He actually burned, the divine flame rushed to the sky, his body was almost transparent, his flesh and blood were clear, and his internal organs and bones could almost be seen.

His pores were dripping with blood, his body was bright red, the fire was raging, stinging, steaming these fresh liquids, and the smell of blood was overwhelming.

"What happened, how did he burn and become ashes?"

"This is the final stage of rebirth!"


A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and crashed down on Ye Fan, splitting his skin and flesh.

Soon, endless thunder and lightning drowned Ye Fan, and there was a purple glow between heaven and earth, this is Wang Yang of thunder and lightning, extremely terrifying, the rolling thunder sea gave birth to thunder and lightning, falling endlessly, and faster and faster, not giving Ye Fan time to react at all.

"I lean! This kid is actually qualified to be struck by lightning! "

The food in the mouth of the big black dog fell, and he looked at Ye Fan who was slashed by lightning.

As the closest existence to the Beginningless Emperor besides his parents, he personally saw the scene of the Beginningless Emperor being struck by lightning all the way to the top, and he knew it very well.

No matter what Tianjiao you are, genius, as long as you have not been slashed by lightning, what shit genius Tianjiao is boasting.

The smile on An Miaoyi's face disappeared, and her hand quietly clenched.

"Each, Xiaoyezi will be fine." Little Moon pulled Ji Haoyue.

Ji Haoyue didn't have a bottom in his heart, and opened his mouth to comfort: "Don't worry, he can get by." "

"According to legend, only the anti-heaven demon will encounter a thunder tribulation when breaking the barrier, blocking its march, Ye Fan will actually encounter a thunder tribulation when breaking through the four poles, could it be that he has reached the point of the anti-heaven demon?"

People close to Ye Fan were worried, only the big black dog jumped up and down, excited: "Boy, if you get through, there will be many benefits!" As long as you don't die, stick to it, and you won't be afraid of the world's enemies in the future! What kind of demon genius is not slashed by lightning, the more you are chopped, the worse you are chopped, the more enchanting you are, those who have not been slashed by lightning are boasting. "

The words of the big black dog are almost full picture cannons, and most of the people present have never been struck by lightning in their lives, especially those holy lords, sect leaders, who were also called geniuses when they were young, but in the mouth of this big black dog, it is bullshit.

Some people glared angrily at the big black dog, while others did not see it like a dog.

This is a lightning Wang Yang, the electric rays are surging down, the thunder is like a tide, shattering everything, it is extremely blazing, and the sky and the earth are purple.


The thunder almost pierced people's eardrums, shattered people's souls, and successively connected heaven and earth, vast, like the Nine Heavens Galaxy pouring down, as if tens of millions of stars fell down.

The void was burst and dilapidated, but it would soon be submerged, because the thunder light was too blazing, and the piercing thunder and lightning filled every inch of space.

The big thunder is shocking, the purple electricity is like a tide, surging, this is a world of thunder and lightning, can destroy everything, people are terrified and creepy in their hearts.

Those young generation Tianjiao were terrified to see it.

Ye Fan's flesh and blood were scorched, and then the internal organs inside were also being slashed by lightning.

One after another thunder slashed, Ye Fan's body was scorched black, like charcoal that had experienced a fire calamity, almost withered.

Ye Fan slowly stood up, although his whole body was scorched black, his eyes were extremely clear and brilliant. Then, the sound of cracking came out, his body surface cracked, a layer of scorched black old skin fell off, crystal shimmering, and a newborn body appeared.

"He's not dead!"

"Thunder and lightning baptized the flesh and gained a new life in the purple sea, his body must be stronger!"

The scorched black old skin fell, Ye Fan's newborn body flashed with thunder and lightning, full of powerful power, his eyes were clear, his black hair flew, and he wore a white robe, like a fairy revived.

"Me! Broken! "

Ye Fan's eyes were bright, and every word was sonorous.

No one noticed that when Ye Fan was crossing the calamity, the imprints of the Emperor Dao that were deeply imprinted in the Heavenly Dao fluttered and scattered in all directions.


An ordinary boy in the holy city, after looking a little confused, looked down at his hands, and his voice trembled:

"When something happened on the road to Chengxian, I had regrets and obsessions... Now, I have been born again..."

The boy is only fifteen or sixteen years old, but his eyes are full of vicissitudes at this moment, and it seems that endless years have flowed in these eyes.

"I am the Taiyin Emperor!"

"How many emperors and emperors in ancient and modern times have been paid in smoke..." The Taiyin Emperor looked at the other side of the starry sky, with a trace of loneliness in his supreme majesty.

"Is it the Golden Age? Why am I resurrected? "


One person slapped him on the shoulder fiercely: "Go to work!" What to do while standing! "

The Taiyin Emperor's eyes froze, and the next moment he suddenly remembered that even though he knew the Emperor Sutra and read all the divine powers, he was just an ordinary teenager now.


"If you want to blame, blame you for being known that you have so many sources."

In the jungle outside the holy city, a man was seriously injured and dying, and another man snatched the storage bag from him, looked at the hundred catties inside with satisfaction, and left directly.


The man coughed up blood, mixed with dark red internal organs, and his eyes gradually dimmed: "Father, mother, sister, I am incompetent, I waste, I can't help you take revenge..."

For a long time, the man's head gradually drooped, and the next moment, the man's head suddenly lifted, the whole person's temperament changed drastically, and the domineering spirit of the world flowed between the eyebrows, and the expression was as cold as an iron stone: "It's really waste!" It actually fell to such a fate. However, since it occupies your body! This hatred! I'll report it! "

"This life! I'm going to break into the fairy road! "

"Stick come!"

Western Desert.

The Dou defeated the Buddha and was surprised and delighted: "Big brother! "

I saw the immortal iron rod break through the void, and the black iron rod burst out Ruixia Wandao, and the immortal light burst into billions of wisps, bursting out with monstrous power.

The most terrifying thing was that a golden figure appeared behind the iron rod, majestic, dominating the world, extremely terrifying, like the Battle Saint Emperor in the prime of life was reborn.

The fairy iron rod swept across the sky, and many people saw a huge holy ape emerging from the heavenly dome.

His hair was shining, and his body towered in the starry sky, like a long sky, shocking the world, and his eyes were as deep as the sea.

The immortal iron rod flashed away, and all the power that converged fell into the hands of the Battle Saint Emperor, buzzing and shaking, rejoicing that his master had returned.


"Are you really leaving?"

On the shore of the lake, a weak girl whispered, the girl was soft and weak, like a cute little white rabbit, her face was full of reluctance, looking hopefully at a man in white clothes Shengxue, hoping that he would stay.

"I want to become stronger, and the world is invincible." The young man in white was heroic and full of confidence, and his eyes were shining, shining with brilliance that could make the sun and the moon lose their color.

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