At this time, the dragon pattern black gold ding was calm like a dead thing, when the Shaking Light Saint Lord arrived with a large group of people, he found a young man standing next to the dragon pattern black gold ding, the young man gently knocked the dragon pattern black gold ding, this extreme weapon suddenly shrunk, turned into a slap and fell into his hand.........

The Shaking Light Saint Lord's face turned pale, and the qi and blood on his chest swelled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Why did the Great Emperor deceive me into shaking the light..."

The others were also shocked, the dragon pattern black gold had a will, except for each generation of the Holy Lord, the power of the extreme path made no one able to approach at all.

At this time, this powerful Extreme Dao Emperor soldier stood quietly in the hands of Ying Zheng as if it had been sealed.

There is no doubt that this is the Great Emperor who appeared not so long ago.

Fifty thousand years of hard work in the Shaking Light Holy Land, coupled with chance, to get a Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier, if there is no Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier, is the Shaking Light Holy Land still a holy place?

They are different from those families and holy places that have given birth to great emperors, even if they have no imperial soldiers, there are still emperor scriptures, and the background still exists.

And without the imperial soldiers in the Shaking Light Holy Land, it will soon decline.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "Did you ask why when you shook the light to deceive others?" "

"Ahem, ahem..."

The Shaking Light Saint Lord coughed violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his voice was sad: "Please also ask the Great Emperor, let the Shaking Light die!" "

"Ye Fan."

Ying Zheng said lightly, stepped out, and had already disappeared in the Shaking Light Holy Land.

"Heaven dies, I shake the Holy Land!"

The Shaking Light Saint Lord spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down, and there was actually a sign of transformation.

The Shaking Light Saint Son hurriedly held the Shaking Light Saint Lord, his lips just pursed, and he didn't say a word.

This is, a voice suddenly fluttered from the void: "Whether the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding can return to the Holy Land of Light depends on whether Ye Fantong agrees or not." "

Yao Xi bit his red lips lightly, and his face turned red: "I'll go find Ye Fan." "

Shaking Light Saint Son frowned slightly: "You and Ye Fan..."

My underwear was in his hands, and my whole body was touched by him...

When Yao Xi thought of this, even his neck turned red.


Huan Zheng threw the dragon pattern black gold ding, chuckled, and his face was strange: "For this cub, I have worked so hard to become a pimp..."

Punching the dragon pattern black gold ding into the void and landing in Ye Fan's bitter sea, Ying Zheng stepped towards the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Area.


"Huh? Yes? Am I hallucinating? "

Suddenly, Ye Fan's eyes widened, his face was full of incredulity, and he almost couldn't believe what he saw inside.

There were actually two more things in his sea of suffering.

That thing is very similar to the Void Mirror and the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding.

What he didn't know was that his Mother Qi of All Things had unknowingly entered and exited.


The big black dog squinted at Ye Fan, the words did not fall, the dog's eyes almost glared out of the eye sockets, and it collapsed ten feet high, almost losing his voice:

"Lying groove, two imperial soldiers, lying groove! Groove! Groove! Ye Hei, where did you kid get it from? "

Duan De looked at Ye Fan's left hand with a void mirror, and a dragon pattern black gold ding in his right hand, swallowed a few large mouthfuls of saliva, his eyes were full of greed, and said with a flattering smile: "Brother Ye, look, anyway, you have two imperial soldiers, how about giving me one?" We have a good relationship so good that two people wear a pair of pants..."

Saying that, Duan De's trembling hand had already stretched out, and Ye Fan glanced at him and took back the two imperial soldiers.

On the other side, the big black dog collided up and down with his teeth fiercely, biting into the air, and faced Ye Fan's unkind eyes, and laughed dryly.

Ye Fan snorted coldly, "Don't you think about it, first think to me, why did the Ji family and the imperial soldiers of the Shaking Light Holy Land appear in my hands?" "

Duan De shook his head: "Think of a hammer, anyway, these two also have a vendetta with you, and taking their imperial soldiers can be regarded as revenge." "

The big black dog's eyes flickered, his dagger-like teeth rubbed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Black Emperor, what did you think of?" Ye Fan kicked him.

"Nothing." The big black dog shook his head and paused: "Where are we going next." "

Ye Fan gritted his teeth: "Go to the Holy City again!" The most dangerous place is the safest place, and they would never have imagined that we would return to the Holy City. "

Duan De snorted: "I won't go with you, that place is too dangerous..."

Ye Fan asked coldly, "Where to rob the tomb?" "

"Take a look at the Middle Domain..."


"Old fellow, are you still awake?"

The forbidden area, wooded, has a huge abyss in the center, reaching underground.

Nowadays, the Forbidden Area is different from other forbidden areas in the hearts of Beidou people.

Other forbidden areas are scary, while the Desolate Forbidden Area is not only awe-inspiring, but also reverent.

Because hundreds of thousands of years ago, after the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor suddenly disappeared, at a critical moment, a supreme existence in the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Area awakened, and fought several supreme beings, which was a great merit.

A laughing and scolding voice came from below: "You kid, don't you know how to respect the elderly?" I'm sober! Come down. "

Under the abyss, there were originally large ruins, but now they are all in ruins, what era is this left behind? It's hard to tell.

A huge stone gate appeared in front, quiet and deep, as if connected to a vast immortal domain, the stone gate opened in a rumbling, and the immortal mist suddenly gushed out, revealing a strange world, as if it was directly leading to the immortal world.

Behind the stone gate, the old fellow's tall golden body appeared, and his limbs and neck were wrapped around him with divine gold.

Huan Zheng glanced at the old guy and said softly, "So it is." "

The old guy is a Terran, but he is three feet tall, and his body is covered with dense golden hair, which is an ominous symptom of the Holy Eucharist's old age, but it is also ominous, which makes the old guy another kind of immortality.

It is easy for Ying Zheng to drive away the ominous in the old fellow, but after expelling the ominous, the old guy may die in a very short time.

The old guy smiled and said: "The secret of the eucharistic immortality is to achieve a balance with the unknown, neither allowing the unknown to completely erode, nor completely driving out the unknown, the price is that I have been awake for hundreds of thousands of years, and the time of awakeness is less than a thousand years." "

"I'll figure it out." Huan Zheng looked at the old guy: "I have always called you the old guy, and I don't know what your name is." "

The old guy didn't care: "I have forgotten the name, just call me the old guy, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, isn't it the old guy?" "

Saying that, the old fellow's breath suddenly fell silent and fell into a deep sleep.

Ying Zheng took a deep look at the old fellow, he was the only master in his life.

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