"Hey, you can speak human language, I can't understand dog language."

Ye Fan was helpless.

"Woooo I'm so excited... I'm so excited! "

The big black dog's tail wags more fan-like:

"The First Emperor... That's the First Emperor..."

That kind of breath was too familiar to him, it was the smell of the First Emperor.

"Black Emperor, are you crazy, how many tens of thousands of years ago is the First Emperor, even if he is the First Emperor in ancient and modern times, do you think he can still live?"

The big black dog's eyes instantly dimmed, and then brightened again, shaking his head: "I won't be mistaken, my proudest dog nose, there is absolutely no mistake... It won't..."

Saying that, the big black dog became excited again.


Duan De suddenly exclaimed, and Ye Fan and the big black dog were startled at the same time.

"He he he he ... How are they all dead! "

Ye Fan looked over, and saw that the people of the Yin Yang Sect were killed, and they died silently.

The two looked at each other as soon as the dog pulled out their legs and ran.

Their enemies are not just the Yin-Yang Sect.

The area where the Jiang family is located is like a sacred pure land, and the outside world is hundreds of thousands of li, but it is lush here. The clouds rose, the colorful mist flowed, and one after another, all hanging in the sky, did not sink at all. Each mountain is majestic, as if it existed when the world was opened, exuding the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

Some Dayue Silver Waterfall fell by 3,000 zhang, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way hanging upside down, and some Dayue Demon Clouds were surrounded by towering and solemn, and the breath was compelling.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, and the deepest sights cannot be seen at all, and it is said that many ancient buildings and ruins from the ancient era are endless.

The ancestor of the Jiang family is the Emperor Hengyu, and the Jiang family naturally has the support of the upper position, but they are all ignored by the government of Yingzheng.

"Jiang Liandao and the disciples of the Jiang family greet the arrival of the Great Emperor."

The Holy Lord of the Jiang Family was followed by hundreds of cultivators of the Jiang Family, Elder Taishang, Elder, and more than eighty percent of the experts of the Jiang Family gathered here.

Jiang Liandao has a long figure, a white face, thick and sharp eyebrows, and a high position, naturally has a majestic color.

Ying Zheng nodded and walked forward.

All the masters of the Jiang family bowed their heads, did not dare to look directly at Ying Zheng, and respectfully said: "Great emperor." "

Jiang Liandao just glanced at it, and a wave of horror set off in his heart.

Ying Zheng did not exude any breath, but this glance was the most thrilling moment in his life.

He couldn't see Ying Zheng's face clearly at all, he could only see a pair of starry and moon-like eyes.

Divine and majestic, noble and powerful.

The majesty, demeanor, and temperament revealed from these eyes were unmatched by anyone he had ever seen in his life.

In his thousand-year career, he only knew that the Great Emperor was powerful.

But at this moment, he personally experienced how powerful the Great Emperor was.

Compared with this Jiang Family Saint Lord and the Great Emperor in front of him, the gap between Bie Chen and Haoyue was even greater.

"What a figure Emperor Hengyu is, his descendants have fallen to such a level."

Huan Zhengduan sat on the throne of the Holy Lord of the Jiang Family, and in the main hall, hundreds of masters of the Jiang Family stood with their hands hanging down, their heads slightly drooping.

"Jiang Yichen." Ying Zheng spoke lightly.

Jiang Yichen is handsome, although his strength is not enough, but his status is high enough, he is at the bottom, and when he heard this, he was overjoyed, and there was only one thought in his mind:

"Am I valued by the Great Emperor?"

In the crowd, many people also showed joy on their faces.

"The Great." Jiang Yichen came out.

"You want the mother of all things?" Huan Zheng stretched out his hand into the void, and Ye Fan's Mother Qi of All Things appeared in his hand.

"The Great Emperor is going to give me the Mother Qi of All Things..."

Jiang Yichen trembled with excitement, and this good thing that fell from the sky almost blinded him.

The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear.

Some people with happy faces before felt that something was wrong, and their smiles gradually disappeared, and a bad premonition floated in their hearts.

Ying Zheng seemed to smile: "You like to grab things?" Come, the mother spirit of all things is in my hands, you come to grab it, and if you grab it, it will be yours. "

Jiang Yichen, even if he was a fool, knew that the emperor did not value him, and his body trembled slightly, before he was excited, but now he was afraid.

Jiang Liandao lowered his eyebrows and did not say a word, in front of a living emperor, even if there was a Hengyu furnace, he could not resist.

At this moment, he gradually straightened out in his heart, this great emperor's arrival to the Jiang family is not an exception, I am afraid that it has something to do with Ye Fan, and he is angry for Ye Fan.

Thinking of this, he was quite lucky, fortunately, the snatching of the mother qi of all things was not the entire Jiang family involved, but one of the veins was participating.

"Great Emperor, spare your life, I am confused for a while, I am willing to offset with my life."

An old man suddenly came out, his figure was thin, his hair was yellow, but his spirit was very sufficient, he was the power of the Jiang family, and his status was noble, but at this moment, he was on the ground.

Ying Zheng ignored him, spread out his palm, and the mother qi of all things rose and fell in his palm: "Come here, such a precious thing is in front of you, why don't you come and grab it?" "

The value of such an amazing immortal treasure as the Mother of All Things is too great.

No matter what kind of god man or saint you are, only the extreme weapon is true, if you can seize it, the Jiang clan will definitely be more prosperous in the future, and no holy land can be compared!

Because, the Shaking Light Holy Land to the Dragon Pattern Peak is the result of the joint efforts of successive sages, not forged by the Great Emperor.

The Jiang family gave birth to the Hengyu Emperor, and there is the ancient emperor's refining holy method, and it may really be possible to evolve a second great emperor holy soldier in the future.

If a holy place has two Extreme Dao Saint Soldiers, it can really be called the first divine land in the world, and no one can compete with it!

Before such huge interests, many very indifferent people of the Jiang family gave birth to thoughts, not to mention some unscrupulous people.

Jiang Yichen shivered like a quail.

How dare he move, robbing something in the hands of the Great Emperor, it is simply the eighteenth generation of ancestors who are tired of living.


Huan Zheng flicked his fingers, Jiang Yichen was like being struck by lightning, vomiting blood and flying backwards, and the whole person was depressed.

He was already abandoned, and Hugh wanted to embark on the path of cultivation.

For the rest of his life, he can only make a medicine jar.

"You're the only one?" Huan Zheng's gaze fell lightly on Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui's whole body trembled, and he only felt that there was a sacred mountain on his back, which was so oppressive that he could hardly breathe, but he still spoke out with difficulty: "I will... Bear it all the time..."

"At this time, you are still playing with me, what do you think the Jiang family is in my eyes?" Ying Zheng's eyes swept over everyone faintly.


In an instant, at least dozens of people knelt on the ground, all of them cold hands and feet, the chill spread from the soul to the spirit, and cold sweat flowed.

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