Some of the black emperor's single body turned around, and his mood was very low: "Strictly speaking, I was not adopted by the Beginningless Emperor, but by the First Emperor." "

"Tell us about the First Emperor, I'm curious." Ye Fan poked the Black Emperor.

"It's okay to tell you about it."

The Black Emperor found a tree and sat down like a person, falling into memories: "It was a golden age 300,000 years ago, and Tianjiao was frequent, but the most amazing talent among them was the First Emperor. "

"The First Emperor is the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, in the Desolate Ancient Era, the Holy Body is a physique that is truly favored by heaven and earth, before the First Emperor, nine generations of Holy Body appeared in succession, each of which is invincible in heaven and earth, shaking the existence of ancient and shining present, the previous Dacheng Holy Body disappeared not long ago, and another Dacheng Holy Body appeared."

"The birth of the first emperor is no longer known, but when the first emperor was really famous in the world, it was already in the Sendai realm, at that time, it was already a golden world, how many Tianjiao, one by one, the talent is extremely gorgeous, put it now, the same generation can not find any opponents."

"One of the Tianjiao in the world is the Western Imperial Mother, that is to say, some of the other Tianjiao, if not born in the same era as the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor, have the possibility of preaching."

"But on their heads, there is always a person, that person is the first emperor, and in just two hundred years or so, the first emperor became the first person in the world."

The Black Emperor became excited, his spit flew everywhere, his two front paws waved, and his big eyes sparkled: "Do you know what concept is the first person in the world?" At that time, there were more than ten quasi-emperors and dozens of great saints. "

Ye Fan and Duan De gasped and looked at each other, both seeing the horror in each other's eyes.

Two hundred years of achievement of the first in the world, what kind of concept is that, you can't catch up with such a speed on a rocket.

The Black Emperor seemed to have substituted the First Emperor, and waved Fang Xuan: "When those Tianjiao were still competing with each other, the First Emperor was already invincible in the world, but no one regarded the First Emperor as an opponent anymore, because although the Dacheng Holy Body can be called the Great Emperor, it cannot preach." "

Ye Fan sighed: "Those Tianjiao must have mixed feelings, fortunately the Holy Body cannot preach, although the First Emperor is not their opponent no matter how strong he is, on the other hand, their brilliance is covered by the First Emperor." "

The Black Emperor 'hey': "There are more complicated feelings in the back." "

"The ruthless emperor and the first emperor are childhood sweethearts, with average qualifications, not to mention Tianjiao, even geniuses are not counted, and they are not outstanding around the first emperor."

"But what people didn't expect was that the ruthless emperor later came to the top, and after the first emperor became the first at that time, the ruthless emperor actually began to compete with the same generation of Tianjiao, from the beginning of the defeat more victory less, to the later victory more defeat less, and then to the later invincible of the same generation, stabilized all Tianjiao."

"It's unlucky." Ye Fan spit out three words.

Duan De nodded and agreed with Ye Fan.

That generation of Tianjiao was too unlucky, first pressed by the First Emperor, and then pressed by the Ruthless Emperor, and these two were still husband and wife.

The Black Emperor continued: "At that time, the ruthless emperor was called the most amazing emperor in history, the most talented woman in ancient times, she was not gifted, but she killed all the kings, became an emperor in the nine heavens of independence. "

"After the ruthless emperor preached, the first emperor also followed suit. The two emperors crossed the sky, killing nine forbidden area supremes in one day, sweeping the forbidden area, and opening the myth of the invincible universe for 50,000 years. "

Ye Fan's heart was pounding, invincible universe for 50,000 years, so yearning.

Duan De's hands trembled, his eyes shone brightly, and he said in his heart: 50,000 years in the invincible universe, how many good things should be scavenged, if you can find the tomb of the First Emperor...

The Black Emperor glanced at Duan De and sharpened his teeth, as if he saw through Duan De's thoughts.

"The Western Emperor Mother is a Tianjiao of the same generation as the Ruthless Emperor and the First Emperor, and she gave up fighting with the Ruthless Emperor."

"After the First Emperor preached, he sealed the Beginningless Emperor, who was only a few years old, into the Divine Source, and thousands of years later, the First Emperor sealed the Western Emperor Mother into the Divine Source."

Ye Fan nodded: "Yes, the First Emperor is the first emperor in ancient and modern times, the First Emperor can preach against the sky under the condition of the ruthless emperor, and the Beginning Emperor and the Western Emperor Mother may not be able to, they must avoid the era of the emperor and the ruthless emperor." "

"I don't see it, you're quite smart." The Black Emperor hehe.

Ye Fan rolled his eyes, he was very smart, right?

The Black Emperor paused: "Tens of thousands of years later, the Western Emperor's Mother was born with the Beginningless Emperor who was only a few years old, and became an emperor in less than a year after he was born, and when the Beginningless Emperor was ten years old, the Western Emperor Mother sealed the Beginningless Emperor into the Divine Source again, and was born again tens of thousands of years later..."

The Black Emperor looked up to the sky and sighed: "Apart from me, the Beginningless Emperor has no relatives..."

"No relatives..."

Ye Fan could think of that picture, and his heart was a little sad, a ten-year-old child broke the seal, but found that there was no one he knew, except for a dog accompanying him.

The corners of Duan De's eyes jumped slightly, and his face looked at the Black Emperor with a slightly strange face.

No wonder this dog is so perverted and arrogant, he has actually followed four emperors, if it were me, it would be even more arrogant...

The Black Emperor's voice lowered: "The Beginningless Emperor has regarded his father the First Emperor as an example and target since he was a child. He was the first emperor to preach with the Innate Eucharist, and he was able to take the Extreme Dao weapon with his bare hands before he preached. "

"He had no friends in his life, no wife and no descendants, and in his eyes, his strength was not enough to be his friend, and the Beginningless Emperor was sweeping all the way, and he was an emperor without meeting an opponent."

"After preaching, deterring ten thousand races, the seven life forbidden areas of the town, annihilating the gods outside the region, sweeping through the six and eight wastes, invincible in the sky and on the ground, feared in ancient and modern times, it is the same strong existence as the first emperor among the great emperors and ancient emperors."

The Black Emperor was extremely proud: "I have witnessed the glory of the Great Emperor all the way, he swept everything, what dark turmoil, what supreme existence, dared to have those who were born, all were killed, and the ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Palace left the words "Ning Zhan Dacheng Fulfillment Holy Body, never see no beginning". Invincible, without a little suspense, made the heavens tremble, all the sources of calamity were dormant, and in his time, no great calamity was born. "

"The great emperor is majestic, but I am the only one, and when you mention other great emperors, people may find that they have experienced bloody battles, had great enemies, and their lives have been threatened."

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