The big black dog is also miserable, with a huge body full of mottled parts, losing its hair and completely becoming a leper dog.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Dao Master I, me, me... I was actually bitten by a mad dog, a great shame! "

He was extremely surprised in his heart, this dead dog's body was the same as divine gold, and any divine power hit it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it had no effect at all.

"Immeasurable beginningless, damn it, this emperor was bitten by the nose of a dead cow!" The big black dog went head-to-head.

"Where did the dead dog come from? One day someone will be slaughtered and eaten dog meat. "

The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked at the dog tooth marks on his body, he really wanted to eat black dog meat on the spot, the first time he ate such a big loss.

"Whose cow's nose is not tied? Bite the emperor! The big black dog was also unhappy and snorted.

The Lack of Virtue Taoist priest's nose almost crooked, "Dao Ye, I still want to say, whose dog is not leashed?!" "

"I haven't finished talking about this emperor, whose cow nose runs to drill holes?" The big black dog grinned.

One man and one dog glared angrily.


Ye Fan was overjoyed on the sidelines.

One person and one dog immediately turned their heads, their eyes were not good, and the laughter stopped abruptly, Ye Fan did not want to be besieged by this person and a dog.

"Black Emperor, you and Duan De have no feud." After the anger of the two dissipated a little, Ye Fan asked.

"Who let this bull nose want to steal the tomb of the Western Imperial Mother?" The Black Emperor was furious.

"What does my theft of the tomb of the Western Imperial Mother have to do with you dead dog!"

"If you dare to steal this emperor, he will bite you to death!" The Black Emperor grinned.

Looking at the sharp teeth of the black emperor Sen and white, the good man did not eat the loss in front of him, Duan De snorted a few times and stopped talking, this dead dog was too ruthless.

Ye Fan laughed secretly, this immeasurable Taoist priest was cured by a dog, and it was very happy.

"Black Emperor, do you mean that the tomb of the Western Imperial Mother is here? Are you going to take me to the tomb of the Western Imperial Mother?" Ye Fandao.

Duan De's eyes lit up and he immediately pricked up his ears.

The Black Emperor shook his head and said, "I don't know where the tomb of the Western Imperial Mother is, and I don't even know if the Western Imperial Mother has a tomb, and even if there is, it won't be in Guyao Pond." "

Duan De was furious: "Then what are you doing biting me!" "

The Black Emperor glanced at him: "The Beginningless Emperor and the Western Emperor Mother are both credited to All Souls!" You can't even have the idea of robbing tombs! If you dare to have, I will dare to bite! "

Duan De looked aggrieved, he wanted to rob the tomb but was bitten by a dog, and the most angry one actually stole the wrong place.

He just thought that this dog was going to bite him, and he was unreasonable.

Although Ye Fan didn't know what the relationship between the Black Emperor and the Beginningless Emperor was, he knew very well that this dead dog had a deep affection for the Beginningless Emperor and the First Emperor, and the West Emperor's mother was the mother of the Beginningless Emperor and the wife of the First Emperor, and this period of tomb robbery was stolen to the head of the Western Emperor's mother, no wonder the Black Emperor wanted to bite him.

The more he thought about it after taking a step back, the more he thought about it for a while, the more he lost money, and the immeasurable Taoist priest couldn't help but say: "You want to protect the Western Imperial Mother, but it's a pity that the Western Imperial Mother can't see you dead dog at all..."


The Black Emperor let out a low roar and pounced again.

"Whoosh! Do you think only you will bite! "

Ye Fan put his hand on his forehead and let out a long sigh, making friends carelessly, why would he know this person and a dog.


Although the Yaochi Ancestral Land is very desolate, its spiritual energy is very strong, many times stronger than the outside, and it is worthy of being a holy place for cultivation.

Walking out for miles, the sound of water flowing was heard, and through a large dead forest, the lush greenery came into view. Ahead, there are green plants everywhere, lush, a lake as clear as a sapphire, and a large area of plants on the shore is full of life.

Huge ancient trees, branches stretching to the sky, the whole is similar to a hill, thick vines and dragons, climbing everywhere.

All kinds of flowers and plants are fragrant, refreshing, and very pleasing to the eye.

The big black dog led the way in front, with Ye Fan and Duan De following behind.

Although Yaochi has been in ruins for a long time, you can vaguely see the prosperity of the past, and now, 90% of the area is lifeless, and only a few places have life.

The same is true of the mountains, most of which are bare and have no grass, and only a few contain spiritual beauty, peaks and green valleys.

After walking for tens of miles, I finally saw several pavilions, but they were half-collapsed, and even though they were covered with road patterns, they could not resist the erosion of the years after so many years. "Soon, it's time to approach the Yaochi Heavy Land." The Black Emperor's bald tail counted high and ran forward, elated.

After climbing over the mountains, I finally came to the misty land of fairy mist, the surrounding area was peaceful, and all the grass and trees were dry.

Large temples are like heavenly palaces, or standing on the top of mountains, or sitting in front of dry waterfalls...

Ye Fan and Duan De were both puzzled in their hearts, how could this big black dog be so familiar with Yaochi, it was like returning to his own home, familiar with the road, running all the way without the slightest hesitation.

Walking through several mountains in succession, lush greenery appeared in front of you again, flying waterfalls and springs, misty water, palaces one after another, very magnificent, as if entering the immortal world.

Duan De finally couldn't help but ask, "Hey, why are you so familiar with Yaochi?" "

The big black dog did not answer, staring blankly at a lake in the distance, not far away there was an open land, surrounded by endless exotic flowers and plants, and the palace was located, the central area, the aura was violent, Rui Cai flowed, there was a lake wave, hazy.

Ye Fan quietly stepped forward, looked sideways, and was suddenly taken aback, only to see that this big black dog had tears filling his eyes, and teardrops fell down the dog's face.

"The Imperial Mother... The Great..."

The big black dog sniffled, and suddenly it seemed to go back to 200,000 years ago, a small black milk dog and a pink and jade child playing, and a graceful and beautiful woman walked by the lake.

When the child saw his mother coming, he immediately ran over, and the little black milk dog followed with his short legs.

The woman squatted down and picked up the little black milk dog, gently stroked it a few times and put it down.

The woman led the child in front, and the little black milk dog followed hard, running around the two.

"The Imperial Mother... Great...... Blackie... I miss you guys so much... Xiao Hei thinks that there is reincarnation in the world..."

The black emperor sobbed, Ye Fan did not disturb him, quietly walked away, since they met for a year, this dead dog was a villain and a friend in his heart, and he never thought that he actually had such a weak side.

"Hey, what's the origin of this dog?"

Duan De asked quietly.

Ye Fan whispered: "Maybe it's the dog raised by the Beginningless Emperor, he's like you, it's like seeing me for the first time, it's like seeing a ghost." "

Saying that, Ye Fan stared at Duan De tightly, and Duan De muttered as usual:

"The dog raised by the Beginningless Emperor, no wonder it is so difficult."

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