Ye Fan frowned slightly and said, "Where are they?" "

This group of rogues are plundering everywhere, bullying the weak, there must be a source in his hands, he can be a lone thief, specifically robbing these rogues.

Zhang Wuye hesitated for a moment: "The rogues in the northern region basically do not have a fixed station, many of them, like locusts, have gone one batch, and another batch, all places in the northern region are the same, very chaotic, we don't know where they are, just come to oppress us when they want to source." "

"I know!"

The half-big spirit boy said loudly, "They must be within a radius of thousands of miles." "

Fifth Master Zhang glared at him fiercely, and the half-sized son looked confused, not knowing why Fifth Master wanted to stare at him.

"It's too big, such a large area, it's hard to find them, and it's hard for me to help you."

The distance of thousands of miles may be very far for mortals, but it is not a long distance for cultivators, but if it is replaced by thousands of miles, it represents a million square kilometers, and a group of rogues can't even set off a wave on the land of millions of square kilometers.

There are only 30 countries on Earth with a land area of one million square kilometers.

But looking at this group of weak and pitiful villagers, Ye Fan couldn't stop caring about them, he had only been in this world for a few years after all, and his mercy had not been lost, and he didn't want to lose his pity.

"Take it."

Ye Fan took out ten catties of source with his hand.

Zhang Wuye refused to ask for it: "Immortal, you have already saved us, how dare I take your source again?" "

But his eyes stared at the source in Ye Fan's hand, swallowed his saliva, and looked like he wanted to take it but didn't dare to take it.

Ten pounds of source is enough for their village to be peaceful for a long time.

But he really didn't dare to ask for... Don't dare to ask for it...

After living for decades, I have seen many monks, some of whom are smiling in one breath and turning their faces and killing in the next breath.

"Take it."

"No... No...... Take the source that can take you. "

Zhang Wuye humbly pushed back, with a fawning smile, even if he refused, he was afraid of annoying Ye Fan.

"Take it!"

Ye Fan aggravated his tone, I don't know why, looking at Zhang Wuye's expression of promise, he was very annoyed.

Zhang Wuye's lips trembled slightly, and he carefully took the source, his throat seemed to be choked by something.

Ye Fan sighed secretly, even in such a mysterious world, there are ordinary people who can't get by, what does those cultivators who come and go, crisscross the Beidou, Shouyuan thousand, and ten thousand years have to do with these people?

The high monks oppress the lower monks, the lower monks oppress mortals, layer by layer, the common people are like ants, no one can see them...

Ye Fan was slightly confused, this world is too vast, he can't change anything.

"Can the immortals find the source?" Seeing that Ye Fan was leaving, Fifth Master Zhang couldn't help but ask.

"How do you know?" Ye Fan turned around, and as soon as he spoke, he knew that he had asked a stupid question.

Zhang Wuye smiled bitterly and said, "What else is there in the Northern Region besides the source now, which of the cultivators who come here and stay here is not for the source?" My ancestor was a source heavenly master, and I had some ability to find the source, and when these rogues knew about it, they came to bully me and so on, forcing me to find the source. "

"Since you can search for the source, why can't you even find the source of five catties?"

Ye Fan had heard about the power of the Origin Heavenly Master, but now in the Eastern Wilderness, there seemed to be no Origin Heavenly Master.


"Just call me Ye Fan!" Ye Fan interrupted him.

Zhang Wuye hesitated: "There are some sources, I can explore, but we are all mortals and cannot be mined." "

Ye Fan asked him for advice and asked him why he could see that there was a source in the stone mountain.

"That stone mountain is imposing. There are whales at the top. There are stone vines entangled in the mountainside. Furthermore...... Zhang Wuye said a lot, and finally said:

"On the surface of all indications, this is a restrained stone core source. The cultivation is too low to mine, and for us, even those rogues, we can only watch. "

Ye Fan was stunned, the source search was so complicated, according to what Zhang Wuye said, even when the sun, moon and stars moved, the color change of the ground had to be taken into account.

"It's so complicated..." Ye Fan was surprised.

"This is just the most obvious method." Zhang Wuye shook his head and said, "The source search is indeed very profound, you need to observe the mountains and rivers, the trend of the underground dark veins tomorrow night, and sometimes correspond to the stars in the sky..."

Ye Fan stopped talking, and Zhang Wuye said again: "I only learned the things handed down by my ancestors, and this knowledge is about to be completely lost." The Book of Origin Heaven is lost, that is the greatest treasure of our lineage, the ancestors have achieved the Origin Heavenly Master with the Book of Origin, and they are treated as guests in various major religions and holy places in Beidou. "


If I can get the Origin Heavenly Book, learn the ability to explore the source and find the source, I still have to worry about the cultivation resources?

It was definitely a strange book, and he wanted to get a glimpse of it, finding the dragon vein of the source, and determining the peerless divine source, this method was shocking to the world.

Once in his hands, he will surely become a guest of the Holy Land, and no longer need to be shouted and beaten by everyone, and this strange book is of inestimable value to him.

No less than a step of the ancient scriptures.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart: "How was the Origin Heavenly Book lost?" "

Zhang Wuye got up and walked to the edge of the village, pointing to the purple mountain in the distance: "At the beginning, the ancestor of my Zhang family entered the purple mountain with the Origin Heavenly Book, but it never came out again, and the Origin Heavenly Book was lost, but it was an ominous place, almost no one went in and came out again, and slowly, my Zhang family also declined." "

"I want to go!"

Ye Fan said sonorously.

He was impressed.

He has no backstage, even if there is an incomparable ancestor of Niu X, but it is also the moon in the water, and everything can only rely on his own efforts.

Zhang Wuye shook his head and warned: "My ancestors wanted to ask the Yaochi Holy Land for assistance, but they all gave up, saying that they were afraid of endangering Yaochi." "

Ye Fan felt a little hard to believe, the Yaochi Holy Land was a big force passed down from before the desolate times, and the ancestor of the sect was a female holy emperor, leaving an extreme weapon, and even creating an ancient scripture.

Inheriting endless years, let the sea and mulberry fields, the world is floating and sinking, Yaochi is indisputable with the world, always standing, a purple mountain can threaten them?

"So Ye Fan, don't go in rashly, lest you harm Qing Qing's life."

Fifth Master Zhang's words did not dispel Ye Fan's desire, and his eyes burned with anger: "Fifth Master, I have to go in, you have a lot of knowledge, help me once." "

Ye Fan deeply realized how terrifying the bottomless pit of the Desolate Ancient Saint Hugh was, and every time he improved a realm, everything needed was superimposed tenfold.

His current Dao Palace First Realm, a small sect like Linghu Dongtian could barely provide for it.

Therefore, he must get the Book of Origin.

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