"Beidou is going to be destroyed!"

A sage trembled and wanted to take off and leave the Big Dipper, but under the suppression of the nine supreme qi machines, no one could leave this huge planet.

Bang bang bang!

At the cost of almost breaking their bodies, Immortal Heavenly Venerable and Dapeng Ancient Emperor retreated to the seven supremes who rushed out, gaining a respite.

"Very well, Nine Supremes."

In the terrified gazes of countless cultivators, Ying Zheng did not have the slightest fear, his expression was cruel, and his eyes were cold, as if a top predator was watching his prey, and finally he couldn't help but be tempted to walk out of the protective circle.

Huan Xian has been sitting cross-legged in the starry sky since the tribulation, wanting to recover as quickly as possible.

After the seven supremes rushed out of Beidou, her heart began to be unstable, and Huan Zheng gently stroked her green silk: "Recover obediently, don't move." "

The last step.

Ying Zheng silently said in his heart, the last step of the peak of Sendai that had been polished for a hundred years stepped out and entered the extreme prosperity and sublimation.

Boom rumble!

The aura of victory became stronger, and above his head, Wan Dao wailed 15 times.

An unprecedented imperial divine power filled Jiuxiao, and ten thousand Dao could not suppress this divine power.

At this moment, all parts of the universe felt an inexplicable breath, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Not long ago, there was a great emperor who preached, and now there are people who want to preach?

Is it a dream?

Boom rumble!

The universe seems to be angry, rumbling and shaking, directly in the universe galaxy, boundless thunderclouds gather, tumbling and rushing, electric snake thunder dragon snake roaring, palpitating thunder and lightning power is accumulating.

"In the past, there was a Xian Xian who wanted to preach, and now there is a Ying Zheng who wants to preach, and this couple wants to go against the sky?"

"When there was a Great Emperor Dao suppression, he actually wanted to preach again?"

"It's crazy, it's impossible!"


The Supreme Gate couldn't help but change color, and then laughed coldly.

What is preaching.

Great emperors or ancient emperors are all existences who have reached the pinnacle of their own way, but they are called differently, and they fuse with their own way to the pinnacle and the Heavenly Heart Mark, and from then on, their own way is above ten thousand paths.

With the existence of great emperors and ancient emperors, others can no longer become enlightened.

Only when the Great Emperor or the Ancient Emperor falls, the traces of the Emperor Yun Dao gradually dissipate, and there is no Dao suppression, others can preach again.

There is also a possibility.

The great emperor or ancient emperor who preached the Dao became an immortal and disappeared.

That mysterious Taoist said lightly and maybe, since ancient times, there are still people who can do something. The coexistence of several emperors in the Heavenly Court, and the common respect for the emperor, is because the emperor has broken through the ten thousand dao, and the suppression of the great road of Ling is not there, and the preaching from other people..."

"Who is Emperor Venerable."

The slender figure sneered: "The only emperor in all ages, no one can compare with him." "

Immortal Tianzun took a deep look at her, suspecting that this person was one of the several emperors of the Heavenly Court.


Endless thunderclouds rolled, the indescribable aura of doom swept through, and the billions of electric snakes and thunder dragons swallowed in the thunderclouds stretched for millions of miles, and all the creatures of Beidou shivered.


Beidou has imperial soldiers flying out, recovering, bursting out the power of the extreme path, supporting Beidou.

Otherwise, the thunder fell, and the sound of thunder shock was enough to shock countless people.

As the pillow person of Ying Zheng, Yan Jialan was extremely surprised: "Do you really want to suppress the Dao against the heavens and the earth?" "

All the cultivators were shocked and couldn't believe it, and in the second human world, Di Wuliang, Shen Zhaori, Zhang Kongpan and others were convinced.

They never have such crazy ideas and moves.

Under the understanding of all monks, if someone preaches the sermon, it is equivalent to others losing, and no one will think that someone can preach if someone preachs.

"It is worthy of being the strongest Holy Body in history."

In the Desolate Forbidden Land, the Lord of the Desolate Forbidden Land, who had not woken up in shock, finally woke up, his eyes widened, his eyes pierced Tianyu, and when he saw the world-destroying thunder bred on Ying Zheng's head, he couldn't help but marvel: "This kid is worthy of being taught by me, enough to plant!" "

In the Yubian Wilderness, the chaotic qi was turbulent, and a mouthful of heavenly saber snow was as bright as lightning, cutting through the chaos, and all kinds of spirit qi before opening the sky surged in.

This knife is murderous, the qi is vast, at first glance it is a whole, for a simple color, but then look closely but find that it is divided into five colors, it is actually made of five kinds of divine gold mixed together, perfectly integrated, into a whole!

The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder is pregnant and may fall at any time.

Surrounded by nine supremes, it is about to explode.


Suddenly, Ying Zheng's heart was beating wildly, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rose.

This kind of crisis is not comparable to even the nine supreme alliances.

A streak of knife light seemed to split the universe, and the sword shook the universe above the sonorous sound.

The body of the knife was crystalline, the beam of light was incomparably brilliant, shocking people's hearts, and the knife qi spread like a sea, shaking the ancient starry sky.

This knife cuts through Hongmeng Chaos, cuts through the emperor's power, cuts through the universe, darkness and coldness are cut, the heavenly sword is in the world, and all things are unstoppable! Open the sky with one knife and split all obstacles.

The most terrifying mangs sweep over, a hanging river of stars will be dim, nothing can compete with it, this knife has an unspeakable divinity, all the brilliance of the world will be lost in front of it.


There was a sound of ancient trembling immortals in the sword light, as if there was a living emperor inside, staring at 677 in all directions, not looking up, everyone had to bow their heads.

This knife is amazing.

Too overbearing.

It doesn't matter if he is an ancient emperor or a great emperor, even if he is an immortal.

I cut myself off.

The sound of the knife did not deafen, but it made everyone's hearts ache, as if the heart had been cut.

Immortal Heavenly Saber!

Too suddenly.

Too fast.

Ying Zheng was not guarded at all, and although he had already felt it, he could not avoid it.

With his eyebrows downward, a knife mark reached his chest, and blood appeared as if to split him in half.

There were supremes who recognized the existence hidden in the Immortal Heavenly Saber.

It is the immortal Daoist.

The Immortal Emperor was too brilliant, respected by all races, and the power of immeasurable faith condensed into an immortal divine body.

The combination of the power and power of no belief turned into an immortal Daoist, which was equally terrifying, even comparable to the immortal emperor, because the emperor will.

Immortal Dao people will also be, and the two are originally one person.

But since ancient times, the undead Daoist is just a legend, and no one has ever proved the existence of the undead Daoist, or more often, they have regarded the undead Daoist as the immortal emperor.

After the immortal emperor disappeared, there were occasional traces of the immortal emperor for millions of years, in fact, it was an undead Taoist. _

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