"Break limbs."

Ying Zheng's voice was indifferent.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Golden Crow Saint quickly broke off all the cultivators of the Golden Crow clan, including the ten Golden Crow Princes.

Breaking off limbs is not a big problem, but if a saint breaks his limbs, it is not good in a short time, and I am afraid that within ten years he can only lie down in peace.

Everyone could see that the Golden Crow Saint was extremely afraid of that young man, and did not dare to have any doubts about his words.

You know, the strength of the Golden Crow Saint is only below a few people in the Golden Crow clan, and his status is high.

A saint is so afraid of this young man, how strong should this person be?

For a while, everyone was silent.


If the Golden Crow Saint is granted amnesty, all the Golden Crow people will leave with a wave of his sleeves.

"Come back."

The Golden Crow Saint immediately turned around, his hands were down, his head was slightly lowered, and a fawning smile appeared on his face.

"Find the Sun Saint Empress, but if there is any slack, there is no need for the Jinwu clan to exist, get out."

Ying Zheng waved his hand, as if he were treating a dog.

The Golden Crow Sage nodded humbly, and just turned to leave, when the voice of Ying Zheng sounded in his ears: "If you are not convinced, you can ask the quasi-emperor of your Golden Crow clan to discuss with me." "

The Golden Crow Sage's heart trembled, he had just had the idea of complaining to the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor.

Outsiders thought that the Jinwu Jundi had already sat down, and only the core high-level of the Jinwu clan knew that the Jinwu Jundi was still alive and ready to preach.

But after listening to Ying Zheng's words, he did not dare to have any thoughts.

He didn't dare to bet.

In the end, it is the strength of the Jinwu Quasi-Emperor or the strength of the government.

"Who am I... Who am I...... Who am I..."

The light of the Fuso tree became more and more intense, the Sun Saint Emperor's eyes were confused, he roared up to the sky, and the sound wave was like billions of thunder exploding at the same time, and all the cultivators who came to Yugu were blinded at the same moment, and they didn't know where they were.

"Nine heavens and ten earths, I am the only one, sweeping the three thousand worlds and reversing the six reincarnations!" I am the Sun Saint Emperor! "

The Sun Saint Emperor opened the sarcophagus, and at this moment it seemed to shake the three realms and six realms, and the entire vast black North Sea wave hit the sky, and the ten clouds collapsed.

The Sun Saint Emperor Qingyi flew and his figure was illusory, but at this time, there was a kind of demeanor that suppressed the three thousand realms and cut through the ages!

Tanggu, the gods rushed into the sky, once unsealed, the whole island seemed to be resurrected, angry bullfighting, making the star field chaotic, and the heavens and realms shook together!

On the Sun Saint Emperor Independent God Tree, the ancient tree of Fusang rattled, as if it was singing for it, swaying under the golden light of the tree, hanging down on his body, if it was someone else, it would definitely be a disaster, but the old man was bathing, which was more holy.

Sun Ancient Emperor!

An identity that all cultivators could not imagine, a title that crushed the heavens of all ages, the second emperor of the Terran race!

Many people are trembling, unable to help themselves, bowing their heads and worshiping, not being controlled at all, this is the deterrence of the soul.

Yutani, the sound of kneeling is rising and falling, people are trembling, the emperor before the primeval is too far away from the afterlife, and it is a miracle that he can reappear in the world.

The Sun Saint Emperor looked at the sarcophagus, and there was only one human skin in the sarcophagus, the skin of the Sun Saint Emperor.

The breath of the ancient emperor became more and more intense, this is an indescribable qi machine, wisps, one by one, running through the ancient and modern future, suppressing the three thousand worlds and reversing the six reincarnations!

"Thank you Daoyou, Taoist friends have gone further than me, I have nothing to thank."

The Sun Saint Emperor looked at Ying Zheng and thanked him word by word.

Finally, he sat under the Fuso tree with a sarcophagus plate and said, "Preach here, bury bones here, cause and end, everything is gone." "

The Sun Saint Emperor began to transform into a Dao, and his body slowly weakened and gradually disappeared.

"Daoist, let's go."

Ying Zheng watched the Sun Saint Emperor disappear until he completely disappeared, and then left.

The monks who remained in Yutani looked at each other, and at this time they came desperately, they didn't get anything, and ran away for nothing.

A monk suddenly smiled and said, "It's not a run in vain, I saw the Jinwu clan deflated, and I was in a good mood." "

"Hahahaha, the Jinwu clan has always acted domineeringly, but I didn't expect that the Jinwu saint was like a dog in front of that."

"Guess who that is?"

Everyone's voices suddenly disappeared, the atmosphere froze, and after more than a dozen breaths, a cultivator said cautiously: "I heard the Sun Saint Emperor call him a Daoist. "

"Could it be..."

"Shut up!"

A monk let out a low roar and quickly left.

"Don't talk about a great emperor behind your back, even if it's just possible..."

A monk whispered a warning and quickly left.


"In the past, in the realm of dragons, I blew to death with a breath!" The big black dog cursed and cursed.

Duan De glanced at him obliquely: "In the past, the Great Emperor of the District, I blew to death by blowing my breath!" "

"Dead fat! You're looking for death! Learn me to speak! The big black dog was furious.

Duan De smiled hehe: "Why, only you are allowed to brag, and I am not allowed to brag?" "

The big black dog said angrily: "I'm telling the truth!" "

Duan De said leisurely, "I'm also telling the truth!" "

The big black dog rubbed his teeth: "It seems that your skin is itchy again..."

Duan De immediately became vigilant: "Who is afraid of whom!" "

Ye Fan had a headache, a dead fat man, a dead dog, as long as they were together, there would be no good thing, and they didn't forget to stir their mouths even when they ran.

After entering the holy city, he hid his identity, beat the disciples of the major forces who had enemies a few times, gambled a few times, won a large number of sources, and thought that it was enough to gamble on the sources that broke through the four poles for a few more days.

I never thought that the big black dog met Duan De, and the two people with similar smells conspired to pit a big sect holy son, and after success, they got carried away and were recognized by the Yin Yang Sect, and the two and one dog could only run away immediately.

The Yin-Yang Sect chased and killed him for several years, and many people were killed by him, and he chased him reluctantly.

"Shut up for me!" Ye Fan roared lowly.

One person and one dog also knew that they had tired Ye Fan, and they were a little weak in heart and did not talk back.

"Ye Fan! You can't run away! "

A hundred miles away, the voice of the Yin-Yang Sect Holy Son was cold, black and white Dao forces surrounded him, his face was like a crown of jade, his head was wearing a purple-gold crown, black hair shawl, and carrying a black and white holy sword, as unfathomable as the deep sea.

"It turns out that the so-called holy body is just a coward who has no guts, this time I came to the Eastern Wilderness to cut off your head, and the Yin Yang Holy Sword will not drink blood and will not return."

Ye Fan swept wildly, sneered when he heard this, and his voice spread for a hundred miles: "What are you, relying on the old guy of the Yin Yang Sect, dare not fight with me alone, and burst your head with one hand!" "

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