If people knew Ye Fan's thoughts, they would only have to laugh off their big teeth.

Xuanhuang Erqi is extremely precious, it is a priceless existence, if a cultivator gets Xuanhuang Erqi, he will not sell it to death.

In fact, it is not surprising that Ye Fan has such thoughts.

The Desolate Ancient Body was too resource-consuming, and how many times it made him cry.


"Ye Hei! Die! "

A cold voice came.


The terrifying energy fluctuations struck, and the aura of destruction was overwhelming.


The Void Array Divine Light burst out, and Ye Fan disappeared in place.


"How many enemies do I have?"

Ye Fan burst into tears, asking himself, was he influenced by Duan De's dead fat man, how could he provoke so many enemies and end up shouting and beating everyone?

Or maybe there's an aura of hatred?

"Most of my enemies are in the southern region, this is the northern region, few people should know me, and the resources have bottomed out again, but they have to be low-key, they can't be so high-profile..."

Ye Fan muttered secretly, there were also some proud, ordinary cultivators, he was such a cultivator, he couldn't provoke so many big enemies, because he had already been killed by someone.

What Jiang family, Ji family, shaking light holy land, moon worship sect, thousand robbery sect... One is either a desolate family or a holy place, or a great religion.

Of course, Ye Fan did not admit that he provoked them, he was just self-defense, at most it could only be regarded as excessive self-defense.

People want to kill me, it's not too much for me to kill a few dozen people a little harder...

"I found that after coming to Beidou, even the peach blossom luck has been enhanced a lot..."

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's face was strange, the demon princess Yan Ruyu, the fairy Qin Yao, the little princess of the Ji family, Ji Ziyue, and the saint girl of shaking light.

"Muggles, one is bigger than the other... If these women get together..."

Ye Fan shivered, not daring to think again.

Looking at it, it is completely different from what you imagined, there are no flowers, no bustling people, no vibrant vegetation.

The land is desolate, red soil, reddish-brown rocks, a bleak and withered silence. The vast earth, extremely empty, with no sign of life, only a few bare stone mountains dotted the horizon.

It's a barren land, without any life, with no people in sight, and it's lifeless.

Ye Fan was stunned, the Northern Region is like this bird?

The northern region, boundless, source mines are all over the world, famous all over the world.

Compared to the vast land, it is sparsely populated, thousands of miles uninhabited, and most places are deserted.

Cheng Ye Yuan, Defeat is also the Source, this mysterious substance condenses the essence of life, and seems to suck the spiritual energy of the entire Northern Region dry.

"Since there is a source mine here, I will go to find the mine myself, maybe find a vein that no one has mined, and the cultivation resources will be solved."

By now, he was very envious of the disciples of the Holy Land, with the most powerful ancient scriptures, and endless heavenly materials and earth treasures, just need to practice hard.

Unlike him, everyone shouts and beats.

In the final analysis, it is all about cultivation resources.

Not only do you have to find resources, but you also have to collect exercises.

For a total of half a month, Ye Fan arbitrarily exerted his magical powers on this vast and endless land, looking for veins, but unfortunately, he almost turned this area over, and he did not find an undiscovered vein, and in total, he collected less than a hundred catties of source, which was not enough for him to cultivate for a few days.

This land has almost been collected by all major forces.

He had to admit that he was not a child of destiny.

Those veins, one by one, have all been mined.


"There is no way to live, let's find a way for yourself, how many can live."

An old man let out a long sigh.

"Fifth Master, how to run, I'm a mortal, I can't run a hundred miles in a day..." someone cried.

"Five catties of source! This is to force us to death, it is impossible to make up enough, it is better to fight with them, even if they die, they will bite off a piece of meat! One man brandished a large knife and said viciously.

Suddenly, Zhang Wuye's face changed greatly, and when he looked up, he saw several figures flying quickly in the distance.

"Beard Chen..."

Zhang Wuye said in a trembling voice.

One of the burly men looked down at everyone and said indifferently: "You want to run?" Want to fight with me? "


Chen Dabeard regarded human life like grass, and did not even give a chance to speak, and slapped down with a palm, and the huge palm print fell with a bang.

In the next instant, an earth-shattering loud sound sounded, the earth in a radius of tens of meters shook wildly, one by one at any time, the air flow swept through, and more than a dozen villagers were suddenly photographed into meat sauce, and blood flowed.

"Boss Chen, spare your life, spare your life, we didn't want to run, you give us a little more time, we will try our best to make it up."

Thousands of villagers were terrified and kowtowed.

Chen Huzi sneered: "Give you three more days, less than five catties of source, Laozi will kill all of you chicken dogs without leaving one!" "


"What sound?"

Ye Fan searched for a voice, just in time to see the huge palm print falling, more than a dozen villagers died on the spot, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and the anger in his chest was like a volcano about to erupt, but it was suppressed by a piece of 10,000-year-old ice, angry but calm.

Ye Fan didn't think he was a good person, and by now, there were hundreds of lives on his hands.

But he never bullies the weak.

He had long heard that there were many rogues in the northern region, and this group of rogues did not have a fixed place of residence, rushing everywhere, destroying doors at every turn, bullying girls, and doing all kinds of evil.

Some ordinary people in the Northern Regions may have low cultivation in their bodies, but they cannot resist them.

"You damn it!"

Chen Dabeard put down his cruel words, and suddenly a voice sounded in his ears, followed by a sound that seemed to be trampling on the earth, as if a brute was rushing towards him.

Boom rumble!

The next moment, a figure swept in from hundreds of meters, dragging a deafening sonic boom behind him, the air wave rolled, and then a cold face came into view.

A fearful, suffocating feeling enveloped Chen Dabeard's heart.

I can't stop it!

I will die!


Chen Huzi's huge head exploded like a watermelon, and his burly body rumbled down like a jade pillar.

Click! Click!

A punch blasted Chen Dabeard's head, and Ye Fan didn't stop for a moment, and before Chen Dabeard's two subordinates could react, he directly slammed their chests through.

All the villagers were stunned, and Chen Dabeard, who had been arrogant and domineering a few seconds earlier, and his two subordinates were killed.

Zhang Wuye seemed to have some insight, and quickly kowtowed: "Thank you to the immortals for saving our lives, and ask the immortals to save people to the end." "

There was an agitated half-sized son who cried: "Immortal, my sister was captured by them, there must be no good ending, and now for the sake of the source, I want to kill our entire village again..."

"If we can't make up enough for five catties, the beasts will kill me and our entire village."

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