A figure appeared in the heavenly dome, like a demon wall, and the oppressive Flood Desolation Universe was about to crumble.

These cold voices, conveying the six in eight wastes, shook the outside of the domain, making Ye Fan's soul tremble, from head to foot, there was a coldness in his bones.

He seemed to see the scene of blood flowing and drifting... No, the blood flow is far from described.

At this moment, there was no time when the thought of leaving the dream was as strong as it is now.

He didn't want to see the scene of the universe die and silent.

A powerful being raised its feet and stepped forward, and the aura of supreme power overwhelmed the sky, sweeping the nine heavens and ten earths, and all the stars were trembling.

And a huge planet directly cracked at this moment, almost falling apart.

Ye Fan's heart trembled, what kind of power was this, just stepping out, it caused a huge planet to crack, hundreds of millions of living beings exploded, turned into blood mist, and were swallowed by this powerful existence.........


The dream collapsed in vain, and Ye Fan suddenly woke up, and his violent gasping was like pulling a bellows, heavy and urgent.

"Yezi, what's wrong with you!"

Pang Bo was taken aback.

"Hehe, if you want to devour it alone, you will be retributed..."

In the dark, someone gloats.

Ye Fan suddenly raised his head.


Everyone retreated in unison, and some people sat on the ground in fright, looking at Ye Fan with trembling.

"Yezi, what's wrong with you."

Pang Bo was shocked, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, his heart trembling.

What kind of eyes is that.

Like a top predator coming out of a cage, his eyes were scarlet, exuding a tyrannical, cruel aura, just looking at these eyes, a chill spread from Pang Bo's vertebrae to the back of his head, and his hands and feet were cold.

"There won't be a demon upper body attached to his body, right?"

Zhou Yi swallowed his saliva and said nervously.

At this time, Pang Bo did not refute him, because Ye Fan at this moment seemed to be possessed by a demon.

"I'm okay."

Ye Fan's breathing slowed down and he waved his hand.

"Don't move!"

Pang Bo looked at Ye Fan warily: "What's on my ass!" "

Ye Fan's face was strange: "There is a mark like a chrysanthemum on the left butt." "

"That's fine."

Pombo breathed a sigh of relief.

"You try to see if you can hear that sound."

Ye Fan handed the Bodhi Zi to Pang Bo, and Pang Bo took the Bodhi Zi, and there was no movement for a long time.

Ye Fan signaled him to hand the Bodhi Zi to Zhang Ziling, and the result was the same, Liu Yiyi tried for a long time, but did not hear a sound.

Just when the others thought that Ye Fan would also hand them the Bodhi seed to try, Ye Fan took the Bodhi seed back.

Everything that happened before, he heard.

Pang Bo asked strangely, "Yezi, what did you hear before?" "

Ye Fan recalled carefully: "A voice... The voice of the Tao... Dao Tianyin..."

He frowned and opened his mouth to speak, clearly understanding the meaning, but unable to say it.

"It can only be understood."

The others pricked up their ears, but they got the words 'can only be understood and cannot be spoken', and maliciously guessed in their hearts that Ye Fan did not want to say it.

The copper coffin fell into calm again, and Ye Fan's mind appeared one by one from the dream.

The final scene is when a huge planet cracks and hundreds of millions of living beings die.

"They... Is it really at war with the sky? "

"Going against the sky..."

"Yezi, do you say we can still go back?"

In his ears came Pang Bo's deep voice.

"Maybe you can, maybe you can't."

Ye Fan sighed lightly.

"Look, the copper coffin is glowing."

Everyone paid attention, and saw that on the copper coffin, there was a copper carving, which was a vast starry sky, and all the stars were shining at this moment.

"Could it be that this is the star road we walked?"

? This starry sky map is like the sea, and many stars are as small as dust, but there are still some special stars that are exceptionally bright, much more eye-catching than other stars, and attract attention.

"Where is the destination of the copper coffin?"

"Could it be the legendary Immortal Realm...

"Will there be a Buddha, a Jade Emperor..."

"Maybe a past Laozi, Confucius and other sages once walked this road..."


"If the destination of the copper coffin is an unknown place, maybe you can go back along this road in the future."

Ye Fan said to himself, taking this star map in his heart.


I don't know how long it took, the copper coffin shook violently, and the desolate bronze carvings on the coffin wall bloomed with divine brilliance, supporting a hazy light curtain, canceling out an unimaginable impact, and the giant coffin finally slowly stabilized.

In the final shock, the lid of the bronze coffin deviated from its position and slid heavily to the side, and the copper coffin fell to the ground.


"I see the light!"

"It's a familiar world of light!" Many people in the bronze giant coffin couldn't help but shout, and their eyes were no longer the dimness on the ancient star and the desolation full of blood.

The fresh air blows in the face, even with the smell of earth and flowers and plants, the smell of nature fills the surroundings, and the outside is a bright world full of vitality.

Although everyone was tired and hungry, they all got up and ran out at this moment.

"According to the star map, it seems to be Beidou here."

Ye Fan looked at the star map on the copper coffin and groaned.

"Yezi, let's get out quickly."

Pang Bo pulled Ye Fan out, his vision was suddenly clear, and even his depressed mood was much better.

In the distance, there are rolling beautiful peaks with lush trees.

Near the top of the mountain, there are strangely shaped rocks and vigorous ancient trees, and old vines the thickness of buckets coiled like dragons, and there are green grass and fragrant wildflowers, full of vitality and vitality.


Someone shouted.

"I finally survived!"

"I'm going to survive!"

Seeing the world of light, everyone's hearts were filled with joy.


However, three minutes later, there was a loud noise behind him, and everyone looked back and saw that the Nine Dragons coffin fell into the boundless abyss.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and the side of the top of the mountain was actually a cliff, and if they didn't rush out quickly when the coffin lid was opened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Ye Fan looked around and found that his group was standing on a mountain, with a total of nine mountains connected to each other, surrounding an incomparably huge deep valley.

"This place..."

Ye Fan was shocked, without him, this place seemed familiar to him, as if he had been here.

"Yes! The world of dreams! On the planet where the figure stepped on the crack, there is a place very similar to here! "

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