However, all the supremes knew that the thunder tribulation of Ying Zheng was even more powerful than the nine-nine-eighty-one thunder tribulation.

The greater the power of the thunder tribulation, the stronger the potential of the person who preached, there is no doubt about it, and there has never been an exception from the mythical era to the present day.

The Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavy Thunder Tribulation made the supremes feel numb, and the power of the Thunder Tribulation of the Victory Government was even greater than the Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavy Might.

How strong should the potential and strength be?

Are they not even going to have the opportunity to be underground rats?


Huan Zheng roared, the golden blood around his body was also rushing, the Immortal King Nine Heavens, Splendid Mountains and Rivers, Chaotic Green Lotus, Yin and Yang Life and Death Ding, Golden Sea Golden Lotus and other visions soared into the sky, and their brilliant visions overshadowed the boundless sea of thunder in an instant.


In an instant, the attacks of the seven supremes poured onto Ying Zheng, and all the thunder that was about to slash into Ying Zheng's body in this instant was scattered by them, and hundreds of millions of thunder exploded.

The galaxy collapsed sharply, turning into a black hole that swallowed countless starry rivers, and the heavens and the earth were still shrinking rapidly.

The next moment, the black hole is erased.

It can be said that the fluctuations of the end of the universe one after another, space is full of ups and downs, and black holes appear one after another, but the black holes do not even have a chance to expand, and they are smashed by the next attack.

The mysterious Taoist used his finger as a sword, and the snowy sword light illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths, which was more blazing than any divine sun, making the boundless stars and rivers 890 dark.

Laugh at!

There was a blood sputter of light in the Nine Heavens, and Ying Zheng's fist was pierced by Shengsheng.

The sword light did not decrease, carrying Sensen's killing intent to stab at the heart of Ying Zheng's eyebrows, but it was blocked by Ying Zheng's other hand with five fingers, and the god used a magic weapon to extinguish this sword light.


The Qilin Ancient Emperor spoke out coldly, shattering countless stars, showing the domineering spirit of the Supreme Ancient Emperor.


The Qilin Staff swept across the sky, bursting out a brilliant immortal light, and the corpses of countless gods and demons loomed among them, all of them were strong people who died in the hands of the Qilin Ancient Emperor.

This is his vision, and the enemy he kills, a touch of will will become his killing vision, will become part of his attack, so that his killing will know that it will be stronger.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The void shattered, the galaxy shattered, the immortal light swept the heavens and the earth, and the gods blocked the heavens and the earth in chains, so that their attacks would only vibrate in the nearly one hundred barren star domains in Fang Yuan no matter what.

If it is not blocked, I am afraid that most of the universe will be shattered, even if it is supported by imperial soldiers, it will not help.

Neither for the government nor for the supreme.

This is a little bit of silence on both sides

There is a unicorn staff, like a sacred mountain falling.

The light of the sword seems to be able to split Hongmeng.

There is a divine fist divine power.

There are fairy swords that can pierce everything.

Immortal Tianzun holds the Immortal Sword in his hand, looking like a plain and unremarkable sharp long sword, and he brings the greatest pressure to Ying Zheng with extreme sublimation, and he is worthy of being one of the nine Tianzun of the mythical era.

Nine heavens and ten earths, four directions and eight levels, his sword, his intention is everywhere.

But gradually, Changtian Tianzun felt that something was wrong, and in the face of the attacks of the seven supremes, coupled with the thunder calamity, it was obvious that Ying Zheng was stretched.

But Changtian Tianzun did not feel the suppressive power of the siege on Yingzheng, as if he was fighting against Yingzheng one-on-one.


This thought was like a bolt of lightning flashing in Immortal Tianzun's mind, and he looked at the six divine wheels that were always suspended behind Ying Zheng's head in shock.

The Spirit Emperor also felt a trace of fear, and the strength of Ying Zheng seemed to be not affected by the thunder tribulation in the slightest, nor was it suppressed by the siege, and with the thunder tribulation process, the strength was increasing step by step.

Although the thunder calamity is a disaster, it cannot be reduced to ashes.

But thunder calamity is also a process of baptism and sublimation.

The corpse emperor Zhang bow is still without arrow feathers, but the murderous opportunity surges out, and the bowstring is pulled but not loosened, making Ying Zheng feel the feeling of being cut by a knife.

The Corpse Emperor made good use of the bow, and he knew very well that the deterrent power of the bow and arrow on the string was always greater than the deterrent power of shooting out.

Gradually, he also had the same feeling as the Immortal Heavenly Venerable.

It stands to reason that being besieged like this, even if the battle power is against the sky, it is impossible not to show a flaw.

And he didn't shoot another arrow from the beginning.

He did not find a single flaw in the government.

Suddenly, he found that no matter what direction he attacked from, he was facing a positive victory.

The corpse emperor observed carefully, and saw that Ying Zheng was like a boundless person, and his upper and lower left and right front and back could see Ying Zheng's face on every side.

But at a glance, Ying Zheng is obviously a normal person, with a face, the back of the head, a chest, and a back.

But if you look around the back of Ying Zheng, you see Ying Zheng's face and chest.

Go around to his left, look to the right, and see the face and chest of Yingzheng.

Go around the top, below, three hundred and sixty degrees, no matter what angle, all you see is the face and chest of Yingzheng.

A chill spread throughout the body in an instant, the roots of the cold hair stood up, and the creepy corpse emperor's eyes glanced slightly, but he found that more than one of him discovered such a situation, and the faces of the Immortal Tianzun and the Spirit Emperor also changed color slightly.

Immortal Tianzun's eyes were terrified as he looked at the six divine wheels suspended behind Huan Zheng's head, and roared in his heart:

What kind of reincarnation fist has been practiced by Ying Zheng in the same vein as the Holy Body?

Why is the grand and domineering Six Realms of Reincarnation Fist so weird in the hands of Ying Zheng?

At this time, even the Immortal Heavenly Venerable who had survived from the mythological era did not understand what mystery this contained.

Ying Zheng chuckled: "You guys, are you ready?" "

The Spirit Emperor, the Corpse Emperor, and the Immortal Heavenly Venerable were shocked, and a look of panic appeared on their faces.

The seven supremes are obviously a siege, but it is no different from one-on-one.

And even if they have all been in the universe, they can't see the mystery.

Can't see the mystery, how to crack it?

If they continue to fight like this, they can't kill the government and survive the thunder calamity, which is their death period.


The eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation emitted a strange light, and the forehead bone was crystal bright, shooting out thousands of immortal rays, forming terrifying runes, turning into a fairy knife, and slashing towards Ying Zheng's eyebrows.


Huan Zheng slammed the fairy knife with a punch, pressed his palm down, and directly slammed the chest of the Lord of Reincarnation.

A punch and a kick are like a roar of the avenue, the lord of reincarnation is invincible in his life, and he has never encountered an opponent in the sky and on the ground, even when the emperor road was fighting in the past, he swept all the way.

But at this time, he coughed up blood, his arm was torn off, and a large hole was opened in his chest, revealing Sensen's white bones. _

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