But what he loves most is this elf-eccentric sister, and he doesn't want her to marry someone he doesn't like.

In an instant, Ji Haoyue had already flashed countless thoughts, and finally gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "Great Emperor, Ziyue already has two people who are happy with each other..."

"Haoyue! Shut up! "

The Holy Lord of the Ji Family was about to agree, but when he suddenly heard Ji Haoyue's words, he was immediately shocked, and with a wave of his arm, he swallowed what Ji Haoyue wanted to say back into his stomach, and was about to accuse.

Suddenly, I heard Huan Zheng smile softly, without the slightest irritation of rejection: "What if the good son-in-law I said is Ye Fan?" "

Huan Zheng looked at Ji Ziyue with a smile, the girl was dressed in purple, seventeen or eighteen years old, her eyebrows were curved, her eyes contained aura, a pair of big eyes flashed, containing a divine show, small dimples between light smiles, very beautiful, like an elf under the night moon as wise and agile.

Its pupils are like water, black hair is like clouds, purple clothes dance lightly, as if to ride the wind, like a fairy out of dust and bright, eyebrows condensed poetry, not stained with human fireworks.

The skin is as white as ivory, shining and shiny, the hair is fluttering, and the eyes are like black gems.


Ji Ziyue's pretty face immediately appeared two flushes, revealing a hint of a smile, eyes flowing, Gu Pansheng, there is a small dimple on the left cheek, it looks very moving and playful, it is worthy of being a small moon, flexible and cute.

Ji Haoyue turned around and glared at Ji Ziyue, and smiled bitterly, what is this called.

"Very good, it seems that my father and I agreed."

Huan Zheng put away his smile and slowly got up, and suddenly everyone in the Ji family was stunned.

Although it was just a matter of getting up, it made everyone in the Ji family change their faces wildly, and in a trance, they only felt that the mountains collapsed, the earth cracked, the seas tumbled, and the sky dome toppled.

And they are just a small ant in this heaven and earth mutation.

"After the kiss, then settle the account."

"I remember that until now, your Ji family has been chasing and killing Ye Fan."

"Ye Fan traveled thousands of miles back then, escorting Ziyue back to the Ji family, and some people in your Ji family not only did not thank him, but wanted to kill him, and finally sent out the elders to rob him of his mother qi of all things."

Huan Zheng sneered: "If Ji Chengkong knows, I am afraid that he will be resurrected with anger!" "

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and these so-called ancient families have deteriorated somewhat.

The Holy Lord of the Ji family also vaguely knew that some elders of the Ji family were mobilizing people to chase and kill a young man, and he didn't ask too much, but he didn't expect to provoke such a big thing because of this matter of revenge.

No one expected that there was actually a behemoth standing behind Ye Fan.

The kind that no one can afford to mess with.

The Holy Lord of the Ji Family glanced coldly at the dozen or so trembling elders, already giving up on them in his heart.

"Great Emperor, this matter is due to the Ji family, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Hundreds of thousands of years of family, deterioration is inevitable, although he is the Holy Lord of the Ji family, but the Ji family, how complex the power is, what he wants to do will be restrained.

Now these people have almost caused a catastrophe, and simply took the opportunity to purge them.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It not only solved the huge and complicated forces in the Ji family's mistake, but also eliminated the anger of this great emperor.

Huan Zheng's eyes moved slightly: "It's not to give me an explanation, but to give you an explanation, he is now your son-in-law, your son-in-law was chased and killed, he was hitting you in the face." "

"Take them down!"

The Holy Lord of the Ji family ordered more than a dozen people in succession, and immediately someone stepped forward to take them out, and in front of the Great Emperor, they didn't even have the mind to resist, they were taken down like dead dogs, and their faces were like dead ashes.

"Since this family affair has been completed, the dowry of the great desolate family cannot be too bad."

Detective Ying Zheng went deep into the depths of the Ji family, and the chaotic period that lingered around the Void Mirror suddenly dissipated, and the Void Mirror's instinctive shock shot out a blazing divine light.

Ying Zheng directly ignored the power of the Void Mirror and grabbed this ancient mirror in his hand.

Mo said that this was an imperial soldier, even if the Void Mirror was in the hands of the Void Emperor, it would not take much effort for Ying Zheng to seize it.

Seeing the stable void mirror in Ying Zheng's hand, the Ji Family Holy Lord's eyes shook in vain, as if he had seen a ghost, his face twitched a few times, he didn't dare to say a word, he couldn't breathe in distress, gritted his teeth and looked at those elders who were taken down, eager to cut them by a thousand cuts.

This is the Void Mirror!

This is an imperial soldier!

It is the foundation of the Ji family!

Is the Ji family or the Ji family without a foundation?

Just because of these ungrateful fools who saw small profits and forgot great righteousness, let the Ji family die in vain as an imperial soldier.

The few remaining Taishang elders in the Ji family were also dull and uncertain at the moment, looking incredulously at the void mirror that did not move in the slightest movement in Ying Zheng's hand.

Imperial soldiers, so easily surrendered?

Ji Haoyue couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out his hand and smashed a Ji family scum, seeing that no one stopped him, he simply killed it all in one go.

Now almost everyone in the Ji family hates these scum to the bone, and they can't wait to crush them to ashes.

No one dares to hate the government, and the slightest thought does not dare to rise.

Their biggest hole card can't turn over a little wave in the hands of Ying Zheng, even if the other foundations come out, it is just an egg hitting a stone.

Besides, after all, it is still the Ji family who is at a loss.

In the final analysis, it doesn't matter if you bully, but behind the bullied person stands a behemoth, so you can only ask for blessings.

With a flick of his fingers, the Void Mirror submerged into the void and fell into Ye Fan's bitter sea.

"If you want to take back the Void Mirror, it depends on whether Ye Fan is willing or not."

Huan Zheng reached out and touched Ji Ziyue's little head, and Ji Ziyue looked at Huan Zheng's disappearing back blankly.

At this time, the Ji family didn't know how much hot eyes fell on Ji Ziyue.

Whether the Void Mirror can come back depends on Ji Ziyue.


The mountains are majestic, the giant trees are towering, and the old trees support the sky, which is a lush and majestic mountain.

The mountains are very quiet, and many giant trees do not know how long they have grown, higher than the peaks, full of green trees, and there are ancient vines, thick and scary, like dragons climbing the mountains.

The shade is very cool, the stone steps are ancient, step by step, you can feel the precipitation of the years, and the accumulation of time.

The top of the mountain, this is an indescribable power, this palace is not very vast, but it seems to hang high in the nine heavens, hanging down wisps of heaven-opening qi, suppressing the entire big world.

The clouds and mist are shrouded, various temples are suspended in the void, spirit birds are flying, and Zhilan is floating, like a fairyland, which is a magnificent picture. One after another, the pure land rises and falls, hanging on the clouds, and there are thousands of mountains towering, falling down one after another white waterfalls, which are magnificent.

In the most central hall, there is an extremely Dao emperor soldier, and the hall is quiet, only a circle of ripples ripples come out, that is a mysterious dragon pattern, like a black dragon coiled, powerful and prosperous fluctuations like Wang Yang.

The Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding is the most special of all the Extreme Dao Emperor soldiers, because only it is not the weapon of the Great Emperor.

It is the blood of the sages of the Shaking Light Holy Land, and all the disciples have devoted their whole lives to the same, devout worship, such as 50,000 years of kowtowing to the gods, 50,000 years of prayer, 50,000 years of worship, and finally the ultimate path.

Achieving the greatest miracle in the world has become a legend forever, and no one knows what happened on that stormy night, lightning and thunder, and the heavy rain covered everything.

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