He built the five-color altar just to cross and return to his hometown.

The first ancient emperor of the Terran was the Taiyin Emperor, and the Terran was separated from the status of slaves and livestock in his hands, and in the hands of the Sun Saint Emperor, the Terran truly stood in the forest of strong races.

Ying Zheng did not converge the qi machine, the Sun Saint Emperor felt it, his eyes looked over, dull, and his face was expressionless.

Just by glancing at him, the Sun Saint Emperor continued to build the altar, and the sound of the Dao sounded from him.

"When you return to your homeland, you can't bury your bones in another country..."

But he clearly did not open his mouth, and the sound of the Dao seemed to come from ancient times through time.

"Return to the homeland, you can't bury your bones..." The words kept going, like a mantra, echoing by the altar, as if they would never stop.

"Who can bury me in my homeland?" In front of the five-color altar, Gu Yin continued, like an unquenchable obsession.

This is the divine thought of the Sun Saint Emperor, and now the divine thought has transformed into a Dao, and now all that remains is a wisp of obsession.

"Holy Emperor!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth like a morning bell and a drum, and the Sun Saint Emperor's thoughts shook violently, becoming more and more illusory, but his confused eyes came to his senses, and he solemnly saluted: "Daoist, thank you." "

Ying Zheng replied: "Ying Zheng, I have seen the Holy Emperor." "

The Sun Man Emperor deserves his gift.

The Sun Saint Emperor said with a smile: "Let the Daoist friends laugh, people are old, just such a thought." "

His divine thoughts were not evil thoughts, only one kind of persistence, and he was still fiddling with the altar, repeatedly revising it, but not changing much.

This altar has long been formed, but the gods think that they can't do it, and the way returns to heaven and earth, without the main god thought, and now even a ghost is not a ghost, just a mechanical repetition of everything in the past.

Huan Zheng smiled and said, "Holy Emperor, let me take you home." "

The Sun Saint Emperor's eyes burst out of brilliant divine light, and he stretched out a big hand, instantly grasping the earth, until the center of the ancient star was located, and took out a sealed sarcophagus.

He handed the sarcophagus to Huan Zheng and said, "I'm fast on the Dao, and I can't cross the Star Domain." "


Ziwei Star is a superstar that is not inferior to the Big Dipper.

"Fuso tree, homeland, I'm back."

The Sun Saint Emperor emerged from the sarcophagus, looking at the island in the sea of Purple Microstar, there was an ancient tree on the island, golden in color, like a gold cast, golden leaves abundant, flowing Sun Saint Power!

Yutani, the place where the Sun Holy Emperor preached, is the place of sunset as opposed to another secret place, Yuyuan.

The North Sea, dark as ink, big waves and broken clouds, black waves, boundless.

However, the black ocean could not invade an inch of Yutani, which was a peaceful and pure land. The island is full of life, old medicines, and the smell of all kinds of medicines is pouring in, making people feel like they have been baptized and their pores relaxed.

A golden ancient tree towers, surrounded by divine light, full of golden leaves dazzling, densely stacked, gently swaying, like a sky full of stars falling.

"This tree has been with me all my life." The Sun Saint Emperor said to himself.

This mulberry has only one trunk, but it is six feet tall, giving people the feeling of being more majestic than a mountain.

It has a special momentum, the golden sun holy power flows, as if opening up an ancient universe, evolving three thousand worlds, shrouded in golden mist, and the weather is endless.

"The land of burial."

The Sun Saint Emperor held up the sarcophagus and approached the Fuso tree.


The sound of wind and thunder sounded, and above the six-zhang golden Fuso Divine Tree, an ancient hall appeared, hazy and unclear, as if in the clouds and mist, as if in another world.

"The residence of the Sun Saint Emperor!"

"Divine Resurrection!"

At this moment, the entire Ziwei shook, and in an instant, I don't know, how many cultivators leaned towards Tanggu, and the Sun Saint Emperor's residence appeared, that was a great opportunity.

"Burial Homeland!"

The Sun Saint Emperor landed on the Fuso tree, stood still, and began to be confused again.

Behind him, an ancient hall stood, looming, majestic and magnificent.

After all, it was just an obsession that would transform the Tao at any time, and after more than a million years, Ying Zheng could only sober him up for a while.

At this time, he seemed to have lost his soul, and his whole person was in a state of confusion, without a single fluctuation of mental power, like a wooden stake.

"The Immortal Tree belongs to my Jinwu clan! Whoever dares to approach, don't blame me for being unpolite to the Jinwu clan! "

The Jinwu clan belongs to the first group of people to arrive, and they let go of their cruel words as soon as they came.

But some people didn't buy it, and snorted coldly: "Don't put gold on your face, the Fusang tree accompanies the Sun Saint Emperor to preach, and the Sun Saint Emperor belongs to the Terran race!" "

"The Fusang tree is born in Jinwu, this is the sacred place of my clan!" The Golden Crow warned.

In fact, this golden crow is like the difference between a dragon and a real dragon.

"Big blowing snail, you Jinwu clan, the thick-skinned face imperial soldiers can't be broken."

There were human monks mocking.

Although the major forces were competing against each other, they could only greedily look at the palace, in front of the Fuso Divine Tree, the flames were soaring, the sun holy power was running, the sarcophagus was terrifying, and no cultivator could approach.

"That kid, get out, the Fuso Divine Tree belongs to my Jinwu clan, and there is a life to take and leave!" An old Jin Wusen said.

The Fuso tree is too dazzling, no one dares to approach, only Yingzheng is the closest to the Fuso tree.

The ten Jinwu princes burst out with killing intent, forming a formation and trying to block the way of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng indifferently glanced at the Jinwu family, the old Jinwu was a saint, but at this moment it was like a basin of cold water poured from the top of his head, cold from the inside out, and he knelt down sharply, trembling all over, and screamed: "Spare your life!" "

Everyone in the Jinwu clan looked at the Jinwu sage, all stunned, I don't know why the Jinwu sage suddenly knelt down.

This is the ancestor of the Jinwu clan, and he is a saint.

The before and after changes are also too great.

"Old Ancestor..." As soon as the Seventh Prince of Jinwu spoke, he was interrupted by the Jinwu Saint.

"On your knees! All kneel for me! Kowtow! Stand corrected! "

The Golden Crow Sage looked frightened, his expression was fierce and roaring, and then his face changed, looking at Ying Zheng, from fierce to flattering, and kept kowtowing.

God knows what he went through just now.

To outsiders, it was only for a moment, only he knew that he had been in a void space for countless years, ten thousand years, a hundred thousand years, maybe longer, that space, there was no light, no time, no space, nothing, not even darkness.

That kind of torture is a hundred times more terrifying than going to the eighteenth level of hell and experiencing all kinds of torture.

He knew very well that the victory that just glanced at him was not something he or even the Jinwu clan could afford to provoke.

Under the authority of the Golden Crow Saint, no one in the Golden Crow clan dared to have any objections, all of them knelt on the ground, their faces were full of indignation, and they wondered if the Golden Crow Saint was crazy.

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