"There's a plaque here."

Pang Bo greeted Ye Fan and pointed to a plaque on the temple to stand up.

The plaque is copper, mottled with rust, and four ancient characters are engraved on it, like a dragon and snake coiled, and the Zen is endless. It is still a complex and illegible Zhong Dingwen, but the first "big" character is easy to recognize, and many people can recognize it even if they do not understand Zhong Dingwen.


Pang Bo opened his mouth, but did not recognize the words behind it.

"The last word is 'temple'."

Zhou Yi has some involvement in Zhong Dingwen, adding.

"Great Leiyin Temple." Ye Fan said calmly.

"Won't it, Great Thunder Temple?"

"Isn't this the place where the legendary Buddha of the Western Heavenly Spirit Mountain is located, this place does not look like the place where the Buddha lives."

The legendary Great Leiyin Temple is the residence of the Buddha and is the supreme holy place of Buddhism.

However, this desolate ancient temple in front of him is so small, without a bit of magnificent momentum, just an ancient hall, how can it be called the Great Leiyin Temple?

"We have even seen the dragon corpse, and it is not surprising that there is a Great Thunder Temple."

Everyone looked incredulous and talked about it.

Ye Fan walked to the Bodhi tree, which can be called a Buddha tree, and has a deep connection with Buddhism. According to legend, it was under an ancient Bodhi tree that Shakyamuni attained enlightenment and attained the Buddha's fruit.

The dry ancient tree in front of him is as strong as a dragon, and six or seven people can't hold it together, the main trunk is hollow, and only a dead branch that hangs two or three meters above the ground has six green leaves, shining and as clear as green onyx.

Ye Fan only felt a warm current pouring into his eyes, and his heart was shocked, but he saw something that ordinary people could not see, six crystalline green leaves with a little invisible green light rippling out, not deep into the roots of the tree.

The green glow is dotted, the shape is like silk, and it constantly overflows from the six green leaves, making people feel a breath of life, and there is endless vigorous vitality circulating.

Ye Fan dug up the soil and found a bodhi seed, no light flashing, no hua gathering, no clouds, gray and ordinary color, if you don't pay attention, you will be mistaken for a clod.

Picking up the bodhi seed and observing it carefully, Ye Fan's eyes widened, and he actually found a Buddha formed by natural veins on the bodhi seed.


After putting the Bodhi Zi in the palm of his hand, Ye Fan suddenly found that the speed of qi and blood running was much faster, even the spirit was much more sober, after experiencing so many things, the spirit was already relatively tired, and now it actually became refreshed.

"This is obviously what I saw first!"

At this time, there was a fierce quarrel in the temple.

Ye Fan walked into the temple, Liu Yunzhi and Pang Bo were facing off, and Pang Bo was holding a copper lamp in his hand.

Pang Bo sneered: "What you see first is yours?" I have long seen this temple, and this temple is mine? "


Pang Bo occupied the strong body and directly knocked Liu Yunzhi away, and Liu Yunzhi, who stumbled to stand firmly, had a face and hidden, and his eyes flashed with resentment.

This temple is suspected to be a temple of great thunder, and the contents may be artifacts left by the gods, and everyone has swept away everything in the temple that can go.

In addition to the copper lamps, they also found futons, wooden fish, copper bells, jade, vajra pestle incense burners, ring rulers, copper bells, fish drums, and prayer beads.

However, the complete artifacts are only the copper lamp in Pang Bo's hand, the rosary in the hand of a female classmate, and the bowl in Zhou Yi's hand.

But the most extraordinary thing is the copper lamp in Pang Bo's hand, after all, this is the only ancient lamp that is not stained with dust, and it will not be extinguished, and anyone can see that it is extraordinary.

Otherwise, Liu Yunzhi would not have torn his face and fought with Pang Bo.

Ye Fan asked Pang Bo to hold his legs and take off the plaque on the temple.

Someone beat his chest, this copper plaque must be extraordinary, baptized by wind and frost, tempered by time, and did not leave a single drop of dust on it, and it was very clean.

You must know that among all the artifacts in the ancient temple, only the bronze ancient lamp is delicate and clean, and the copper plaque is also the same, which is obviously extraordinary.

"This thing is really heavy."

Pang Bo grinned.

"I'm afraid that there are two hundred catties, you beast, I doubt whether it is a barbarian beast wearing the skin of a leaf."

Ye Fan was carrying this plaque of nearly two hundred pounds, light as nothing, and suddenly, the sound of the mighty Buddha filled the sky, shaking the sky, and the heavens and the earth were trembling!

The six-character mantra of Douda sounded: Buzz, ma, what, ding, mi, yin!

? The compassionate, solemn, subtle, and esoteric Zen sounds are incomparably vast, cleansing away dirt and dust.


"Old fellow! Are you still there! "

In the extremely deep place below the Great Thunder Temple, in a black Wang Yang, a majestic blood qi suddenly flooded the heavens and the earth, making the entire Qiankun explode, and the demon qi was monstrous.

In Wang Yangzhong, a behemoth emerged, and a pair of eyes burst into scarlet light, angrily fighting bulls.

"Even the plaque of the Great Leiyin Temple has been taken off, it seems that this old guy of yours is no longer there."

This behemoth roared, and the demon qi rushed into the sky.

Buzz, m

Suddenly, the Zen chanting was loud, resounding through the black Wang Yang.

A blinding light swept Wang Yang and dispelled the endless darkness.

This is a brilliant ship, blooming immeasurable divine light, illuminating the entire heaven and earth, dispelling the thick fog, emitting deafening Zen songs, leisurely, and the sound booming into the sky.

The behemoth's eyes turned and landed on the big ship, and the scarlet eyes were full of tyranny and cruelty: "Old bald donkey! They're all dead, and they won't let me live in peace! Without that old guy Shakyamuni, I see if you can still suppress me!" "

On that seemingly sacred and brilliant ship, there were no living people, hundreds of golden arhats had long since sat down, skinned and boned, and lost their lives, and all the chanting was emitted by the remnants of their lives and dharma bodies.

A shipload of dead monks!

No more, no less, exactly five hundred old monks, each of them covered in skin and bones, but there was no dead air, the skin was golden, surrounded by divine light, inscribed with runes.

No one responded to him, and the chanting was endless, trying to suppress this behemoth in Wang Yang.


Before the black mist suddenly broke out, the golden light was pressed through, and the black Wang Yang almost collapsed, and the behemoth soared into the sky.

"I Buddha have compassion."

Among the five hundred old monks, one of the old monks suddenly opened his eyes and chanted the Buddha's trumpet.

Since Shakyamuni disappeared, their five hundred monks suppressed eighteen layers of hell, one big demon on one floor, and now four hundred old monks have sat down four hundred and ninety-nine, and he alone is the only one who can no longer suppress the crocodile ancestor, if they fight with the crocodile ancestor, the other demons will definitely be able to get out of trouble.

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