Everyone was rejoicing and gaining a new life, only Ye Fan was shocked.

"Under my feet right now is probably that huge planet."

"The dream scene is on this planet."

At this time, Ye Fan was shocked and excited, and the dream became clearer and clearer, but the questions in his heart became more and more, but now that he came to the place in the dream, it meant that he might be much closer to the secret of the dream.

"Gone, Leaf!"

Pang Bo greeted Ye Fan, and the group prepared to look for people.

"There is half a stone tablet there..." At this moment, Zhang Ziling suddenly shouted.

There was a pile of rocks on the top of the mountain, and a few vigorous ancient trees, accompanied by several old vines the thickness of a bucket, and among the vines, there were half-broken stone tablets poured there, and the traces of artificial polishing were obvious.

Everyone quickly walked over, pulled away the dead vine, brushed off the dead branches and leaves on the broken stele, and suddenly felt that the ancient meaning was full, there were three ancient characters engraved on it, the pen power was strong and condensed, the strength was like a dragon, flowing with the breath of the years, and I don't know how many years it has existed.

Ye Fan recognized it for a long time, and frowned: "It seems to be 'Forbidden to the Desolate Ancient Forbidden', and the words behind it are too vague to be recognized." "

Everyone talked about it, guessing what words followed.

Ye Fan thought of his dream again, in which the man seemed to have suppressed the 'Life Forbidden Zone', and those who tried to make the cosmic blood flow drift were from the Life Forbidden Zone.

Could it be that the words engraved on the stone tablet are 'Forbidden Zone'? Is the 'Forbidden Zone' a 'Forbidden Zone for Life'?

Thinking of this, Ye Fan suddenly felt creepy.

Those existences from the 'Life Forbidden Zone' can almost crack a huge planet with one kick, and when he thinks that there are likely to be those existences in the 'Forbidden Zone', his whole person is not good.

"Groove! What a big bird! "

Pang Bo's eyes almost widened, and everyone looked in his worthy direction, and they all froze at once.

In the distance, there seems to be a big bird circling, which is very special, because it is full of gold, even if it is far away, you can still feel the brilliance, like it is cast in gold, and there is golden light shining throughout.

The big golden bird suddenly swooped down, grabbed an elephant-like prey and flew away.

"I, I, I, I... I'm not mistaken... Such a big bird? Someone stammered.

"It is conservatively estimated that this big golden bird spreads its wings for at least twenty meters."

The joy of everyone's new life disappeared at once, and if this big golden bird hunted them, they had no power to resist.

And since there are big golden birds here, it means that there are likely to be other behemoths.

But even if they were afraid, they still had to live, everyone had not eaten for a day and a night, and the little snacks brought by the climbing had been eaten, so everyone went in teams of two to find food.

Of course, Ye Fan was in a group with Pang Bo.

"There's a spring pool ahead."

After walking for almost five minutes, Ye Fan made a discovery.

Just a few tens of meters ahead, several old vines the thickness of buckets surrounded a clearing, where there was a one-meter-square spring pool, gurgling like a manna spring.

Next to the spring pond grew more than a dozen small trees more than half a meter tall, with broad leaves and emerald green, resembling human palms, like several small people with many arms standing there.

At the top of each small tree hangs a red fruit, shaped like a cherry, but the size of a chicken's egg.

"So fragrant."

Pang Bo picked a fruit and held it in his hand, which looked very attractive, crystal clear, like carved from red jade.

But he did not dare to eat it, for fear that this gorgeous fruit would be poisonous and scratch his ears and cheeks.

"Forget it, die and die!"

Ye Fan was hungry and uncomfortable, took it off, and took a bite without thinking.

When the crystal shining red peel broke, it suddenly made people feel a rich and fragrant aroma rushing straight to the internal organs and permeating the whole body.

"It's delicious!" Pang Bo saw Ye Fan take a bite and take a bite, who knows that it is delicious, and he can't wait to swallow his fingers, the juice flows, red and bright, the aroma is full, and the aroma is overflowing.

Pang Bo ate four and couldn't eat anymore, and Ye Fan also ate four, refreshed, and all fatigue disappeared.

Pluck the rest of the fruit and fill the pool with a mineral water bottle.

The five fruits picked were given to Liu Yiyi and Zhang Ziling two each, and the remaining one was given to Lin Jia.

Others found food, others went hungry.

A few hours later, it was getting dark, and everyone searched for a small cave and slept all night.

When he woke up, Ye Fan felt full of energy, and his whole body was relaxed, as if he had endless energy, and this feeling was like the kind of change he took the night before climbing Mount Tai.

He seems to have undergone another metamorphosis.

But at the same time, he found himself in the form of an eleven-twelve-year-old teenager.

Pang Bo also woke up and looked at Ye Fan dumbfounded: "You you you... Groove, leaf, how did you become a little puppy? Why do I think you're a little cute? "

Ye Fan snorted coldly: "You take a look at yourself first." "

"That's not right!"

Pang Bo looked at his clothes that were one size bigger, immediately took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera, and found that he had also become an eleven-twelve-year-old teenager, and the shadow of the adult Pang Bo could be vaguely seen.

"What's wrong with us?"

Pang Bo was surprised and excited at the same time.

"We may be rejuvenated, the cause of that fruit."

Ye Fan pointed to the classmates who were still asleep, Zhang Ziling and Liu Yiyi also became much younger, and the two became like high school students, seven or eight years younger.

And Lin Jia is also three or four years younger, about Mo just graduated.

Looking at the others, Pombo suddenly petrified.

More than a dozen bodies lay on the ground, looking at the white flowers and heads, one by one, the skin folded, and they were extremely old.

But these people are all wearing the clothes of familiar people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are seventy or eighty years old, and they are really old.

Pang Bo swallowed his saliva: "Eating one fruit is about three or four years younger, if we eat eight or nine fruits, will we become a baby?" "

Ye Fan glanced at him: "You hate unique ideas, you can try it, there are still some fruits that are not fully ripe, and they have some effects." "

Pang Bo shivered: "It's good that there is no greed, turning into a baby is not waiting for death in this kind of place?" "

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