"The old man doesn't say anything, but I know that he misses Xiaofan more than I do, he often calls his name when he sleeps at night, and when he turns on the light several times, I see cloudy tears on his face, we are really old."

"It's the New Year, as always, it's still just the two of us, how good it would be if Xiao Fan suddenly came back and appeared around."

"It's fifteen, the Lantern Festival has arrived, and I should have been reunited, but my home is very deserted. We went to bed early, but we couldn't sleep until dawn, our waist and legs hurt, our bodies and bones couldn't do it, and we didn't know how many years we could wait for Xiaofan. "

Ye Fan is not yet thirty years old, and these two are actually in their early fifties, but their appearance at this time looks like they are seventy years old, and they are not old.

In the void, looking at the pair of parents, Shan Huang was puzzled: "Great Emperor, what is the relationship between these two mortals and you?" "

Huan Zheng glanced at him lightly, and instantly made him feel like an ice cellar, almost freezing his soul, and did not dare to say more.

Ying Zheng stood in the dimensional distorted space, isolated from heaven and earth, obviously standing beside the two, but they could not see Ying Zheng.

As Ye Fan's adoptive parents, who had raised Ye Fan for more than twenty years, he was qualified to let Ying Zheng come to meet him in person.

A car stopped outside, and a graceful and good-looking woman came down from the car, carried a lot of things from the car, and then lightly pushed open the door, greeted the second elder familiarly, and moved in the food and use of things several times.

The second elder didn't seem to treat the woman as an outsider, Ye Fan's adoptive mother held the woman's hand tightly, and sighed: "If Ye Fan is so good, with a daughter-in-law like you, I will burn high incense every day." "

The woman was silent for a while: "Auntie, I'm getting married." "

The expression on Ye Fan's adoptive mother's face instantly froze, trying to squeeze out a smile: "Good!" Good! Good! It's a great joy to get married, Xu Qiong, you have waited for Ye Fan for so many years, and your aunt knows your heart. "

Ye Fan's adoptive father got up silently, and after a while, he took out a card from the house, didn't say a word, and handed it to Xu Qiong: "You and we have no relatives and no reason, you have taken care of us for several years, we all remember in our hearts, two hundred thousand years, not much, this is the uncle's intention." "

Xu Qiong shook her head and said: "Uncle, aunt, I take care of you, I remember that you are good to me, not other things, I can't ask for this money, Ye Fan is gone, you don't have many financial resources, you take this money yourself, take care of yourself, I won't delay me coming again when I get married." "

Ye Fan's adoptive father still forcibly put the card into Xu Qiong's pocket, and Xu Qiong did not refuse again.

Before leaving, Xu Qiong hesitated: "Auntie, can you give me a few photos of Ye Fan." "

After graduating from college, Ye Fan and Li Xiaoman also reached the end, and more than a year later, they met a woman named Xu Qiong and met for two years.

From plain as water, to knowing each other for two years, becoming very good friends, and then... And then there is no more, because before it begins, it is all over again.

For Ye Fan, it was over, but how could Ye Fan know that Xu Qiong had a deep affection for him.

Ye Fan's adoptive mother hesitated, the photo album was the most precious thing for her, but she still pulled out a few photos and gave them to Xu Qiong.

The two elders did not notice that when they left, Xu Qiong quietly put down the card.

"Xiaofan, are you back?"

Suddenly, Ye Fan's adoptive mother looked straight at the empty space in front of her.

Huan Zheng was stunned, and with a flick of his fingers, two balls of essence energy submerged into the two people's bodies, enough to support the two of them to live for hundreds of years.

There are some things that can be saved, and Ying Zheng does not mind helping Ye Fan save them.

After doing this, Ying Zheng returned to Kunlun.

"Does the Great Emperor want to open the seal?"

"Wait and see, what the Great Emperor does is not something you and I can predict."

Standing on the Kunlun Seal, Ying Zheng's foot gently fell, and a roaring sound like ten thousand thunder explosions erupted.

In an instant, centered on the place where the government stepped on, ripples spread rapidly, reaching the entire Kunlun Mountain Range, the entire territory, continents, and the earth...

It was like a storm that had been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years burst out, and I saw that in the void, one after another spread endless cracks swam away the dragon snake, and billions of divine rays ran through the earth.

Although the earth is the era of the last law and it is difficult to practice, there are still some deeply hidden cultivator figures after all.

In the past few hundred years, it has been difficult for cultivators on the earth to step out of the Dao Palace Realm.

It's just that a thousand years ago, the earth's spiritual energy was still ten times richer than it is now, and some great cultivators of the Sendai Realm appeared.

The first to notice was the Kunlun Sect, now 1,500 years old, can step into the second step of Sendai, it is difficult to advance again, he suddenly rose into the air, his eyes burst with irrepressible joy, and his voice trembled: "Reiki... In recovery..."

He didn't have much life, the possibility of a breakthrough in the Last Law Era was zero, and if the aura was revived, he was not without the possibility of a breakthrough.

In the depths of Changbai Mountain, this Sendai expert suddenly raised his head and saw the crack spreading in the void, and his heart trembled.

He is a master of the Jurchen clan, a pillar of the Jin Dynasty, who made great achievements when he destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, and more than a thousand years have passed since his practice, and he is a supreme master in the world.

Back then, the essence of heaven and earth was not as lacking as it is now, and he had been in and out of Changbai Mountain for many years, and he had dug up a lot of spiritual ginseng over the years, which was of great benefit to his cultivation, so he broke into the Sendai Realm.

Huashan, an old Taoist priest stood up, he was long, wearing a purple-gold crown on his head, wearing a gossip robe, looking at the cracks in the void, and muttered: "Qin Han Immortal Mansion, Liang and Tang Prime Minister's House." One day in the cave, the world has been for a hundred years. The old people are gone. "

"Old Ancestor Chen Lu!"

Hua Shan, whether it was an elder figure or a disciple disciple, froze, and then knelt down and kowtowed.

This is Huashan's ancestor, 1,200 years old.

Central continent.

This is the holy place of the three religions, the black city body shimmers with a cold metallic luster, and the ancient, vicissitudes, and sacred aura pervades, this is a city of gods and the abode of the holy one.

The magnificence and enormity of this city is beyond imagination, mortals cannot build it at all, and the city wall is like a black mountain, almost as high as the sky.

The wall is hundreds of miles long, and what it encircles is no longer as simple as a city, but more like an open cave group.

Through the huge open gates, you can see that there are ancient temples, majestic mountains, towering ancient trees, and it is a pure ancient dojo for cultivation.

The area outside the city is also very open, the primitive and reckless atmosphere is overwhelming, mountains and rivers are boundless, old medicines grow, ancient vines are as thick as buckets, and apes roar tigers.

"Middle-earth has changed!"

The heavenly power is mighty, the gods soar into the sky, two holy lights rush straight to the heavenly dome, and two god-like beings appear.

The gods are majestic, wearing a crown on their heads, just like an ancient emperor, inviolable, sacred and majestic.

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