"Oh my God, the mountains are getting higher!"

"The earth is cracking!"

"The end of the world has arrived!"

"The Yangtze River has become at least ten times wider!"

Although many ordinary people cannot see and feel the changes in the earth as intuitively as the Kunlun Sect, they can see the changes around them.

For example, not far from the mountain range, you can see that the mountain peak is rising rapidly, and not far from the river, you can clearly see that the river is widening.

Shock, horror, excitement, excitement, fear that the world will not be chaotic... There are many emotions.

There was even more noise on the Internet, and clear photos and videos of huge changes circulated on the Internet and quickly swept the world.

"A majestic holy city has appeared in the Vatican, and there are beautiful angels with divine wings in the holy city!"

Someone released a picture of the holy city, magnificent, spectacular, sacred, like a PS picture.

"There are pictures to prove it! Mount Tai has become tenfold taller, higher than Mount Everest of the past, and is changing rapidly. "

Someone released two photos, photos taken from the same angle, and it was obvious that Mount Tai was much taller.

"Is it the end times or a miracle? Tectonic tectonic plates around the globe are in intense motion, and there is evidence that the Earth is rapidly getting bigger. "

Originally, the relevant departments still wanted to block on the Internet, but reality has changed too much, and it happens around everyone, as long as it is not a fool, you can find the change in reality.

Ordinary people can only see the changes around them, and at most see the messy information of the network mountain.

But the relevant departments can see more, satellite footage, you can see that the earth is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, the peaks on the ground, the rivers are also expanding, and the whole earth is almost a minute.

Those fourteen people photographed according to the solar system.

The major relevant departments are more inclined to this is a change caused by divine power.

"Is the incident of '99 going to happen again?"

"It seems that the matter of '99 can't be hidden."

"What are you talking about? What ninety-nine years thing? "

"You actually don't know, alas, it seems that I have been in the dust for a long time, and the knife stained with blood is about to break again, brothers, fight!"


After intense discussions, the supreme leader issued the highest directive: "Notify all relevant departments, quickly evacuate the population, evacuate to shelters ..."

The country moved quickly, alarms were raised everywhere, civilians were evacuated, and the evacuation of civilians into underground shelters was maximized.

Cars, ships, planes, tanks, trains, all the tools are in motion.

Countries around the globe are doing the same.

The world's heavyweight countries still keep in touch through satellites, and this disaster is related to the whole world, and all countries abandon right and wrong and cooperate sincerely.

The leaders of every country on the screen are all in a heavy heart, and the changes caused by this god are not something they can change at all.

Fortunately, according to the news, there are very few deaths and injuries in this kind of earth-shattering change, which has to be said to be a miracle.

"What's that!"

A leader on the screen suddenly exclaimed in shock.


One leader almost gritted his teeth and his heart trembled.

In a short period of time, the scene seriously shocked their hearts and worldviews, and one leader muttered: "Is this a god or an alien?" "

Those fourteen people walking in the universe are no different from gods.

But just now, they saw a picture that they will never forget.

Ten behemoths seem to have been squeezed into this world from other worlds.

For the leaders of the earth, it is definitely a behemoth, each behemoth is far larger than the planet, full of science fiction, the whole body exudes a metallic texture, as if these ten behemoths are all made of metal.

Although it was separated from the screen, it still gave them an unparalleled sense of oppression and exuded the terrifying smell of suppressing the heavens.

Ten War Roulette!

Around the wheel of war, dense devices are derived.

The device makes one end connected to the war fortresses, warships, and fortresses.

This war wheel, together with many war fortresses, warships, and war fortresses, formed a behemoth with a diameter of at least 100,000 kilometers, as if its purpose was to kill and destroy.

The major leaders are weak in their legs and feet, and from the appearance alone, the earth cannot withstand these ten behemoths in any way.

"Minister! Bai Qi, meet Your Majesty! "

One of the war wheels flew out of a person, it was Bai Qi.

Huan Zheng waved his hand: "First incorporate this galaxy into Daqin, and then expand it after Xuan's order." "


"Wait, under Bai Qi."

"Honor the Emperor's decree."

The strength of the thirteen great demons was stronger than Bai Qi, but Yu Zheng ordered, they really did not dare to fry their hair, and honestly followed Bai Qi.


Stepping into the Hangu Pass again, seeing Ying Zheng, Shennong and the Yellow Emperor sitting on their backs, the Yellow Emperor cautiously asked: "What does the Great Emperor want?" "

Chen Wei on the earth, the Pope is just the third immortal, the earth overlord of the earth, but the real uncrowned king of the earth is still these two people.

Or rather invisible guardians.

With the cultivation of the two people, they naturally knew that the changes in the earth and even the entire galaxy came from the government of victory.

"Conquest, domination."

To put it mildly.

Since ancient times, only the emperor has achieved conquest, but it is far from reaching domination.

As for the great emperors of all eras, the ancient emperors, they are just cosmic co-respecters.


The Black Emperor spat out his big tongue, gasped urgently, and stared at Ye Fan viciously: "I already knew that your reputation was so bad, how could I walk with you and encumber this emperor!" No way! You have to make amends and read to me the beginningless scriptures! "

Ye Fan snorted coldly: "Obviously, you have burdened me, and your hand is darker than me, it is really worthy of being the 'black emperor', I didn't ask you to compensate!" "

The Black Emperor rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, I'll tell you where the Western Emperor Sutra is, how about exchanging the Western Emperor Sutra for the Beginningless Sutra?" "

Ye Fanhu looked at him suspiciously: "Since you said that you have a close relationship with the Beginningless Emperor, why didn't the Beginningless Emperor pass on the Beginningless Scripture to you back then?" "

Ye Fan tried several times, and finally got something, and initially got the situation he wanted to know, the big black dog is not a primeval race, and some are close to the beginningless emperor.

But he also tasted the bitter fruit, and in the following days he was often bitten by dogs, and the big black dog was very vindictive, and he gave him a bite if he was not cold, whether he was eating or going out, he had to be careful.

However, for the Black Emperor's statement, he has always believed only half of it.

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