After a while, all the people of the seven old and eighty woke up, unable to accept their appearance, and the mournful cry of everyone sounded in the cave.

Before aging first, Shaohua white, this is simply the most tragic thing in the world, the twenties are the moment of flourishing, but in a blink of an eye, they are white, wrinkles accumulate, so that they are embarrassed, it is simply painful.

"Why did I become like this?" Zhou Yi trembled and stretched out a hand, stroked his wrinkled skin, plucked out a lock of withered white, and roared angrily: "Why?" "

Wang Ziwen also snorted, checking his physical condition, his eyes were cloudy, the bags under his eyes were as big as pigeon eggs, he was extremely old, and he said in a trembling voice: "I don't believe it..."

Lin Jia was overjoyed: "Fortunately, I didn't get old, I was younger..."

A reasonable woman like Li Xiaoman almost collapsed, her appearance is a woman's first life, especially her original beauty, but now she suddenly becomes an old woman of seventy or eighty, her skin is even more wrinkled, loose and loose, her eyes are cloudy, and her face is full of grooves.

“OMGD! My God! Save me! Cade wailed like a wild beast.

Pang Bo hehe: "Foreign devil, God is only afraid that he can't manage here, you are asking the wrong person, you should ask the Jade Emperor, such as the Buddha, Taishang Laojun and the like." "

Kade whined and cried: "Jade Emperor, if you come to Buddha, open your eyes to your old people, let me restore my youth!" "

"Why haven't you gotten old?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at Ye Fan, and Pang Bo glanced at the five, and quickly calmed down.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo changed the most, but they could also clearly see the outline of adulthood.

"Isn't it a ghost of yours!"

Some people stared at Ye Fan and the others suspiciously.

"Please, tell me how I can regain my youth."

Ye Fan frowned slightly and said calmly, "Do you remember that stone stele?" 'Forbidden Zone', I suspect that it may be possible to deprive living beings of their lifespan, and the common denominator that we have not grown old is that we eat the red fruit and resist that power..."

"Is there any red fruit there?" Li Xiaoman asked.

Ye Fan nodded: "Only immature, I don't know if there is an effect..."

Everyone had a glimmer of hope, and at this moment, a colored light suddenly appeared in the sky, as if passing through the sky and a rainbow, which was particularly eye-catching in the dim sky.

"OMG's! Immortals! Immortal! "

Cade immediately fell to his knees and prayed loudly.

That rainbow suddenly turned around, and instantly flew in their direction, and the speed was amazing, like a rainbow across the sky, blinking an eye.

The rainbow fell, it was a young girl, her black hair was like a waterfall, gently fluttering, her eyes were like water, misty, with a trace of mist, her skin was snow-white and crystalline, shimmering with a little luster, very dusty and beautiful.

The girl glanced at everyone: "Have you entered the Forbidden Land?" "

Ye Fanxin said, "It turns out that the place is called 'Desolate Forbidden Land' instead of 'Desolate Forbidden Zone'"

"Fairy, we were originally only in our twenties, and after we came out of there, we became like this, and we asked the fairy to save us." A female classmate knelt down and prayed.

The other students looked at her expectantly.

The girl looked at Ye Fan and Pang Bo thoughtfully: "Have you eaten a red fruit so that it rejuvenates?" "

Ye Fan nodded.

"Fairy, can we still be saved?" Wang Ziwen asked.

"Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land, Ancient Absolute Domain, Life Forbidden Zone, even if you can come out of it, the vitality will pass, and you can only resist it by eating that red fruit, but it is useless to eat it after the life force passes."

The girl explained, knocking everyone down the boundless abyss, and the next moment, she changed her tone: "But it's not impossible to recover, but it's difficult." Enter the forbidden area of life, die a hundred lives, even if you come out alive, your hair is as white as frost grass, and your life will come to an end. However, their 'sea of suffering' has also been activated, and if they embark on the path of cultivation, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort. "

Li Xiaoman hurriedly asked, "Can you restore your youth by embarking on the path of cultivation?" "

"It's hard, but it's not absolutely impossible. As the practice deepens, the vitality will naturally be strong, and after reaching a certain realm, it may be possible to change the appearance. The girl's words suddenly gave hope to many people.

The girl looked at everyone's eyes like she was looking at a group of treasures: "I'll take you out first." "

About an hour, the girl led everyone to a small town, and immediately seven or eight people with a huge aura greeted them, their eyes shining, making everyone's hearts bristle.

"Hahahaha, not bad, the bitter sea has all been activated."

"It's a good seedling!"

After some questioning, Ye Fan answered their questions truthfully, but concealed the origin of the group.

After all, the Nine Dragons coffin is too terrifying, Ye Fan replied, everyone is not stupid, no one exposed Ye Fan.

An old man nodded slightly: "You may have accidentally stimulated a certain powerful force, so that another day and moved you to the Desolate Forbidden Land, but you are lucky, this powerful formation did not kill the formation." "

"Your hometown is too far away from the Eastern Wilderness, if it is not for the stimulation of the formation, I am afraid that you will not be able to reach the Eastern Wilderness after walking for 10,000 lifetimes."

Pang Bo's eyes widened: "This world is so big? "

The old man was frightened and looked kind: "From the western desert to the eastern wilderness, the distance is endless, I fly sleeplessly for decades to arrive, and the eastern wilderness is also boundless, even if mortals can live for dozens of lives, it is difficult to travel." "

"The Eastern Wilderness, the Western Desert, the South Ridge, the Northern Plains, and Zhongzhou, each of them is like the Eastern Wilderness is boundless."

Everyone almost doubted their ears, the earth is only a drop in the ocean compared to this world.

An old man smiled and said: "You were originally mortals, but now although you have lost your youth, you have gained opportunities, your 'sea of suffering' has been activated, even if he passes the 'sea of suffering', steps on the 'divine bridge', and finds his 'gods', he can restore his youth." "

"We, the Spirit Market Cave Heavenly Yan Kingdom Sect, if you enter my Spirit Market Cave Heaven, the Spirit Market Cave Heaven will definitely cultivate you well..."

The people of the Spirit Cave Heaven all had a very kind attitude, they were originally immortal-like figures in the mortal world, and they would definitely not have such a good attitude towards mortals.

But this group of mortals in front of them is different, all of them are opportunities for the sea of suffering, regardless of qualifications, the starting point of cultivation is inherently higher than others.

What's more, there are five good seedlings who have eaten red fruits and have been reborn, and when they grow up in the future, Linghu Dongtian will definitely be able to become the number one sect in the Yan Kingdom.

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