Because generations of great emperors will slaughter the supreme, the relationship between the contemporary emperor and the supreme is already a mortal enemy.

Either you die or I die.

Every Terran Emperor will be sniped by the Supreme before preaching, and every Terran Emperor will kill the Supreme after preaching.

After the rise of the Terrans, I don't know how many Tianjiao demons died in the hands of the Supreme in the last step of the Dao, because they knew that once a great emperor was born, it was like a great sun, that is, when they became underground rats, less than ten thousand years, more than tens of thousands of years.

He who sees the light dies.

During this period of time of the Great Emperor, there were also supremes who died of old age because the Great Emperor did not dare to be born and plunder the essence of life.

In addition to the Great Emperor, there are also successive generations of holy bodies, throwing their heads and spilling blood, and crushing bones, which has achieved the glorious prestige of the holy body.

However, the Dacheng Holy Body can only call the Great Emperor at most, not the opponent of the Great Emperor, and the supreme combat power of self-slashing is not much different.

The highest combat power of the Dacheng Saint Body in the past is the Lord of the Forbidden Land, who killed the Lord of the Forbidden Land of the previous generation, in addition, he also killed ~ a Venerable.

This has become the pinnacle of the Eucharist's combat power.

But now the Great Cheng Holy Body of Yingzheng has broken everyone's cognition, and slaughtered the stone emperor with the power of thunder in the siege of the three supremes.

No matter how you look at it, it is higher than the main combat power of the Desolate Forbidden Land.

Coupled with the fact that the Great Emperor Tribulation is the Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavenly Tribulation, when these two perversions exist in the world, it can be predicted that it will be the end of the forbidden area.

This is unacceptable to the Forbidden Zone Supreme.

From the time the Immortal Tianzun and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor made a move to the time when the Stone Emperor was burst, it was actually just a matter of one or two breaths.

It was also the most terrifying moment for the Immortal Tianzun and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor, their attack, divine power, obviously hit Ying Zheng, but it was like hitting a phantom in the water.

But on the other hand, this phantom in the water burst the stone emperor again.

How weird it looks.


Ying Zheng slaughtered towards the Immortal Tianzun and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor, his body was violently sublimated, and the 100,000-li void that was scorching was twisted and wanted to collapse.

The combat power of the Immortal Tianzun is better than that of the Stone Emperor and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor, and he can live from the mythological era to the present, not only relying on one character secret, but also because of the meritorious creation.


A cut through eternity, like a flying immortal outside the sky, too brilliant, the sharp and piercing sword of the immortal sword, the person who shines can't open his eyes, the horror to the extreme.?

In the sky, one after another the star river shattered, and a large area of the star field was extinguished, and the immortal sword became flying ash!


Dapeng Huang made a move, he was shocked, tall and burly, full of golden thick long hair flying, even the pupils were golden, incomparably intimidating.

The light burst out, and the golden whip crushed the dead and killed the government.


The killing qi shook the nine skies and shook the starry sky.

Two giant points sounded one after another, and the most dazzling light burst out with the immortal sword as the center, spreading in all directions, sweeping this sky, destroying many starry rivers, and endless big stars became fragments and turned into powder!

Ying Zheng seems to stand in the center of the universe, as if he has become the pillar of Optimus, and his punch and palm contain powerful and incredible power, and the power is both divine.

"Not enough! Inadequate! "

Ying Zheng roared, like billions of thunder falling and exploding.

He danced wildly with black hair, domineering, and heroic and majestic.

"A few more, or I'll kill you two!"

The maniacal laughter of the victorious government was full of defiance and domineering and boundless killing intent, like the will of the Heavenly Emperor, and the heaven and earth were subordinate, so that everyone was trembling in their hearts, and they wanted to kneel and crawl.


The Immortal Sword wailed, much dimmer, and blood sprayed from the mouth of the Immortal Heavenly Venerable.

Dapeng Ancient Emperor also vomited blood in a big gulp, and another blood mark appeared on his body, and his body was torn apart, almost shattered.

With one and two, Ying Zheng actually suppressed them firmly, as if he would follow in the footsteps of the queen of stone in the next moment.

"Too weak! You guys are too weak! "

The eyes of the government are as bright as the sun, and the magnitude of the glory fills the heavens and the earth.

"Why not sublimate to the extreme, what are you waiting for! Wait to die! "

The scene was terrifyingly shocking, and the government killed all directions, and the blood rushed into the sky, dyeing the heaven and the earth.

"Aren't you going to make a move yet? What are you waiting for! Ying Zheng is more terrifying than any other great emperor, do you still want to be a rat for tens of thousands of years! "

Immortal Tianzun coughed up blood and roared, from the fierce killing intent of the collision to the current recognition of reality.

This Holy Communion is too perverted!

The combat power must not be treated as the Great Cheng Holy Body, and it is stronger than the combat power of the previous Great Emperor.

All the cultivators were stunned, they thought that Ying Zheng would die, but they did not expect that Ying Zheng hid a hand, and the Holy Body had long been completed, and he would explode the Stone Emperor under the siege of the three supremes.

Now he suppressed the Immortal Tianzun and the Dapeng Ancient Emperor, and beat them miserably.

If it were not for the fact that the sermon could not be hidden, they would all think that the government would have already preached.


Dapeng Ancient Emperor vomited blood, pedaled backwards, and his body almost flew sideways, looking furious:

"Don't you understand? Hurry up, kill the two of them, and when the Immortals recover, I really have no way to live. "

His golden whip no longer knew where to fly, and his body was covered with cracks and white bones, stepping on the edge of life and death.

It was as if the weight of a world had weighed down on his head, and he struggled to hold on, but his knees were already bent.

He couldn't hold on.

"After all, you still have to make a move, Ying Zheng, you can be surrounded and killed by us, as a Dacheng Holy Body, you are more brilliant than any great emperor."


A magnificent and domineering will swept the heavens and the earth like a doomsday frenzy, making the heavens and stars tremble, many big stars shattered, and at this moment, all the major life forbidden areas were shining brightly, and the ancient emperor and the great emperor were filled with qi and burst out!

In the rumble, the laws fly, the heavens and the earth tremble, the immortal sounds in the major forbidden areas are endless, all kinds of laws shocked the human world, the huge figure spread beyond the domain, each figure is a flood and desolate universe, is a supreme avenue!

Six forbidden areas, each of which has a supreme rush out.

As they say, no great emperor is qualified to be besieged by so many supremes.

At that time, the Taiyin Emperor fought four supremes alone, and although they were all slaughtered, they themselves were also seriously injured.

If the forbidden area supreme is united, regardless of its own losses, a forbidden area can slaughter a great emperor.

However, the supremes of the major forbidden areas are enemies and non-friends, and the supreme relationship of the same forbidden area may not be good, and they cannot work together, which will be as fearful as a tiger to the emperor.

Second, once the Supreme is born, it is wasting life, if it returns to the most brilliant peak in the past, it will have to pay a heavy price, it will die at every turn, the number of times is limited, and once this state is opened, it is difficult to be self-sufficient!

This also means that once they are born, they will kill Ying Zheng and Huan Xian Xian, and the life essence contained in these two perverted existences is enough to make up for all losses.

If you don't kill and can't start a dark turmoil, then you almost have to sit down, and you can't resist the power of time anymore!

Therefore, every Supreme is born, and there are zero pros and cons. _

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