The Yin-Yang Sect is the Great Sect of Zhongzhou, a major force second only to the Holy Land, the Desolate Ancient Families and the major imperial dynasties, and there have been great saint-level figures in the sect.

The Yin-Yang Sect has lasted for 200,000 years, becoming more and more brilliant, its power is getting bigger and bigger, the masters are like clouds, the strong are like rain, and there is another Yin-Yang Ancient Mirror suppressing the background.

Middle State.

In the boundless land, there is an ancient city towering, full of vigor, colorful light, incomparably sacred and peaceful.

This place is the pure land of the Yin-Yang Sect, and unlike the Eastern Wilderness, the major religions build cities to store dragon qi and become a pure land of cultivation, so the major forces have ancient cities in their hands, rather than choosing any spiritual mountains and rivers.

The Yin Yang Sect built a city to cultivate dragon qi, and after more than 200,000 years, it has long become a divine land.

The magnificent city wall, like a black steel wall, stretches endlessly, stretching ahead, full of power, the ancient city is majestic, and there is the tendency to break the clouds.

Stretching for hundreds of miles, the city wall is tall and majestic, like a mountain range in front, shimmering with a cold and faint metallic luster.

It is full of a solid sense of power, like an ancient divine city made of black gold, magnificent and majestic, overwhelming people, full of the imprint of ancient times.

"Sect Master, I teach two powerful people, and the Holy Body will die!" The vice leader of the Yin-Yang Sect spoke.

Yin-Yang Sect Leader Wang Yangzhan is very old, there are not many Shouyuan, the deputy sect leader is the next sect leader he selected, Wang Yangzhan looks kind-eyed, and he can't see how vicious his means are.

Wang Yangzhan nodded slightly when he heard this: "Lion fighting rabbits, also do your best, my teaching has lasted for 200,000 years, and most of the people who established the religion with us back then have turned into historical dust, and there are very few who can stand until now." "

Wang Yangzhan opened his eyes: "Why?" I teach the purpose that if you want to offend, you must not sin, and once you offend, you must solve it with the momentum of thunder, whether it is weak or strong, you must cut the grass and remove the roots as quickly as possible. Immediately give an order, don't entangle with the Holy Body, let Elder Taishang make a move, and directly strangle the Holy Body to death! "

The deputy sect leader was slightly embarrassed: "Sect leader, you can deal with a Dao Palace Realm, even if he is a saint..."

Wang Yangzhan glanced at him lightly, and snorted coldly: "What is the face, can it be eaten as a meal!" When you value face, face is important, but when you don't value face, face is nothing..."

Before he finished speaking, a creepy feeling suddenly hit his heart, not only him, but everyone in the entire Yin Yang Divine City changed their faces wildly in an instant.

Boom rumble!

The entire heavenly dome seemed to be directly dumped, like billions of thunder bursting at the same time, immeasurable smoke and dust spread, hundreds of thousands of miles of space was covered with cracks with missing numbers, and in the next instant, the space suddenly shattered into chaos.

"What's that!"

"Ahh... I don't want to die! "


Wang Yangzhan and the deputy sect leader were shocked, and they all looked at the heavenly dome, and saw a giant palm sent down with a bang, the giant palm was too big, I don't know how far away it was derived, occupying all their sights,

It's like a person sees a nest of ants and sends it down with a random palm to try to crush the nest of ants.

At this time, the Yin-Yang Sect is that nest of ants.

"Run! Run! Run! Run, aaaa

Wang Yangzhan's eyes were blood-red, his eyes were torn, and he immediately sacrificed the Yin and Yang Ancient Mirror, the front was red as blood, the back was as black as ink, and the two qi of Yin and Yang erupted.

Knowing that he would die, he had to fight once, even if he could delay the time of one breath.

The soul of the vice leader of the Yin-Yang Sect seemed to be held by a big hand, unable to say a word, after a momentary shock, he turned into a streamer and quickly fled, and in an instant he was hundreds of miles away, but the next moment, he was frozen in mid-air like amber by lightning.

A huge palm fell from the heavenly dome, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be frozen.

In this huge area, everything is immobile.

The Yin Yang Ancient Mirror let out a wail and could not move.

"Who the hell! Destroy my Yin-Yang Sect!" "

Wang Yangzhan fell into despair, only feeling that endless pressure was surging in all directions, pressing him to death.

He could see in the afterglow of his sight that the countless disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect who tried to escape were all frozen and unable to move.

"Who is it! Who the hell! There is such a big hatred with my Yin-Yang Sect! "

Wang Yangzhan roared unwillingly and roared.

The appearance of this giant palm was too abrupt, and the thought of making people unable to resist was raised.

"Damn it! Damn it! Move! "

"Spare your life... I don't want to die yet..."

One by one, the Yin-Yang Sect disciples who looked like amber cried out and begged for mercy.

From the appearance of the giant palm to the fall, but in just one breath, the giant palm fell with a bang, and the Yin Yang Divine City Array shattered instantly.


"Don't... Don't..."



The giant palm fell, the Yin Yang God City was instantly flattened, such a large giant palm fell, the movement should have been earth-shattering, but strangely, in addition to the Yin Yang God City turned into a huge palm print, around the Yin Yang God City, even a small grass did not shake.

After a few breaths, the Yin Yang Divine City, which had lasted for 200,000 years, had disappeared, and the Yin-Yang Sect disciples in the Yin Yang Divine City had all turned into dust.


A whisper spread out above the Yin Yang Divine City, flowing in all directions.

The dense line of cause and effect spread in all directions, and the moment the word 'broken' fell, the densely entangled line of cause and effect was all broken.

All the Yin-Yang Sect disciples who were not in Yin Yang Divine City were killed immediately, without exception.


The Yin Yang Saint Son strode forward, a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I beheaded the Holy Body first, and I will dispose of them later." "

"If you want to kill me, I don't know if you have that ability." Ye Fan spoke calmly.

"Since you are already half-wasted, I will kill you with one hand!" The Yin Yang Holy Son stretched out a left hand, pitch black as ink, and said, "Crush you into meat puree!" "

At this moment, the Terror Emperor's qi machine fell with a bang, and everyone's hearts trembled.

The two Yin Yang Taishang elders who were observing not far away could not hide their figures, and said with difficulty: "Da... Emperor..."

The Yin Yang Holy Son's soul trembled, and his face was full of incredulity: "In the world... Still...... There is an emperor? "


The big black dog stared at the Cotai Strip, first stunned, and then barked wildly, excited

Ye Fan had never seen the big black dog so excited, and wondered, "Black Emperor, what's wrong with you?" "

"Woooo The big black dog is still barking.

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