He wants to embark on the ancient road of the starry sky, embark on an invincible journey, become the only one in heaven and earth, defeat all young supremes, and stand on the pinnacle of invincibility.

He was so spirited, but he didn't notice the gloom in the girl's eyes, and he didn't hesitate to set foot on the road to realize his dream.

"You... Will it come back, will it come... See me? The girl shouted in the rear, full of reluctance.

The man in white turned around and laughed on the sky dome, making the sun and moon in the sky dim, and his demeanor was confident, "Of course, when I become an emperor, I will let the glory of the whole world shroud you." "

After that, he rushed back to the earth, picked a bunch of wildflowers on a mountain cliff and handed it to the girl, and then rushed out of the domain without looking back, and set foot on the road of heaven.

"I'm waiting for you, don't forget me, come back." The girl wept, cried out on the ground, and waved her hand vigorously.

The man in white shed tears gloomily, silently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, and the girl's smile appeared in front of his eyes, as if he had seen the girl not long ago.

"I'm back, but how can I get you back?"

He is the demon emperor Xueyueqing, originally just a small snow hare, but he fought in battles, and he didn't know how many years to fight, sharpening himself, there were blood and pain and success.

He fought all over the ancient road, rarely met opponents, defeated many peerless enemies, his light spread all over the star road, and finally he fought some of the most powerful ancient stars.

During this period, he was the enemy of the whole world, and he encountered the most terrifying pursuit and killing, and all the major ancient star domains were surrounding him, and the emperor road was so cruel.

He couldn't go to see the deceased, he couldn't turn back, he could only fight all the way to kill a good thing.

In the end, he became an emperor, swept away all his fierce enemies, the world was alone, brilliant, shaking the ancient and modern, and one person in nine heavens and ten places could compete with him.

He did it, the real emperor, invincible in the world, respected as a demon emperor by all the heavens and domains, destined to be recorded in the history of cultivation, and become an unattainable existence throughout the ages.

But when he went back to look for the girl, he got the news that the girl had died five hundred years ago, and the girl was muttering his name before she turned into a road.

"Strange, why tears never end."

A tear fell to the ground, Xue Yueqing leaned over and plucked a dry flower, looking at the flower in his hand obsessively, just like the flower that the weak little girl gave him, it was treasured by him and brought into the tomb, although it had dried up and withered.

Even if the world is invincible, there are times when he is powerless, he has reached the pinnacle of glory, and when he looks back, he finds that the simplest and ordinary things are true.


Tears were like a curtain of tears, and Xueyue Qing looked up to the sky and cried out sadly: "Even if I reverse the cycle of reincarnation, I will find you!" "


The Western Desert was once deserted.

In the ancient past, or even longer ago, the western desert was full of golden gravel, rarely populated, and sparse vegetation. Amitabha the Great came and measured every inch of the land on foot, and wherever he passed, Bodhi grew, lotus flowers bloomed, and the Gobi became a pure land.

Today, the Western Desert is an ancient Buddha land, boundless and boundless. There are too many legends, Buddha is everywhere, faith is devotional, and it is a place close to the gods.

And all this is because of Amitabha the Great.

He once made a great wish, walked through every inch of the land on foot, personally preached, and spread branches and leaves, achieving the glory of Beidou Buddhism today.

Today, there are large areas of the Western Desert that are suitable for human habitation, and they are no longer as desolate and barren as hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Legend has it that when every inch of the Western Desert has divinity and blooms Buddha light, Amitabha Buddha will be reincarnated and become an immortal immortal and reappear in the world.

In the Western Desert, the entire great domain respects only one doctrine, creating a miracle that has never been seen in ancient times!

Since ancient times, in this ancient secret land, arhats, bodhisattvas and ancient Buddhas have walked in the dust, coexisted with all living beings, manifested miracles, and rescued suffering, which is why Buddhism has become more and more prosperous.

The clear immeasurable golden body lake, the magnificent Bodhisattva Plateau, the majestic ancient Buddha Mountain... Buddhist holy places are full of vigor all year round, attracting countless people to pilgrimage and worship.

The sacred place of the Western Desert is Mount Meru.

Mount Meru is magnificent, with peaks towering into the vast universe, flowing mist, like an immortal Sendai.

The peak, where the temple is located, is magnificent, and the tiles flow with purple-gold luster, like metal casting, and the aura of sacred peace is pervasive.

Several old monks suddenly opened their eyes, their eyes full of shock.

The entire sea of faith in the Western Desert suddenly boiled, this was the second time in a short time, and this time it was even more powerful than the last boiling de.

The Buddha statue of Amitabha Buddha on Mount Meru seems to be coming to life, the power of the emperor is pervasive, and a kind of life fluctuation like a king and yang is surging.

Every pore of the golden body of the Buddha body is flowing with Buddha power, hanging down like a waterfall, flooding Mount Meru, making this place look like a water.

The Pure Land of Meru has become an ocean of Buddhism, great compassion, great virtue and great goodness, and at this moment the nine heavens are vast, so that everyone can't help but worship and feel it most deeply by the Holy One.

The Battle Saint Buddha appeared and said calmly: "Amitabha the Great, reborn. "


"Holy Buddha! You know what you're talking about! "


The three old Buddhas were more shocked than the other, completely losing the temperament of a high-ranking monk.

Dou Sheng Buddha said lightly: "My eldest brother has also been reborn." "


The three old monks stood for a long time before clasping their hands together and chanting the Buddha's trumpet.

The old monk Maha said, "We need to get the reincarnation of Amitabha the Great as soon as possible." "

Dou Sheng Buddha shook his head: "If the Great Emperor wants you to wait, he will go to Mount Meru, if he does not want to see Er and wait, it will be useless to search." "

The old monk Maha's face changed: "The Battle Saint Emperor and Amitabha Buddha Emperor have both been reborn, so what about the other great emperors?" Is it possible that it has also been reborn? "

Dou Sheng Buddha's white brows frowned: "Ten Thousand Ancient Emperors and Venerables may have returned." "

Even though the other two old monks had been cultivating for thousands of years, they still couldn't hide the horror on their faces at this moment.

This may be an unprecedented golden age, and the Ancient Emperor and the Venerable have returned to fight, what a world of great controversy?

At this time, in the Western Desert, a small monk was measuring the earth on foot.

Xi Mo, he wants to walk again.

Fuxi the Great...

Nuwa the Great...

Dao Yan the Great...

Emperor Gou Chen...

Emperor Tianxuan...

The Feather Emperor...

The Great Emperor of Shenzhou...

Emperor Jiuli...

Hengyu the Great...

The Void Emperor...

The Emperor............

The Ancient Emperor of Chaos...

Yuan Shi Tianzun...

Moral Heavenly Venerable...

Lingbao Tianzun...

Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable...

One by one, the great emperors and Tianzun were all reborn and returned.

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