"Could it be that someone is deliberately guiding behind the back to provoke this big war?" Mountain Phoenix whispered.

The other demons were furious in their hearts: "Although I am a quasi-emperor and a great saint, this egg is not something we can touch, so hurry up and retreat." "

"Did you see that?"

A big demon suddenly tensed his muscles and stared at the egg tightly.


Other demons are inexplicable.


The frequency of the egg's beating was constant, but just now, there was a sudden fluctuation.

All the great demons saw clearly this time, and they all gasped: "Could it be that the transformation has been completed?" "

Ying Zheng shook his head: "He hasn't completed his transformation yet. "

The Bai Race Heavenly Insect burst into the sky, his face was full of fear, and exclaimed: "I know, this one is about to start devouring the essence of life again..."

In an instant, he fled a hundred miles away, and the next moment, he found that he was regent by Ying Zheng again.

Huan Zheng flicked his fingers, crying and laughing, if people saw these great saints, the great demons of the quasi-emperor level were all like frightened birds, and they didn't know that they would fall through their glasses.


The frequency of this egg beating faster and faster, and the demons couldn't run away, all of them were trembling.

"Your Majesty..."

A slight voice sounded in Ying Zheng's mind.

"I guessed right..."

A look of clarity appeared on Ying Zheng's face.

It turned out that this egg was the Great Phoenix King, that is, the phoenix beast that was chased and killed by the golden giant eagle.

He fell into the gap in time and space, and fell into this world by coincidence.

At that time, this world was still at the end of the mythological era, and soon after, the second emperor of one of the Tianzun preached again, he was the last ancient Tianzun of the mythical era, and later abandoned all divine techniques, laws, and even Taoism, and disappeared.

When he reappeared in the world, he was a baby, born and raised, just in the world, swallowing the essence of all things in the universe, extremely respectful, incomparable, unprecedented in eternity.

After preaching, the emperor established the Heavenly Court, the lord of the Heavenly Court, the universe is respected, and the ghosts and gods worship together, including the Great Phoenix King.

In the years that followed, the talent of the Great Phoenix King was revealed, and he gradually became a pivotal figure in the Heavenly Court.

It was at this moment that the Great Phoenix King penetrated the conspiracy of the emperor.

The Emperor Venerable held a Heavenly Court Ascension Grand Meeting, gathering all the essence of the heavens, including several Emperor Dao existences

Everyone thought that Emperor Zun wanted to be attracted by Emperor Zun with Chengxian as bait, but in fact, Zun wanted to sacrifice everyone in the Heavenly Court in blood to fulfill himself.

The Great Phoenix King had not yet preached, and at the most critical time, he ruthlessly attacked the body of the unenlightened person, causing the failure of the Emperor Venerable Blood Sacrifice.

After that, the Heavenly Court collapsed, and the Emperor Venerable and the Great Phoenix King all mysteriously disappeared.

After 10,000 years, after the birth of the Great Phoenix King, he successfully became a Dao, changed the former mythical Heavenly Venerable position, and proclaimed himself the emperor!

Thus ended the mythological era and opened the primeval era, during his reign, he looked at the universe, looked down on the heavens, and the ancient and modern demons desperate, so that future generations of enlightened people followed suit, taking the name of the emperor.

Honorific Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor is also a human and a god, and is the supreme god of the Taikoo race.

Everyone thought that the ultimate goal of the Immortal Emperor was to become an immortal, and no one knew that the Immortal Emperor fell into the heavenly world in the cracks of Daqin when he was a child, and vowed to return to Daqin.

In his dojo, the painting hanging was painted by him with the memory that was etched in his mind.

"I didn't expect that a phoenix beast that I saved back then turned out to be an immortal emperor respected by all races."

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly, he had calculated that the Great Phoenix King had a chance, but he didn't expect such a chance.

But until the immortal emperor's death, he did not find a way to return to Daqin, and in order to survive, the immortal emperor sneaked up on many great emperors in ancient and modern times to bathe in the blood of the emperor and be reborn.

And now, the Immortal Emperor has been reborn for the ninth time in Nirvana, and as long as he passes this Nirvana, he can completely become a Red Dust Immortal.

"Emperor Venerable, still alive."

From the message from the Immortal Emperor, when he fought hard, Emperor Venerable raised the Flying Immortal and failed, but despite this, Emperor Zun still did not die.

In the past tens of millions of years, the Immortal Emperor has not given up looking for traces of Emperor Venerable, and even Emperor Zun has attacked and killed him, but Emperor Zun hides too well, and can only find some traces of his existence.

Ying Zheng is very clear that the emperor will not become an immortal and eventually deceive the heavens, in a vain attempt to refine the realms and forge the supreme supreme immortal weapon.......

"Emperor Venerable..."

Ying Zheng groaned in his heart.

The purpose of Emperor Zun is to become an immortal without exception, and in the Desolate Ancient Era, he told Huan Yixian that he guessed that there were two immortals since eternity, namely Emperor Zun and Immortal Emperor.

Now he knew that his guess had been nothing but a hint of error.

The Emperor and the Immortal Emperor did not become immortals.

The immortal emperor embarked on the road of red dust fairy, after tens of millions of years, bathed in the blood of many emperors, emperors, and nirvana nine times, and released red dust into immortals.

And the emperor did not give up in a vain attempt to refine the realms, forging the supreme supreme immortal weapon and blasted open the immortal road.

Huan Zheng said silently: "In this way, we want to use Chengxian Road as bait." "

"You can transform with peace of mind."

Yingzheng glanced at the Immortal Emperor, this place was the place of transformation he chose for himself, and it was at the critical time of transformation, once the transformation was successful, he would no longer be trapped by Shouyuan.


In the dark, there are people crying softly, and some people are shivering, and as soon as they close their eyes, they will see the terrible picture of the forehead being pierced, blood splashing, and brain pulp flowing out, like a nightmare, and like a ghost, always lingering in the heart...

Four years of classmates, ten living lives died.

Three people were personally sent to a dead end by Ye Fan.

Thirteen people in total.

It was dark in the bronze giant coffin, some female students were sobbing, and some male students were sighing, although they escaped, but the road ahead was vast and unpredictable.

9.3.6 The dragon pulls the coffin, where is the other side, where is the heaven, the light has not been seen, but the sea of suffering is boundless, is it advancing along the ancient road traveled by the gods?

Where the gods belong, what a place it is.

Everyone was overwhelmed, sighing, and sobbing and all fell into a coma.

In his sleep, Ye Fan suddenly felt that the Bodhi seed placed in his chest pocket began to heat up, and at the same time, a voice as light as a mosquito fly sounded in his ears.

"Pang Bo, did you hear anything." Ye Fan shook Pang Bo beside him.

Pang Bo listened intently, shook his head, and signaled that he did not hear anything.

At first, the voice was still very small, but then it became bigger and bigger, and the Bodhi Zi in Ye Fan's arms became hotter and hotter. _

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