"The idea is good, but unfortunately it is not secret enough."

Ying Zheng chuckled and shook his head slightly.

The reason why a Venerable Emperor, Tianzun, was able to be reborn and return was because they were strong enough, and their imprint was deeply engraved in the Heaven-Shading Heavenly Dao.

As for the ancient emperor, except for a few statues, almost all of them became supremes by slashing themselves, and the nature that survived could not be reborn, and died in the opponent of the Great Emperor level, even the brand mark would be erased, and without the brand, naturally could not be reborn.

Now that the Heavenly Dao is fiercely suppressed by the Immortal Heaven, the possibility of overturning is almost zero, and reversing time and space, reincarnation, and sending the Great Emperor and Tianzun back, the possibility of overturning is the largest.

Obviously, this emperor who returned from Venerable made a deal with him, and when he was completed, he killed Ying Zheng and won the Immortals.

It's a pity that it was not secret enough and was discovered by Ying Zheng.

If he wants to win the government, he may obliterate these emperors at any time.

Even though they were once brilliant, they are too weak to come back now.

They need time to return to their former glory days.

"Where is the competition between Tianjiao comparable to the competition between emperors?"

Ying Zheng's face was calm.

"Ye Fan, I don't know if you can compete with the emperors and walk a path to heaven."

The goal of the emperors is to win the government, but where will the government put them in the eyes, his current strength stands on the peak of the red dust fairy, and one foot stepped out of the red dust fairy.

Of course, if there is really any emperor who recovers his peak and wants to give it a try, Ying Zheng doesn't mind how big the gap between himself and the boss is.


The universe is vast, and most living beings can only look up at the brilliant starry river and sigh at the vastness of the starry river.

And the endless multiverse, how many universes it contains, no one can know, there are also some existences, but also lamenting the vastness of the multiverse, which cannot be exhausted.

Even those who stand at the end of the heavens and overlook the existence of Da Luo may not know how big and vast the Infinite Multiverse is.

A Da Luo, instantly able to cross countless universes, perhaps, there is Da Luo in infinite life has tried to explore the infinite multiverse, but in the end, there is still no conclusion.

Just when the Heavenly Dao disrupted time and space and reversed reincarnation to send the emperors back, above the endless river of time and space, a monk wearing a ** Dao robe was strolling forward.

The long river of time and space is extremely dangerous, there are all kinds of unknown dangers, and some exotic beasts are born in the long river of time and space, and grow in the long river of time and space, so even ordinary Da Luo does not dare to walk in the long river of time and space at will.

And this monk in a Taoist robe was unhurried.

He is the man of Duo Bao Dao, and he has received the decree of the world to find the one who killed him 'he and me'.

If we talk about the way of cause and effect, there are very few that are comparable to Lingshan, and after coming out of the Great World of Journey to the West, he has been deducing cause and effect all the time, but he still has no clue.

However, although the person who beheaded him 'he and me' is not deduced from the way of cause and effect, he still has some clues.

As long as he goes on like this, he will see the man.

"Thou shalt not speak, incomprehensible, unthinkable, unattainable, unkeepable, unlived, unstayed, uncome, ungoing, unbroken, unempty..."

Duo Bao Dao people stared, only to see a young man walking leisurely, there were mantras sounding from him, ten fingers playing with inexplicable things, look closely, but it is ten universes.

"Monk, stop."

"Why did Daoist stop me?"

"The person you are looking for is related to me, so stop."

Wang Chao stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes moved slightly, naturally suppressing the four poles, and pushing the diverse spirit.

"It seems that Daoist friends must stop me."

Duo Bao Dao people have no sorrow or joy.

Wang Chao moved slightly, the kind of suppressing everything, the endless supreme aura swept the long river of time and space.

"Monk, since I know who the person I am blocking is, how can I not prevent your way of cause and effect, and I want to deduce from me, I am afraid that it is delusional."

Suddenly, Wang Chao smiled casually: "Of course, if you deduce it, maybe you will be scared to death." "

The eyes of the people of Duo Bao Dao condensed slightly, Wang Chao's momentum was too strong, that breath, vast, boundless, encompassing thousands of people, inclusive and diverse, and his martial will was incredible.

From Wang Chao, he saw a domineering aura that pushed across diversity and suppressed Daqian.

"Hit or go."

Wang Chao said lightly.

Duo Bao Daoist smiled: "Since there is a Daoist resistance ahead, then I will change direction." "

Although it was almost impossible to kill each other in the battle between a Da Luo and a Da Luo, just after meeting each other, Duo Bao couldn't help but feel jealous of Wang Chao in his heart, knowing that this person was invincible.

Wang Chao's eyes drooped, and he said indifferently: "I only block here, wherever the monk wants to go, it is up to the monk." "


Covering the world, Ying Zheng frowned slightly, his five fingers moved slightly, carefully calculated, for a long time, he frowned:

"I didn't figure it out... Odd...... This feeling..."

With his way of cause and effect, if he can't calculate it, either the other party's way of cause and effect is not inferior to him, or the other party's strength is far better than him.

Just now, he felt that he had fallen into a big cause and effect.

This cause and effect is a bit heavy, a little big, and the cause and effect that must be returned.

"Who the hell is it? Let me owe such a big cause and effect? "

After calculating for a long time, Yue Zheng came to a vague result.


Ying Zheng pondered in his heart: "It is related to the Buddha, it must not be the Buddha of the Sky Covering World, and the Buddha of the Sky Covering World is not qualified to let me owe such a big cause and effect... So...... What is a Buddha? "

He never expected that the Xie Yuan he killed at that time turned out to be the 'he and me' of the Duo Bao Dao people.

These Da Luo have endless 'He I' in the heavens and realms, and no one knows who or where their 'He I' is except himself.

The relationship between 'him and me' and the ontology is not small, and killing 'him and me' will be found by the ontology.

I have to say it's too pitted.

And he tried to avoid contact with Wang Chao in the world of dragon and snake interpretation, that is, he was afraid of the last Wang Chao who played time and space as mud, but he did not expect to owe a big favor.

The realm of these two people is far beyond the current Ying Zheng, and if it weren't for Ying Zheng's mastery of the way of cause and effect, he really wouldn't have a dark feeling.

He was proficient in the way of cause and effect, and actually felt in the ethereal that he suddenly owed a big cause and effect.

"This feeling, it's really bad."

Zheng Huan sighed, as the emperor of Great Qin, he hated this feeling of not being in control.

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