"Hello, my name is Cade..." he said modestly.

Ye Fan nodded at Kaide and looked at Li Xiaoman: "Long time no see." "

The two said a few words with light politeness.

Ye Fan originally thought that when he saw Li Xiaoman again three years later, he would be surprised, embarrassed, and excited.

But none of this was there, and his heart remained calm.

It's like meeting an ordinary classmate who hasn't seen him for three years.

He not only asked himself that he was not such a desperate person, but the two had also resisted death and lingered, why would he be so calm when he saw Li Xiaoman?

Is it influenced by the common way?

Or was it because of the changes brought about by that dream?

The mountain is divided into three tiers of stepped geological structure, like a step to the sky, sitting north facing south, the mountain body is open, a ten-kilometer-long road to the sky, leading to the vast mountain, extending to the peak.

Whether it was looking from afar or up close, Ye Fan could feel that majestic atmosphere, which made people's hearts stir. In front of the magnificent Mount Tai, he had a strange illusion, he was as faint as an ant, and even the sun, moon and stars in the sky seemed insignificant.

It's a shocking sensation that makes people's hearts tremble.

"Tarzan! Truly extraordinary! "

Ye Fan walked with a few good classmates, and in front of him, Li Xiaoman and Cade walked side by side, constantly translating and explaining for him, making the American young man more and more surprised by Mount Tai, and kept chasing 527 questions.

Liu Yunzhi, who was at the front, looked back at Ye Fan from time to time, but let him down, Ye Fan didn't pay attention to him at all, and talked with his classmates from time to time, very calm.

"I'll go, Ye Fan, your body is too good, it's worthy of being a brute."

The classmates who were traveling with him were sweating profusely, their clothes were soaked, and they were panting heavily, but Ye Fan had no sweat on his forehead, and his breathing was smooth, as if he was walking on the ground.

Ye Fan performed brilliantly on the basketball court and football field, which made him a popular figure in the school.

In school, there were not ten girls pursuing him, but seven or eight.

His technique is not the most outstanding, the most outstanding is his physical fitness.

However, it is more than one meter and eight meters, and the body is well-proportioned, and it does not look very strong.

But those one-meter-nine, two-meter, like brown bears standing up, strong and intimidating people dare not go head-to-head with him on the court.

Over time, he won the title of barbarian.

"Fortunately, I didn't give up sports after graduation." Ye Fan said with a smile.

A classmate wiped his sweat, sighed, and envious: "Work is overwhelming, where there is still time to exercise." "

Ye Fan smiled and didn't say more. Now most of them are sitting in front of the computer, climbing a few floors and panting for breath, not to mention that he has been changed now, the physical fitness of distant people, that is, his previous physical fitness is far from comparable. Several stops, from the sacrificial place through the Imperial Palace Dai Temple, to the Jade Emperor's Peak, forming a ten-kilometer-long axis of the earthly mansion-earth-heaven.

Everyone finally climbed to the top of Mount Tai, the Jade Emperor's Peak, overlooking the ten thousand mountains under their feet, and looking at the Yellow River, which suddenly made people deeply understand the true meaning of Confucius's "climbing Mount Tai and small world".

"Go back and get a good night's sleep, I'm exhausted."

"Climbing mountains is really not done by people."

"Only in my twenties and my physical fitness is like this, I really have to exercise and exercise."

Everyone sat down in pairs and talked.

Ye Fan stood at the top of the Jade Emperor, looking down, and the figure of that man appeared in his mind, majestic, majestic, and frightening, compared with him, this Mount Tai, these thousands of rivers and mountains are incomparably small.

"I want to be like him!"

A voice sounded in Ye Fan's heart.

Boom rumble!

Suddenly, there was a sound of wind and thunder above the head, like the Milky Way falling for nine days, deafening.

"What's that!"

Some classmates exclaimed and pointed to the sky.

Nine behemoths fell from the sky, like nine long black rivers falling down, and at this moment, everyone on Mount Tai froze with shocked expressions and looked at each other stunned.

It turned out to be nine huge dragon corpses, pulling a bronze ancient coffin and pressing towards the peak of Mount Tai.


"Let's go!"

The behemoth fell towards the top of the Jade Emperor, and Ye Fan didn't want to think about it, so he grabbed the shoulders of the two classmates, like carrying two rag dolls, four or five meters in one step, like walking on the ground, and ran away wildly.

The nine behemoths seemed to have sunk down like nine mountains, cracking the Jade Emperor's top earthquake into one after another large cracks, splashing earth and rocks, and filling the dust and sand.

The bronze ancient coffin also "clanged" and smashed on the top of Mount Tai, and the mountain shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Many rocks tumbled down from the mountain, making a rumbling sound, as if thousands of troops were galloping.


"My legs!"

"Save me... Save me...... I don't want to die! "

There are also hundreds of people at the top of the Jade Emperor, and some who have no time to avoid it directly fall off the cliff, and some are smashed on their bodies by the boulders, their tendons are broken, and blood is spilled.

"Shh Leaf...... Every...... Many...... loss..."

The classmate who was carried away by Ye Fan stood in a safe place and watched this apocalyptic scene, constantly chattering.

Nine 100-meter-long huge dragon corpses, most of the truncated bodies quietly across the mountaintop, and a few of the truncated bodies hanging under the cliff, like a black steel Great Wall, full of shocking sense of power, extremely shocking vision.

The twenty-meter-long bronze coffin is simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of the vicissitudes of time, and there is a mysterious atmosphere circulating.

At this time, Ye Fan was not afraid of being exposed, and took away the boulder one by one to save the people who were pressed by the stone.

Looking at the nine huge dragon corpses and coffins, the others were panicked, but Ye Fan couldn't help but want to get closer.

"Ye Fan, don't go, it's dangerous."

Some classmates admonished.

Ye Fan waved his hand and continued to approach.


Cracks suddenly appeared in the place where some students were standing, and they fell into the five-color altar screaming and standing unsteadily.

Immediately afterwards, the copper coffin shook again, and the lid of the coffin almost shook down, and an inexplicable invisible force pulled towards everyone.

In the next moment, everyone felt that the sky was spinning, and then it was dark in front of them, and everyone entered the copper coffin.

Everyone hesitated, frightened, couldn't help screaming, and cried loudly, but it didn't help.

Nine huge dragon corpses pulled the huge bronze coffin and disappeared on top of the Jade Emperor, rushing into the starry sky of the universe.

"Shut up."

A calm voice sounded, deafening, screaming, and crying disappeared at once.

Ye Fan turned on the mobile phone torch and said in a deep voice: "Until now, it is useless to cry, first think of any way to get out." "

He glanced at everyone: "We fall into the coffin, the relevant departments will not care, just wait." "_

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