"It's not a heavenly sword!"

Immortal Tianzun lost his voice.

Colorful, streamering, knife qi like the sea, rolled up ten thousand waves, extinguished the river of stars, and pressed towards everyone.

Although the Immortal Heavenly Saber was slashing towards Ying Zheng, the nine supremes all had the feeling that their bodies were almost cracked, and for a while even Ying Zheng couldn't take care of it, and they even exploded and retreated.

"Your Majesty?"

At this moment, an extremely terrifying voice came from within the Immortal Heavenly Saber.

No one understood what the sound coming from within the Immortal Heavenly Saber meant, but in an instant, the sword light moved abruptly.


The mysterious female supreme still had horror on her face, her flesh exploded, blood mist splashed, and her body was shattered, turning into countless Dao fragments and scattering.

"Immortal Daoist!"

The will of the female supreme in the exploded flesh and blood shook the galaxy, and the resentment and resentment in it almost turned into substance.

In the next instant, the sword light shone in the universe, and with infinite heavenly power, it slashed towards the Dapeng Ancient Emperor, which was even more powerful than the first sword power.


The ancient emperor of Dapeng also stepped into the footsteps of the mysterious female supreme, the flesh and blood exploded, only the will still existed, and the exploded flesh and blood squirmed wildly, trying to recover.

The killing intent before the Immortal Heavenly Saber was extremely strong, and everyone felt that the sword was aimed at killing Ying Zheng, so even if the nine supremes avoided it, they did not have much vigilance.

But unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to slash at Ying Zheng's body, the sword light actually slashed at the mysterious female supreme and the ancient emperor of Dapeng one after another.

With their strength, it shouldn't have been so bad.

However, in the face of these two knives that were almost sneak attacks, he was killed in an instant.

Everyone was shocked, the whole body was cold, who could be such a powerful heavenly sword?

Like the apocalypse of the universe, the star field was shattered, the entire galaxy collapsed, turned into cosmic dust, just a knife, all destroyed.

The remaining seven supremes were trembling, their bodies were cold, many people were covered in cold sweat, and their bodies were wet, this was terrible, just one blow ah, caused such a result.

If these two swords were slashed at them, they would not end up much better.

The Immortal Heavenly Saber was suspended in the starry river, and the blurry figure of the Immortal Daoist emerged, and his eyes were like the Heavenly Saber cutting out the sharpest sword light.

The Feather God Map on the top of Ying Zheng's head bloomed, and he wanted to resist the Immortal Heavenly Saber, but he was a little dazed at the moment.

'It's exactly the same'."

The undead Daoist stared at Ying Zheng and let out a long breath, his face complicated. Victory turned around, and instantly thought of the picture of the Immortal Emperor

The First God of the Emperor would see him in horror.

.. The Immortal Daoist was also horrified when they saw him. The faith body of the dead emperor was later given life by the emperor, and he knew everything about the immortal emperor than the first god.

"Immortal Daoist! You are crazy! "

The Lord of Reincarnation roared.

The five fingers of the immortal Daoist stretched out, grinding out the will of the mysterious female supreme and the ancient emperor of Dapeng, collecting its essence blood, and in the face of the question of the lord of reincarnation, he said indifferently:

"Lord of Samsara, what am I going to do with you? What qualifications do you have to question me? "

Changtian Tianzun looked solemn: "You want to help him?" "

Although the strength of the undead Daoist is not as good as that of the immortal emperor, it is not much worse, and it is not an ancient emperor like them who slashed himself, the strength is definitely at the level of a great emperor, and there is also the existence of the undead heavenly sword.

If the Immortal Daoist is on the side of Ying Zheng, then don't fight, go back to each house... No, everyone still runs fast, running slowly.

The Immortal Daoist took a deep look at Huan Zheng, had no interest in answering the words of the Immortal Heavenly Venerable, disappeared into the Immortal Heavenly Saber, and broke through the sky.

With thunderclouds on his head, he looked at each other.

Suddenly, an undead Daoist popped up and killed two enemies, making them a little confused.


The Spirit Emperor's eyes were cold and cold, and he suddenly cut out a knife, this knife seemed plain, but it was peerless and sharp, releasing the immortal will and murderous intent of the Spirit Emperor, cutting across the eternal sky.

One after another, there were immortal feathers flying, holy and immaculate, following around the sword, striking an immortal aura, huge, as long as a river of stars.

The battle suit on the body of the Lord of Reincarnation is glowing, and the immortal material of feathered lapis gold is very rare, and at this moment it is dazzling, and a large area of divine feathers is flying out, like the beautiful long plume of the phoenix, blazing and dazzling.

His armor is ringing, and the battle suit made of feathered lapis gold has a supreme life fluctuation, and now it is completely resurrected, shining in nine heavens and ten earths!


The heavens and the earth cracked, and the Lord of Reincarnation showed his divine power, and ten thousand divine chains appeared in front of him, each of which hooked the sky and turned into a splendid shackle, to lock up the government and suppress it.

Immortal Grandma made a move, a jade ruyi flew between the sparse hair, and no light loomed, and each ray was a river of stars, covering the ground and suppressing the battlefield.

This is no longer a jade ruyi, it is clearly a real cosmic pressure, and it is necessary to suppress Ye Fan with the supreme world law and turn it into powder.


The arrowless bowstring trembled again, and the corpse emperor pulled it eight times in a row, and the result was that seven times were void, so that the Jinyuan God would be shattered, and the eighth time it turned into a corpse qi and fell from the sky.

It was not an ordinary arrow feather, but a vast waterfall, magnificent and boundless, I don't know how many miles long, drowning the broken river of stars.

From the corpse to the emperor, the corpse emperor has a dead qi in his body, which is stronger than the sea of stars, and the quasi-emperor will become pus and blood if he is contaminated with a little, and he will die violently.

The seven supremes shot out in unison, bursting out the most brilliant light, shocking the universe and coercing eternity.

Never before have so many powerful beings shot at the same time.

Everyone stands in a field of stars, surrounded by a river of stars, and everyone is the master of the universe.

It was also at this time that the boundless thunder fell, and the thunder sea seemed to cover the entire universe, even if (Zhao's) was the edge of the universe, the light of the thunder sea could be faintly seen.

If it weren't for Beidou's support from several imperial soldiers, the planet would have been torn apart.

The Thunder Dragon Electric Snake traveled hundreds of millions of miles at every turn, opened its teeth and danced its claws, roared and bitten at the open blood basin.

Cracking sound!

Countless thunderbolts slashed at Ying Zheng's body, and a single thunder could smash a quasi-emperor's body to pieces, and there were no corpses, and there were thousands of them that split into Ying Zheng's body in an instant, and it was endless, even with the supreme physical strength of Ying Zheng's holy body, he felt pain and numbness.

And this is just the very beginning of the thunder disaster.

Just like the nine-nine-eighty-one thunder tribulation of the immortals, the more you go behind, the greater the power of the thunder tribulation.

And the thunder calamity of the victorious government, no one knows what kind of thunder calamity it is.

Even the Immortal Heavenly Venerable who lived the longest, who had seen the Emperor Venerable and the Immortal Emperor, had never seen such a thunder calamity. _

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