperor, the Daoyan Emperor, the Gou Chen Emperor, the Tianxuan Emperor, the Amitabha Buddha the Great, the Feather Emperor, all are Terrans.

Generations of Terran emperors have inherited the mission of the Taiyin Emperor, and each emperor has at least one supreme blood stained in his hands, and their common goal is to pacify the forbidden area.

Although the Demon Emperor who became a Dao after the Dao Yan Emperor is not a Terran, he is also the supreme enemy of the forbidden area.

The unknown Terran Emperor after the Tianxuan Emperor was born in the Terran race, and although he entered the forbidden area with a knife in the evening, he never initiated a dark turmoil. _

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