"Ying Zheng, Ying Xian Immortal, you will die today!"

The voice is like a thunder of the world, and the voice is a unicorn, extremely huge, it is tens of thousands of miles long, across the heaven and earth, shattering everything in the heaven and earth!

His whole body was scaled, like a cast of immortal gold, shining with a blue-purple light.

He stepped directly out of the primordial ancient mine, and in the Sovereign Landing Universe, he coerced the nine heavens and ten earths, as if he could make the three thousand worlds collapse in an instant!?

This is a supreme being, no different from the unicorn in the Immortal Domain, and the skull has a beam of light in the sky, which is his fruit position, proving that it was once an imperial supreme.

The tens of thousands of miles long unicorn was born with an ancestral dragon head, and its body was covered with blue-purple scales, shining with a cold metallic luster.

On its skull, a talisman appeared, and the beam of light reached the sky, tearing the universe, and after millions of years, the Supreme of the Imperial Road came to this world again.

"Cane come!"

He coldly spit out two words, and the entire Eastern Wilderness shook a few times, angry and bullfighting.

With a boom, a brilliant blue light flew from outside the domain, exuding supreme imperial majesty, streaked through the dark universe, penetrated the boundless icy star domain, and directly descended to the Big Dipper star domain.

Its blue dazzling, crystal brilliance, emitted eternal brilliance, illuminated the entire Eastern Wilderness land, quickly landed towards the northern region, and the divine power was turbulent for hundreds of millions of miles. This is the truly resurrected emperor-level weapon, every wisp of coercion makes the Great Sage tremble, no matter how far apart, it makes the ancestor of a domain can't help but kneel, it is too terrifying.

The Qilin Ancient Emperor and his Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier Qilin Staff, the Qilin Staff is the supreme artifact of the Taikoo Great Royal Family, known to the world, once disappeared for a period of time, when attacking the Eternal Star Domain, it was suppressed by the Dao Yan line using immortal clothes and the ancient imperial array.

Someone recognized the identity of this supreme.

And from the heavens, an ethereal Taoist walked out, one hundred thousand miles in one step, he did not look majestic or powerful, and his body exuded the breath of a lonely seeker.

But this person has walked all the way, countless broken stars seem to be rejuvenated, and the eyes of the Taoist are extremely vicissitudes, as if they have experienced immeasurable years, the cycle of cause and effect continues, the era is shattered, and it is reborn.

The Dapeng Ancient Emperor, who was also a heaven, did not know the identity of this Daoist, only the Immortal Heavenly Venerable caught a glimpse of this Daoist figure and seemed to think of something.

An old woman came out of the immortal tomb, her skin was loose, she was old, her teeth were about to fall out, and she was very ugly.

As a supreme, she couldn't even maintain her appearance, proving that her lifespan was coming to an end.

The supreme who came out of the divine ruins is a beautiful shadow, noble, graceful, great, showing the magnificence and peerless, and the crown of the world. As the first sexual ancient emperor who has been clearly recorded, she is indeed amazing, and this female supreme is not in the record, and no cultivator knows her name. A cyan majestic figure of reincarnation looked at Ying Zhenghe and let out an indifferent laugh.

Lord of Samsara.

Together with the Immortal Heavenly Venerable, he was the two most contaminated with the blood of living beings among the Supremes.

Seeing life like an ant, the creatures of the world, whether mortals or cultivators, are not even as good as a bug in his eyes.

And his indifferent smile, the expression that does not pay attention to the heart, is even more chilling, this supreme who was once one of the biggest initiators of dark turmoil, his hands are stained with blood, and he doesn't know how many creatures to kill in the past, it needs to be measured in hundreds of millions!

Billion? Billion? Trillion? Omen?

Many, many ...

Step by step, step by step, his feet are like a sea of corpses and bones, piled up by the bones of hundreds of millions of living beings, his heart is as cold as a cold knife, harder than iron and stone, killing hundreds of millions of living beings will not blink an eye.

Another figure walked out of the divine ruin, the fairy light was gorgeous, and the colors were thousands of strips, an ancient chariot flew out, the vast chaotic qi spread, and there was a middle-aged man sitting on the car, with black hair and a shawl, strong blood, and eyes as bright as lightning.

Spirit Emperor.

Like the Shi Emperor, he is a Holy Spirit, but not a stone man who has become enlightened, but an innate essence qi transformed into flesh and blood.

As soon as he was born, there was not a trace of old age, and the other supremes more or less exuded a trace of twilight, and his blood was monstrous, just like an ancient emperor in the world.

"A good holy body, I am afraid that there will never be such a stunning demon as you in the ancient and modern future, which makes us all afraid, the practice is only four hundred years, the holy body is complete, you can kill the ancient emperor, give you another four hundred years, we will have no way to live."

A bearded man walked forward with a divine bow in his hand, casually pulled the bowstring, there was no arrow feathers on it, but a trilling sound came out, but let the soul be shattered.....?

This method made it clear that the empty arrow pierced the heart, and no arrow was better than an arrow, and all the monks who heard this trilling sound felt that the soul was tingling, as if the soul had been shot through.

The corpse emperor, his origin is extremely strange, he is the second person in this heaven and earth to turn into a living body from a corpse, and finally become an emperor, which is extremely powerful.

According to rumors, he was dug up from the deepest part of the prefecture, and it is impossible to say what age the competition belongs to, accompanied by ancient monuments, and according to that kind of writing, it is speculated that it is the bones of the ancient era.

Once a magnate of the prefecture, now sleeping in the Taichu Ancient Mine.

He said a fact, the Forbidden Zone Supreme was indeed afraid, they were afraid that the government would grow up, and they would have no way to live in heaven and on earth.

"Nine Supremes, you died unjustly, rest assured, when you are, the coffin I have prepared for you, I slept back then, it is very comfortable."

He reached out and grabbed it, and a black coffin was caught by him.

"Oh my God, nine supremes, there has never been a dark turmoil in history where nine supremes have appeared, even if the political emperor is a holy body, can he ever be rivaled?"

He spoke with a trill, and the surrounding monks were sad when they heard it.

Even if one great emperor, or even two great emperors join forces, they will fall.

If Huan Xian Xian was in his heyday, maybe they would not be so pessimistic, but Huan Xian is very weak now, and he will not be able to recover in a short time.

3.1 Destroy my Terrans in days? "

Ji Chengkong looked up to the sky and sighed, never hating himself for being so weak in his heart.

Such a war, even the quasi-emperor cannot intervene, only the quasi-emperor eight heavens, the nine heavens are qualified to intervene.

But it's just eligible.

It is true that in the second human world, Di Wuliang, Nangong Sheng, Zhang Kongpan, and Yanjia Blue, they have a chaotic body, a congenital Dao fetus, a taishang immortal body, and a primitive demon body such a perverted physique that is not inferior to the holy body, and their combat power is extremely strong.

But it's a pity that their physique does not have Dacheng, no matter what kind of perverted physique, there is a qualitative gap between before Dacheng and after Dacheng, which is equivalent to sublimation metamorphosis.

Now their combat power is compared to the supreme, like a ten-year-old boy versus a thirty-year-old adult, and if the physique is great, it may be equivalent to a twenty-year-old youth versus a thirty-year-old adult. _

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