"The way of heaven, more than enough to make up for the inadequate..."

This time, Ye Fan finally heard the voice in his head.

"Is it this bodhi that makes me hear this voice?"

Ye Fan took out the bodhi on his chest, and saw that the Buddha diagram on the bodhi seed, which was completely generated by natural textures, actually emitted a slight glow.

The voice in his mind became clearer and clearer, the mysterious Dao Tianyin, the first sentence was derived from the famous sentence in the Taoist texts, but the next was the unheard of Xuan Ao Ancient Scripture, which was difficult to understand.

Gradually, Ye Fan found that the Bodhi Zi was getting hotter and hotter, and he actually began to understand the meaning of the Dao sound in his mind.

The vast and profound voice seemed to come from that ancient flood desolation that cut through time and space, and finally vibrated in Ye Fan's ears like Huang Zhong Da Lu and entered his heart.

Bodhi Zi is so extraordinary, the crystallization of the Bodhi tree, the wisdom tree, can make people like a daigo empowerment, comprehend the truth.

At this time, the other students also noticed Ye Fan's changes, and saw that the light of the Bodhi in his palm became brighter and brighter, at first the light was ten times smaller than that of a firefly, even in the dark, it was not easy to notice, and now the light emitted was already like a light bulb.

The golden light emanating from the Bodhi shrouded Ye Fan in it, and some golden light was like a mist of light, burrowing into Ye Fan's eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears.

I don't know which classmate reached out and grabbed the Bodhi Zi in Ye Fan's hand.


Pang Bo slapped this arm away, blocked it in front of Ye Fan, and warned in a low voice: "Who dares to stretch out his hand, don't blame me for being unkind." "

Zhang Ziling got up and walked to Ye Fan's side, and said in a deep voice, "Let me remind you that Ye Fan is not easy to mess with. "

Liu Yiyi walked to the other side of Ye Fan, silent, and indicated with actions which side he was on.

It is another picture scroll, and it is Bodhizi, these magical things are all obtained by Ye Fan, at this moment, I don't know how many people are crazy about Ye Fan's jealousy, but at this moment, although they covet Bodhi Zi again, with Pang Bo's warning, plus Ye Fan killed three classmates in a row before, no one dared to make a move.

Ye Fan's back was against the copper coffin, his body was like a bright moon in a quiet lake, standing there motionless, there was an otherworldly aura rippling out, at this moment he looked like he was floating out of the dust, like an immortal who did not eat the world's fireworks would ride the wind at any time.

And his inner world at this moment is not as peaceful as his body, the sound of the avenue is like the sea, profound and vast, every word sounds, like the sea collapses and cracks, resounding in the heavens and the earth.

Like an ancient chant, and like the prayer of the gods of the Hong Barrens, the endless stream broke through the ancient firmament, slowly flowing into Ye Fan's heart field, making his heart shake, his thoughts fluctuated, and he didn't know where he was.

These Daoist sounds, the words are beautiful, and the meaning contained in them is like the morning bell and the evening drum, washing his soul.

The more the other students looked at it, the hotter their eyes became, and some students couldn't help but say: "Ye Fan may get the Buddha's creation, inheritance, and embark on the road to heaven, don't you want to be like him?" "

Up to now, no one has denied the existence of immortal gods.

There is a coffin in Jiulong, from Earth to Mars in half an hour, and then to the Great Thunder Temple, the crocodile ancestor who cannot see the edge at a glance, and the picture scroll that shocks the crocodile ancestor, making them confirm that the immortal god must exist.

Pang Bo said coldly: "Even if Ye Fan has obtained creation and inheritance, it is also obtained by himself, and it has nothing to do with you!" "

Another classmate persuaded: "We are all classmates, in this unknown place, don't we have to watch over each other and spend time in the same boat..."

Liu Yiyi said weakly: "Then why didn't you talk when Liu Yunzhi and they wanted to harm Ye Fan before?" "

Liu Yiyi, whether it is personality or appearance, is a soft girl, let her say such a paragraph, I don't know how much courage to pluck up.

In Liu Yiyi's view, Liu Yunzhi's three people have evil intentions, as long as they are cold-eyed, they are helping to cause abuse.

In fact, Ye Fan had seven or eight good classmates, but four classmates did not come to climb Mount Tai because of something, and two classmates were killed by the little crocodile because Ye Fan did not have time to support, resulting in a weak situation, and only Zhang Ziling helped him.

Liu Yiyi and Ye Fan's previous relationship was at best a classmate, just because he remembered that Ye Fan saved her life.

Everyone was speechless, and after a few seconds.

Li Xiaoman came out and said: "It's Ye Fan's, we won't rob it, we just borrow it to see, besides, if we can make everyone inherited, we will have more hope to resist danger, why not." "

Pang Bo was unmoved, staring at her coldly, and she continued to persuade: "My previous relationship with Ye Fan, don't you still believe me..."

Pang Bo interrupted her directly: "Don't talk nonsense, if you really miss the old love, you won't be cold before, three years ago was three years ago, and now it is now!" "

Pang Bo is Ye Fan's best friend, Ye Fan told him that if Lin Jia is a realistic woman, then Li Xiaoman is a reasonable woman, and she will never be overshadowed by sensibility over reason.

From the point of view of intellect, if the two are broken, they are broken, there is no need to continue the frontier, see you again in three years, just classmates.

"Pang Bo, don't force us."

Zhou Yi held the copper bowl in his hand and walked out and whispered, obviously threatening.

In this dangerous environment, the dark side of all people is aroused.

"You can try!"

The Pang Bo people were tall and big, standing in front of Ye Fan, waving copper lamps, still had a bit of deterrent power.

However, what everyone was most afraid of was Ye Fan, once he made a move, he would be ruthless, and the feelings of classmates could not hold him back in the slightest.

After thinking about it again, after all, no one dared to make a move.

The sound of God is like a bell, distant and vast, difficult and difficult to understand, and it is not clear at all. One moment was like approaching the abyss hell, and the next moment was like entering the pure land of the gods, and all kinds of inexplicable feelings floated in his heart, making Ye Fan alert and confused.

This kind of esoteric divine voice is not verbose, on the contrary, the words are like gold, a total of only a few hundred words, quite a simple avenue, prosperity and simplicity, plain and simple feeling.

He began to dream again.

The dream was still the same, just when Ye Fan thought that the dream was going to end as before, a cruel, cold, cheerful, and happy maniacal laughter resounded throughout the universe:

"Hahahahaha, even if you can suppress all enemies, what if you can suppress all enemies? Even if you are invincible for nine days and ten lands, what about it? What if you suppress the forbidden area of life? Even if you make the heavens tremble? "

"You can't beat the sky after all!"

"Win-chan! Win the fairy! Wait to suppress me, but without you, the universe will usher in the greatest dark turmoil in the world! "

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