The Vatican is the holiest place in the West.

The land of the Vatican prophets is extremely vast, attached to the earth's space, slightly larger than the Western world, and legend has it that this is the pure land where the gods sleep, very vast, far larger than the nominal small place in the mortal world.

Here, towering sacred mountains undulate, surrounded by holy lights, angels singing hymns, strange flowers bloom, old medicine grows on cliffs, and pure-blooded unicorns haunt the forest.

This is a peaceful ancient dojo, and you can even see elves, giants, and strange dragon species that have long been extinct in antiquity.

In the distance, the Longtan is deep, the waterfall falls from the sky, and dozens of mountains are the most conspicuous, each of which is inscribed with the marks of heaven and earth, which is different.

On each mountain there is a magnificent temple, magnificent, whether it is the cornerstone, tiles and wooden pillars, etc., which are ancient and have survived for a long time.

Suddenly, the space shook violently, like traces of broken porcelain covering the entire space, and the Vatican masters hidden in the land of the prophets woke up one after another.

The powerful aura is overwhelming, obviously this is a group of incredible figures, representing the top combat power of the Vatican today, one by one, the path is profound, and they live here all year round with the help of ocean-like mental power to practice.

In the middle there is a stone chair, carved with a cross, ancient vicissitudes, there is an old man sitting majestically, he looks down like a big mountain, like an ancient god, the eyes are vast, there are sun, moon and stars disillusioned.

This person is the Pope of the Western See, who has lived for three thousand years, the Western Holy See is divided into three, and the Pope changes from generation to generation, but the Pope has always been the only one.

"His Majesty the Pope!"

The mountains roared, and several masters second only to the Pope appeared, each of them was very special, looking forty or fifty years old, but the vicissitudes in his eyes were difficult to hide, and the battle clothes on his body were dull and dull, all cast in bronze, covered with knife marks and arrow marks, and potholes, as if taken from a museum.

"Heaven and earth have changed greatly, the reason is unknown, but the aura in the main space is rising rapidly."

The Pope sat upright, like a needle of the sea god, so that although this vast space was crumbling, it would not be broken and collapsed.

"Change is in Middle-earth."

The Pope said to himself, and his words were extremely jealous of Middle-earth.

Middle-earth, the West... No matter where the old antiques of the earth were, whether they were sleeping or in retreat, they were suddenly shocked, feeling the changes between heaven and earth, and they were shocked.

As long as it is a cultivator above Sendai, they all have induction, faintly feeling that the heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and perhaps the opportunity for them to break through has come.


The mantra of winning the government came out.


With a loud bang, the ninety-nine dragon veins on the earth rumbled and shook, and the ninety-nine dragon veins were entangled with each other, reaching the world, connecting rivers and rivers, and triggering the four seas.

The heavens and the earth are all shattered, and the waves of the oceans in all directions are fierce.


Ying Zheng spat out another word of mantra.

Breaking the seal, the earth will become millions and millions of times larger in a short period of time, and if he ignores it, the human race on the earth will be reduced by at least half.

The changes and vibrations of the earth could not cover up the mighty and weeping divine sound, and with the sound of the victory, billions of god chains suddenly appeared, blooming with divine radiance, and it became brighter and brighter, seemingly brighter than the sun, illuminating the starry sky.

God's chains shine, vibrate, entangle, resonate, and spread from the earth all the way to the rapidly expanding solar system like vines.

"This is..."

The Pope's heart was shocked, staring at the starry river, and in the dark eyes, the rapidly spreading, entangled god was reflected, and only he knew how great the horror in his heart was.

After just looking at it for a few seconds, he felt that his mind was in a trance, and he felt that his soul was broken, and he quickly withdrew his gaze and did not dare to look.

"The earth actually still has such a existence, I am facing the legendary god, and it may not be like this, and now, just facing these god chains, there is a danger of the divine soul being destroyed, so how strong should its owner be?"

Thinking of this, the Pope couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, fortunately, he didn't go deep into Middle-earth back then, and was blocked by Chen Lu.

"This... Such magical powers..."

Chen Lu's breathing was slightly rapid, and his eyes looked at the chains of gods that contained infinite mysteries in his eyes, until the seven tips sprayed blood, and he was reluctant to close his eyes.


The Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain was once so vast, but now it is recovering, and the movement caused is too great.

Countless mountains and rivers shook, mountains collapsed, trillions of tons of dirt and sand soared into the air, falling, and the momentum was huge, like the end of the world.

The waves of the great river rose a hundred feet high, as if some behemoth was tumbling in it, violently pounding the shore.

If it weren't for the fact that Ying Zheng had suppressed it with his true words, I was afraid that this movement that was ten thousand times more terrifying than the landslide and ground crack, and the earth's creatures would have been killed and injured by hundreds of millions.


A looming roar emanated from the Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain, they had been sealed for too long, at least for millions of years, once the seal was broken, it went straight to Qingyun.


The Kunlun Mountain Range is the ancestor of ten thousand mountains and the king of the Ninety-nine Dragon Mountains, and the Kunlun faction saw the changes in the Kunlun Mountain Range, and the Kunlun Sect could no longer care about anything else, and with a wave of his sleeves, he wrapped up all the Kunlun disciples and important things and left Kunlun.


If the Kunlun Mountains are a dragon, then the Kunlun Mountains are the dragon's head.

A stride came to the heavenly dome, and looking down, Kunlun's pupils shrank sharply.

Directly Nakunlun Mountain is changing like a dragon's head, and it is rapidly rising higher and bigger, as if it is roaring up to the sky, emitting a silent roar.

In the blink of an eye, Kunlun Mountain exceeded 10,000 meters... Twenty thousand meters... Thirty thousand meters... Forty thousand meters... 100,000 meters...

Looking at it condescendingly, Kunlun's palm sect's heart shook, and a thought flashed in his mind: "The earth is getting bigger!" "

In his eyes, the Kunlun Mountain Range, which was originally only more than two thousand kilometers, was expanding rapidly, and he could actually see the empty chains around the Kunlun Mountain Range at this time.

The Kunlun Mountains tumbled, struggled, and burst out white flames, burning the chains of emptiness.

For every less empty chain, the Kunlun Mountain Range expands by one point, and the Kunlun Mountain is one point higher.



The Kunlun Sect seemed to be able to hear the sorrowful roar of the king of the Kunlun Mountain Range.

Dragon veins, like the medicine of immortality, cannot give birth to complete consciousness, only incomplete consciousness.

But the incomplete consciousness of the immortal medicine is still scrupulous, and the Kunlun Mountain Range has been sealed for millions of years, of course, it will be sad and indignant.


The roar of the Kunlun Mountain Range was louder than the next, and in the end, the Kunlun Palm Sect only felt a boom in his mind, and the chains on the Kunlun Mountain Range were all broken with a bang.

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