Duan De moved his hands and feet like a grandfather, and the whole time was operated by beautiful women, changing him into a new Daoist robe, exactly the same as the previous broken Daoist robe.

This beautiful woman was obviously a person of honorable status and cultivation, who had always been commanding, but at this moment she served Duan De like a maid.

"Where are you going next? Why don't I live there for a while? "

The beautiful woman knelt on the ground and took off her shoes for Duan De, gently wiped her feet for him, and then changed into a new pair of boots.

Duan De snorted coldly: "You have too many old monsters there, it's not comfortable staying with you, I, Duan De, am a person who runs the world, how can I be bound by you?" "

The beautiful woman's face was full of adoration, and she chuckled: "You are still so attractive if you don't forget your original intention." "

She paused and said tactfully: "But there are too many people chasing and killing you during this time, let's avoid me first, I am a sect leader, and my words still have some weight, and the people in the sect dare not say anything." "

Duan De frowned slightly, looked down at her coldly, and was unceremonious: "Are you teaching me to do things?" "

The beautiful woman raised her head, like an obsessed girl: "Of course, the concubine body does not dare... I know that you are afraid of tarnishing my reputation, and you are thinking about the concubine's clothes. "

The beautiful woman resented slightly: "But for you, what reputation am I afraid of, since you don't go to me, it's better for me to play with you for a while, you go there, I will go wherever I go." "

The beautiful woman's face became extremely shy, and she almost snuggled into Duan De's arms.

Duan De's face softened a lot: "It's about the same, but your pomp is too big, how can you steal... Play? "


"What to do, we are a river without roots, also known as the river of darkness, once separated, there is no trace of it, and we can't find it at all."

Ji Ziyue said with a crying voice.

Ye Fan scanned the surroundings, trying to calm himself down, he understood a truth at the age of eight, no matter what happened, there was no point in being anxious, only by calming down, it was possible to find out the idea of solving the problem.

"What is the origin of the Bronze Immortal Temple." Ye Fan asked.

After Duan De left, Ye Fan used the Desolate Ancient Saint Body to warm the Demon Emperor's Sacred Heart, the Demon Princess Yan Ruyu committed herself to him, and that Demon Spirit Qin Yao, the resources of the Demon Race were so vast, it really made him a little unhappy.

Originally, he could break through the Dao Palace in a few days, and he was also ready to ask Yan Ruyu for a Dao Palace Scroll Technique, and he was ready to enter the Dao Palace Realm.

His Foundation Building and Wheel Sea Realm exercises are both the Eastern Wilderness Peerless Dao Sutra, so the exercises of the Dao Palace Realm will definitely not find a random exercise, even if they are not as good as the Dao Sutra, they can't be much worse.

But an accident happened, the ancient family of the Eastern Wilderness Ji family god king body Ji Haoyue killed, the two sides had a big battle, Ye Fan and the demon clan lost contact, Ji Ziyue also lost contact with the Ji family, and the two fell into this bronze immortal hall.

"The Bronze Immortal Temple, which has only appeared a few times in ancient history, has a mysterious origin, no one knows its past, once it enters by mistake, there is no way to survive..." Ji Ziyue sighed.

"Legend has it that this magnificent bronze hall was forged by immortals, and for endless years, almost no one in the Eastern Wilderness became immortals, and those figures who stood at the peak of the immortal path naturally could not bear the temptation."

"Cheng Xian..."

Ye Fan was silent, in his heart, the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor were already immortal-like existences, could it be that these beings all wanted to become immortals?

So, what exactly is the existence of immortals?

For the first time, Ye Fan had an extremely strong curiosity about immortals in his heart.

The two walked towards the inside of the bronze immortal hall, a faint mist, very misty, in the empty copper hall, there was no end in sight.

"Dare to ask the heavens, is there an immortal?" Next to a corpse, there are eight shocking characters.

There are several dried up blood words on the ground, black and red and blurry, with an indescribable charm, which seems to condense the spirit of this strong man's whole body, and only then imprinted here, giving people an extremely special feeling, as if conveying an emotion.

"Chengxian! Hard, hard! "

"Immortal! Immortal! Immortal! "

"Me! Desire! Yes! Immortal! "

"Hahaha... Fake! It's all fake! There are no immortals in the world! "

"Kill kill kill kill! Immortal! Fight me! War! War! War! "

This huge bronze hall is indeed the burial place of the world's strong, and in the past, the powerful moths put out the fire and came to find the hope of becoming an immortal, but in the end, they ended up depressed and died here.

A total of more than thirty corpses, all of them are peerless powerhouses, a generation of Tianjiao, but all of them have fallen here, leaving only unwilling desperate strokes and silent shouts.

An hour later, after crossing many bones, the two came to the depths of the copper hall, passing through many dangers and hallucinations along the way, and if it were not for the protection of green copper blocks, the two would have turned into corpses.

The bright red blood and water were brilliant, imprinted on the copper wall in front of them, forming a huge "immortal" character, with a high energy of about nine meters, radiant and dazzling, like a brilliant red light condensed.

Buzz Buzz!

The green copper block buzzed and vibrate, Ye Fan woke up with a stirring spirit, and Ji Ziyue's eyes on the side were intoxicated, and a smile appeared on his absolutely beautiful and delicate face, as if he had seen the secret of becoming an immortal.

Ye Fan quickly pulled Ji Ziyue away and left the immortal character far away.

Looking at it again this time, the huge "immortal" character nine meters tall was as terrifying as Senluo hell, and the blood was drenched, making people feel endless murderous intent.

Ye Fan's back was cold, if it weren't for the green copper block, he would have fallen into danger again just now.

"Immortal is hell?"

"Is it really an immortal at the end of the avenue?"

The two looked at the fairy character with concern, and also had doubts.

"Dare to ask the heavens, is there an immortal?"

The two did not dare to stay any longer and continued to explore other places, and half an hour later, Ji Ziyue's clear eyes widened, and she couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart:

"Xuanhuang Erqi! A lot of Xuanhuang Erqi! This is the sacrificial vessel, the best holy thing! "

The large shadows in front of them are as heavy as mountains and heavy as clouds, dark and yellow, misty, and it seems that a wisp of fog can crush a mountain, heavy and suffocating.

Ye Fan looked confused: "What is Xuanhuang Erqi?" "

"This is the supreme holy relic of the sacrificial instrument, how many powerful cultivators have been searching for a lifetime, and it is difficult to get a trace, there are so many here!"

Ye Fan's eyes burst with essence light, that is the light of the wealth fan, hara Zi direct, a trace is extremely precious, how many silks is this?

Million silks?

Tens of millions of silks?

Billions of silks?

How many resources can I exchange for when I sell it?

Enough for me to cultivate to what realm?

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