"Ye Fan is right, don't panic first, calm down first, and then see if you can find a way to get out, if you can't save yourself, you can only wait for the relevant departments to come to the rescue."

Wang Ziwen's voice was very calm, stabilizing everyone's emotions, he took out his mobile phone and frowned: "My mobile phone has no signal, what about you." "

"My phone doesn't have a signal either."

"Me the same."

"What to do, we won't be suffocated."

Although the crowd was still noisy, they were not as flustered as before.

Compared to everyone, Ye Fan accepted this kind of thing to a much greater extent, after all, he himself had been exposed to extraordinary power before, and when everyone was still noisy, a person took his mobile phone to check the coffin.

At this look, I didn't expect to find that my friend Pang Bo was actually in the coffin.

I don't know if it's a surprise or a shock.

Pang Bo was Ye Fan's best friend in college, and he couldn't come to the party due to some personal matters, but suddenly appeared at this moment, and anyone had doubts.

Everyone counted again, twenty-eight students, plus Cade, a total of twenty-nine people, there were actually thirty people.

At this moment, how can there be thirty people? In this cold and dark ancient coffin, at this moment, everyone felt creepy, and a trace of cold breath emitted from their backs.

"How can there be one more person..." Lin Jia's voice trembled.

"What is extra is a man or a ghost."

Being in the mysterious bronze giant coffin, it is possible to give birth to any evil thing, and everyone present is extremely uneasy in their hearts.

"Ahem......... Of course Lao Tzu is human..."

A heavy cough sounded from Pang Bo's mouth, and a low hoarse voice echoed in the bronze coffin, and at this moment, everyone felt cold from head to foot, cold hair stood upside down, and a Sensen chill pervaded.

Everyone fell into an ice cellar, many people were terrified, and some female classmates even screamed and cried loudly, almost collapsing on the ground.

"Shut up!"

Ye Fan drank lowly, deafening, whether it was screaming or crying, the person only felt a tremor in his heart, his throat choked, and he did not dare to make any more sounds.

"If it's a ghost, you still have a chance to shout?"

Ye Fan said, strode forward and hugged Pang Bo heavily.

"Ahem... Your strength is still so great, give me a saliva. "

Pang Bo is strong and strong, like a dog bear standing up, his voice is still hoarse at the moment, Ye Fan handed the water in his backpack to Pang Bo, Pang Bo gulped down a bottle of water, eased his breath, and then said:

"Initially, I couldn't get to the party in time because of something at home. Later, I heard that everyone was coming to Mount Tai, and I naturally came after dealing with the affairs at home. "

It turned out that he climbed up and was about to drink water, the Nine Dragons coffin fell on the top of the Jade Emperor, he also stood unsteadily and fell on the altar, was sucked into the altar, and the backpack fell, so that the mouth was dry, and he spoke very hoarsely, and it looked eerie and terrifying in this coffin.

Ye Fan continued to explore the coffin, taking advantage of the faint light of his mobile phone to look at the surrounding situation.

Immediately on the side of the copper coffin, you can see a blurry bronze carving, there are murderous nine-headed divine birds spreading their wings and flying high, and there are huge fierce beasts covered in foot-long hard hairs roaring up to the sky...

Some of the bronze carvings covered with patina rust are actually the ancient fierce beasts recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", such as gluttony, poor qi, and hammer, etc., which are huge in size, hideous in appearance, lifelike, and daunting.

After walking for a distance, I found a large strange pattern, densely packed with stars, like a starry sky map.

About half an hour later, a loud noise sounded, and everyone only felt that the bronze coffin was trembling, and then the lid of the coffin was tilted, revealing a gap that only one person could pass.

"Someone came to our rescue!"

I don't know who cheered, and everyone couldn't wait to squeeze out of the gap.

However, after rushing out of the coffin, everyone froze.

The earth seemed to have been invaded by blood, reddish-brown, cold and dull, desolate and empty in the eyes, and some huge rocks stood sporadically on the ground, which looked like tombstones.

The light in the sky and the earth was dim, and it was dull, like a lifeless dusk surrounded by a faint black fog.

"This... This is not Tarzan..." a female classmate said with a crying voice.

"You see, it doesn't look like the moon, it doesn't look like the Earth?"

Pang Bo pointed abruptly in one direction.

Everyone looked over and saw an aqua-blue planet, similar to the picture of Earth they saw online.

"We're not on Earth anymore?"

One vulnerable female classmate cried and shook, while another male classmate collapsed on the ground with a dull gaze.

"We're on the screen."

Ye Fan walked back from a hundred meters away, pointed to a boulder and spoke, "In ancient times, Glowing referred to Mars. "

Everyone was dumbfounded, half an hour ago was still on Earth, half an hour later has arrived on Mars, this is simply fantastic, outrageous.

"Explore first and see if there's anything here that will keep us alive." Liu Yunzhi said, and some students hesitantly looked at Ye Fanye Pang Bo.

In such an unknown and dangerous place, no asset, no network does work, at this time, physical fitness trumps everything.

Ye Fan was called a brute in school, Pang Bo was more than one meter and nine meters, it didn't look like he was easy to mess with, and with them next to him, the sense of security would be much greater.

"Then go over there."

Ye Fan pointed in the direction of the light source.

Liu Yunzhi's face instantly became gloomy.

After walking for about a few hundred meters, everyone actually found a lot of rubble, not only raised a glimmer of hope, but the rubble meant that it had been inhabited.

But gradually, everyone gradually became disappointed, and after walking for half an hour, there were only bones in one place except for the rubble, and there was no human life.

"A temple."

Someone lost his voice.

The light source is emitted by this temple, green lantern ancient Buddha, a little light like a bean.

In front of the ancient temple, a Bodhi ancient tree is as strong as a dragon, the whole body is dry, only two meters above the ground, there are five or six green leaves scattered, each piece is crystal clear, green light shining, like jade jade.

This ancient temple appeared, silent, small in scale, not grand at all. Just an ancient hall, there is a stone Buddha inside, covered with thick dust, and a bronze ancient lamp next to it swaying with a little brilliance.

The ancient temple and the linden tree are close to each other, full of ancient meaning, making people feel the hazy passage of time, and the changes of the years bring people endless tranquility and antiquity.

In the ruins, a well-preserved ancient temple stands, still emitting a faint light, coupled with the appearance of the temple and its extraordinary linden tree, even a fool knows that this place is extraordinary.

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